MovieChat Forums > Hereditary (2018) Discussion > Post your theater reactions *spoilers*

Post your theater reactions *spoilers*

The final 15 minutes of the film everyone was laughing at the Mary Poppins floating scenes as well as the naked bodies randomly appearing everywhere.

When the credits rolled, I was waiting for my friend to come out of the bathroom, everyone leaving the theater was saying how awful it was and/or how it wasn't remotely scary.


I am sure that it was mostly teens complaining. If there aren't enough jump scares, then the movie sucks according to them. They have been conditioned to react positively to jump scares; they are the human equivalent to Pavlov's Dog.


all ages actually. An older couple walked out saying they didn't understand the movie at all


Not sure what there was to understand. I think the story was told pretty well. Made perfect sense to me. It is a very well structured story. I guess it is true that most movies are targeted for 10 year olds.


I wouldn't go to that extreme. Most audiences agree...look at the cinemascope and rotten tomatoes audience stores for reference


It has an 8.1 on IMDB. Most people don't like a story with movies anymore. This has a solid story that actually goes somewhere. The performances are also Oscar worthy. I never look at what audiences think, because their frame of reference is quite myopic. Also it is well known that Hollywood does target movies to 10 year olds. This is because it captures the widest audience. If you don't believe me, look it up.

To me it seems that people just want to see the same thing over and over again. Very little innovation when it comes to Hollywood movies. When we get something different, audiences balk at it. That is a shame.


Modica, don't push your opinion down people's throats and don't presume that you know what will scare them.

As soon as I saw the occult ending I was immediately reminded of The Witch, and I HATED The Witch, with that arty-farty silly coven ending.




modica you and the punjab shillbot are the only idiots defending this garbage.


Yeah, thatโ€™s weird. The story was VERY easy to understand. That was the problem! It was like a primer from The Big Book of Basic Occult Horror Tropes.


To each his own. At least you have valid points, unlike some people here.




Incredulous is the word I would describe the audiences reaction to this movie. They were probably wondering what was it that they just sat through for 2 hrs +..

No one spoke throughout much of the movie & everyone was still pretty silent when it ended, with a few quips from people here & there when they were exiting the theater.


They sat through a movie that was truly horrifying. Jump scares rule the world of scary movies now. Who needs a story? Who needs interesting characters? Who needs a director who sets a mood of dread? Not most of the movie going audience that is for sure.


I love James Wan movies and he doesn't do FALSE jump scares. I was cringing during this movie expecting ANY jump scares, but there weren't really any at all, but I still found certain moments really unsettling.


Tonights audience were a mixture of giggles and jump like scared reactions.
Gabriel Byrne had some pretty funny reactions to the proceedings imo.


From his point of view, as the father, he was in a tragic situation... His wife and children were mentally ill, having inherited it from the grandmother...

He failed to protect his daughter and his wife was becoming ever more unhinged and triggering their son...

Very appropriate reactions from his point of view... During the seance scene and after he discovers the grandmother's body in the attic...


Glad I wasnโ€™t in your theater. Where I was the audience was more involved and there werenโ€™t any ill-mannered twerps ruining the mood for everybody else.


Three people were loudly snoring, two were saying "Oh come on..." My friend and I just wanted it over, and I was glad HE paid.




what were they saying "oh come on" to?


Some giggling teenage girls in the front row... Typical reaction to fear among that demo... ๐Ÿ˜‰

A snoring couple behind us by the last part of the movie... I initially thought it was a sound effect from the back of the theatre ๐Ÿ˜‚

Apart from that people were quiet and were appropriately freaked out at several scenes (the crash, the crow/pigeon scene, etc...)

Some discussion afterwards, people trying to make sense of it... One guy remarked that he really needed a drink after that...

I thought it was a good movie.. It attempted something more and the performances were stellar...


I saw Hereditary on the strength of its critical praise. Some people interested in the occult might be drawn to its creation of a "Moon Child" (not called that in the film) and the deliberate infusion of a spiritual being into a human body. There are scattered references to dissociative identity disorder and spiritualism. But it moves at a snails pace. At first i.was glad it wasn't trying to give the usual jump scares or rehash famous horror movie moments like James Wan did in the ridiculously overpraised The Conjuring. However, everyone's patience was worn thin by the.latter third of the film which doesnt exactly leap towards a climax so much as crawl towards one. It didnt help that one of the few pricipals in the cast is that boring actor Gabriel Byrne. Toni Collette tries her best but was so overwrought at times that people were laughing in the theatre. When the end credits started, a black girl stood up and said "That thing made 91 on Rotten Tomatoes?" Which made folks laugh in recognition. It has an ending that is more or less a theft of Rosemary's Baby.


Rotten Tomatoes means nothing. If you are going to see a movie based on the RT rating, then people shouldn't be going to Jurassic World. Its rating is 50%. I bet the girl screaming about the RT rating for Hereditary, was the first in line for Jurassic World. Will she scream how lousy JW was at the end. I doubt it.


You missed the point: if somebody goes to see Jurassic World knowing it has a RT or Metacritic score of 50 or so, you're not going to be surprised when it isn't very good. But if you see a movie garnering effusive near-universal acclaim from the critics, you expect the film to be above average and are disapoointed when it doesn't meet those expectations. That girl who stood up and made fun of the film for its Rotten Tomatoes rating spoke for all of us led to buy a ticket to Hereditary because critics were making sweeping hyberbolic statements like "Hereditary is the best horror movie since The Exorcist."


i liked Hereditary and agree with the rating. Such a dumb statement by the black girl is why people no longer go to movies much. People just have no class when they go out in public. She should just keep her opinions to herself and move on. Imagine screaming out something so stupid.


Sorry--the black girl is the one who got the laugh. The rest of us thought it was funny because pretty much everyone in the theatre (myself included) had bought the undeserved hype about Hereditary and we all had lost our patience with it by the end.


Did you talk to every person in the theater? It was inconsiderate that she said such a thing, especially not knowing if there were people in the theater who liked it. This kind of nonsense is why movie audiences are dwindling and also why 10 to 15 years from now there won't be many theaters around. No respect. From people constantly talking to others who can't stay off their damn phones, the movie experience is such a shit show. So many people I know won't go to the movies much anymore because of inconsiderate people who can't keep their opinions to themselves and their mouths shut. People with below average intelligence trying to be rock stars. Ridiculous.




its one of the worst movies of 2018. just be quiet, stop embarrassing yourself.


truly was


lets bump this to get more stories
