acelesson's Replies

chargers got a steal its about time Bond joined the fast and furious universe - those movies were trending in the Bond direction anyway. Maybe Vin enlists Bond to help the crew? The problem is every other Arnold remake/reboot is garbage. They would probably cast someone like Michael Cera to play the Arnie lead definite Entity vibes with getting thrown around by an invisible force. That being said, the entity scared the shit out of me when I watched it when I was a kid. imagine what it smells like Came out the same weekend as Saving Private Ryan thats a good Root beer!!!!! My guess is they didnt realize how big of a hit this movie was going to be with kids and wrote it out of his character. seriously the house the little girl lived in was 1980 as in the year of the Kubrick movie There needed a scene to get the bad guys over as ruthless and evil so you would enjoy the payoff of the sniper war. PLEASE....PLEASE......PLEAAAAAAASE I BELIEVE ITS MAGIC I wish they fleshed out Punks character a little more. Good monster design though, reminded me of something out of silent hill I hear you on the novel. I just started the audio book...about 4 hours in...kinda dragging on...and the overall premise sounds like a supernatural Terminator 2 sounds dumb The water on the side of the glass was one splash that split into 2... kinda like a cell I thought there general consensus was this was a "rogue" predator that didn't follow code...which is why Danny Glover was spared in the space ship they were an illuminati cult I wouldn't go to that extreme. Most audiences agree...look at the cinemascope and rotten tomatoes audience stores for reference all ages actually. An older couple walked out saying they didn't understand the movie at all the head was on the side of the road where the accident happened. The headless body was in the back of the Tracer.