Trump’s ‘Animals’ Are MS-13 Members, Not All Illegal Immigrants
Here's how the LibTard MSM is Fake News. Compare what Trump said to their Lying Headlines.
President Trump, during a roundtable event discussing sanctuary cities yesterday, talking with Fresno County sheriff Margaret Mims:
SHERIFF MIMS: Thank you. There could be an MS-13 member I know about — if they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about it.
THE PRESIDENT: We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy. The dumbest laws — as I said before, the dumbest laws on immigration in the world. So we’re going to take care of it, Margaret. We’ll get it done.
I’d prefer if the president spoke more precisely and clearly, but it seems pretty clear to me that the president is referring to MS-13 gang members as animals. That, of course, is not what the media reported.
The New York Times: “Trump lashed out at undocumented immigrants during a White House meeting, calling those trying to breach the country’s borders ‘animals’”
HuffPost: “Trump Refers To Immigrants As ‘Animals.’ Again.”
Vox: “Trump on deported immigrants: ‘They’re not people. They’re animals.’”
The Washington Post: “Trump compares illegal immigrants to ‘animals’”