I'd have to disagree. The "comedy" in the film really isn't funny. The writing is poor, especially some really painful dialogue. Punk, who I was a fan of once upon a time, isn't all that great of an actor. And the movie is, as far as I'm concerned, your typical modern horror film, complete with needless gross out shock moments, jump scares, nonsensical thin plot, face-palm worthy leaps of logic, etc.
As for the no "wokeness", I'd say it would be refreshing to see in a modern film, unfortunately this film has it, subtly and not so subtly. The main character is a stereotypical "evil straight white male", who actually has zero redeeming qualities, he's not likeable, he's not a nice guy, he is a real life "former" scumbag, cheats on his wife, etc. He's seduced by the ghost because he's bad, and "gets what's coming to him". Unfortunately, for no good or compelling reason, his dog and "best friend" also get it, because evil ghost/house.
And then after all that? The now widowed wife doesn't seem to act that bothered by the death of her dog, friend, and husband, and even STAYS in the house that killed them, with her newborn baby. Nonsensical to the extreme. If this is what people consider "good" nowadays, I don't know what to say. But in this man's opinion, it was a fairly bad film. I've certainly seen far worse. But it's just one of many especially poor modern horror films I've seen, most of which, ironically, on Netflix.