MovieChat Forums > Doctor Sleep (2019) Discussion > What did you enjoy or notice about this ...

What did you enjoy or notice about this amazing movie?

-Great diverse cast with no PC bullshit.
-Rebecca Ferguson is one beautiful lady.
-Glad they didn't write Danny off as being easily replaced like a Luke Skywalker. Even though Dan is older and his shine muddled due to age along with all that drinking, he still had vast amount of shine power left. Felt like Obi-wan was teaching the apprentice how to master her powers even though she was a smart cookie herself.
-When Rose the Hat engorged herself with the remaining captured shine, I thought she would've put more of a fight. She still couldn't match the others once released from their trapped boxes. I mean based on the emblems alone on the canisters, I thought they were past kings or great rulers with a lot of shine in them.
-Shine or dust or whatever it is is like a mashup of Highlander and Star Wars where the greater the talent a person has, the greater the shine (midichlorian). Only difference is the power doesn't seem to be given to one person but to anyone that inhales in that power.
-These so-called undead seem to be past people that were once shine users themselves but instead turned themselves into hunting others like them, to absorb their essence to boost their own power and live longer.


-Vampire flick without vampires
-Misandry got headshot.
-Ferguson carried the movie for me
-finale seemed forced and predictable


the house the little girl lived in was 1980 as in the year of the Kubrick movie
