MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The Obama economic boom continues.

The Obama economic boom continues.

A year or so after Obama left office, we are still benefiting from his bold leadership.

The future is uncertain, however, with a new president. We are due to start feeling the effects of his policies and leadership soon. Trumps erratic personality and shortsighted approach to economics are bound to have consequences.


Gina Haspel confirmed as CIA's first female director.

Trump 1
Obama 0



in academia they are crazed hardcore about “ideas” since that’s their bread-and-butter.



How are objective facts gleaned from viable sources considered to be "fantasy"?



I guess you also think that comparing solid bars of gold to maggot infested turd-water is also "a bit subjective"?



1. Singapore is 100% independent from China.

2. English is not an official language of Taiwan.



We all interpret things according to our own minds.







Obama was very successful in creating a boom in healthcare premiums. 500% increases and more. Plus keeping your own doctor resulted in losing your doctor and insurance a half dozen time in a few years.



I asked first, you still haven't answered. So until you do, bye Felicia.



Just remember that Bubba's pwn and r l33t.



Torturing terrorists doesn’t suddenly make our worldview the same as those we are torturing.



Last time I checked women aren’t forced in America to cover up from head to toe and they can leave the house after 8pm if they want to. Torturing someone who’s innocent doesn’t suddenly make our world views the same, they still have laughable bad beliefs and we still have vastly better ones.



Which Islamic countries are more friendly towards females? Now you’re talking out of your ass buddy. It’s not controversial to say that all Muslim countries have inferior beliefs than America does, especially when it comes to women. There are women CEO’s and women Billionaires in this country, the highest a woman can get in the Middle East is on top of the living room cupboard.... if the chain even reaches that far.

Wait so I should care more for Americans that get falsely tortured than brown folks? Are you advocating racism? The people who are being tortured are involved in terrorism against this country you idiot, our government isn’t just grabbing a random dude out of Starbucks and water boarding them for kicks. These people are at the very least guilty by association, that’s good enough for me to electrocute their nuts until they tell the god damn truth.



How many people died on September 11th? Yet you want me to care about 1 guy who missed 3 seasons of “Modern Family”? Get your priorities straight buster.

You can’t conflate 5 people who got innocently tortured to tens of thousands of people who died at the hands of Islamic extremists.

The followers of Islam who have fled the Middle East either don’t believe it’s nonsense or are terrorists themselves. No sane and rational human being would worship to a death cult unless they were brainwashed.



You're thinking is why

a) We really need to make voting less of a right and more of something you need to be tested for.
b) Golden Corral should REALLY not have wifi.



Sadly the Trump presidency is defeating democracy just fine as it is.



And maybe, just maybe, spend the time to build a candidate instead of using the shortcut that they are already known by the public. BOTH parties did this in 2016 and took shortcuts that would have led us to disastrous results regardless of who won....just different disasters.



It's what I said when people asked me in 2016 if I was voting Trump or Clinton....if someone hands you a vial of anthrax and a vial of small pox....the sane choice is to not pick either.



broad shoullders and a demanding neck put trump above obama in terms of pure masculine testosterone


That and trump only took a few weeks to set the economy on fire. Obama failed after 8 years. “1% growth the new norm. Let’s call it funemployment”

Record high unemployment under Obama.

Record low unemployment under Trump.

The choice of who’s the best president is obvious to anyone not obsessed with hate. And Trump still has 7 more years.




Obama was very successful in creating a boom in healthcare premiums. 500% increases and more. Plus keeping your own doctor resulted in losing your doctor and insurance a half dozen time in a few years.

Gotta love that free healthcare for all. Obamacarefail


What did Obama do to improve the economy? Be specific.


he printed 2 million more welfare cards to hand out to all black adults with an IQ below 95


That’s racist bro.


is racism bad or smth?


Wait, I'm confused. Is the economy booming because of Obama or is it going down in flames because of Trump? I wish you liberal morons would get your story straight.
