MovieChat Forums > JunoItsBill > Replies
JunoItsBill's Replies
Haha yea I wondered the same thing. He even pointed out that they were stranded in the middle of the desert before he fell into the ancient city.
An opportunity for what exactly? To take another white character and change them to another race for what? As some kind of revenge? So, to prove how wrong it was to change characters to be white in the past, white characters should be changed to other races? Great way to prove a point. Or if not revenge, then what, an opportunity to attempt to bring caucasians down and raise up another race by stealing their creations and changing the race to “help” which ever group of people you feel allegiance to? In the hopes you didn’t write this just to stir some stuff up, what was your actual thought process, I’m honestly curious. I hope you surprise me and actually respond with a thought out reason. I’d enjoy to actually hear why people think changing movie characters’ races and sexes would make a difference in the world, because so far I’ve only heard bs from people about this topic.
The crash also set up the interaction with the kids riding bikes, where Anton asks for the kids shirt and tells them to say they didn’t see him there. Anton then gives one kid a $100 dollar bill, which immediately causes conflict between the two friends, as the other kid says “you know half of that is mine” and then they begin to argue with each other. I think that could be interpreted as showing how dishonest money can cause jealousy/greed/conflict between people. Just as how nearly, if not all, of the violence and evil done throughout the movie was caused because different groups of people and individuals all wanted the suitcase full of money. I’m also pretty sure that the $100 bill that Anton gives the kid has blood on it, which could be viewed as imagery alluding to the idea that money, specifically ill gotten money, corrupts and causes damage/violence/conflict. Two friends riding bikes together happily + a bloody $100 from Anton to lie = The friends arguing and fighting (which leads to who knows what between them). Just as Moss hunting + finding suitcase of money at a drug deal gone wrong massacre = the destruction of him, his wife, and a bunch of other people with varying degrees of connection to the money.
Wow I was thinking that a lot of this movie reminds me of RE7 while I was just watching it for the first time now. Especially when Fool is running around when he first goes to the house and is trying to avoid Daddy by crawling through the vents/walls to get around him and try to find a way out. That made me think of the beginning of RE7 when you break out of the chair and are trying to hide from Jack and discover a way out of the area you’re locked in. That plus the general disarray and creepy items scattered around the houses with secret passages in both the movie and the game really gave me a similar feeling. I’m about done replaying the new RE2 remake, watching this makes me want to start playing RE7 again. 7 is one of my favorite games, it’s got such a creepy and scary atmosphere, and the suspense/terror in the beginning when you have to escape into the mansion while Jack is searching for you is unreal. I’ve never played a game that freaked me out as much before. Waiting for the crawl space hatch to open and trying to get in before Jack bursts in and gets you was truly terrifying haha. Scariest Resident Evil game, and video game in general, I’ve ever played, followed by the recent RE2 remake.
There would still be mineral deposits in the earth regardless of if the machines nuked the world’s population and military centers. The machine could still mine iron ore and other minerals from the earth. The ore/mineral deposits would have been protected from the radiation since they are buried deep within the earth. And even if the machine found caches of metals left behind by humans in industrial areas that were exposed to radiation, it wouldn’t really matter to them anyway, they could still use the metal. It’s not like a healthy ecosystem is necessary for there to be minerals buried within the earth, or that nuclear bombs being detonated around the world would make them disappear or become unusable. Maybe I misunderstood your question, but nuclear bombs killing the vast majority of human life would not impact the machines’ ability to extract metals from the earth, or destroy all of the ore/minerals inside the earth’s crust. And skynet already had control over lots of facilities and factories to produce more machines, and continued to produce more/different types of robots after the war started.
I know this is very old but I just had to comment. “The only thing that limits how how long we can grip something is our pain threshold” Wow just wow. I guess muscles/ligaments/tendons/bones don’t limit grip strength at all? If only I didn’t feel pain I could drag 50+ people hanging off of my with my two hands gripping a pipe. Do people really think before they respond? I mean when I used to read YouTube comments I nearly lost all faith in my fellow man, but to see this kind of stupidity everywhere I look... I’d be ok if people were just idiots in private, but to assert your stupidity as if you were being more intelligent than others is just growing and growing. I think I’m going to go with my initial instincts which are that 99% of people are absolute dumbasses and I should ignore everyone. Sorry I just had to say something after ingesting intoxicating substances and continuously reading other peoples’ “thoughts and opinions.” At least I know have a better understanding of why most of the shit I read is incredibly ridiculous and ill informed.
I totally disagree, it was an ok movie, I’m not a huge fan of comic book movies to begin with though. I definitely like some movies based off comic books, but with all of these super hero movies I rarely feel really invested in the outcome bc I already know that in the end the good guys will always prevail. Even at the end of this movie, I immediately knew that they were going to pull some ridiculous way that was going to stop Thanos from killing half the population of the universe and bring back the heroes who died. Whereas in a lot of other movies I don’t feel like the good guys are essentially invincible and the villains’ plots will always be foiled. Without giving it much thought, sci-fi movies (being somewhat loose with the definition of sci-if) that I think are better off the top of my head would be the original Terminator, Alien, 12 Monkeys, Constantine, Unbreakable, Equilibrium, Minority Report, The Matrix, Moon, Solaris, hell I even enjoyed the original Total Recall than this movie. I’m just not that impressed with cgi fights, I consider the best movies to be ones with more interesting plots that make you think about things and strange/interesting/unique/mind bending concepts that you can really delve into and discuss their meanings and implications (Not saying every movie I listed is like that). In order to be “possibly the greatest sci-fi movie of all time” I feel like the plot would have to be more thought provoking than super powerful alien is trying to collect 6 stones that will allow him to snap his fingers and make half the universes population cease to exist, but the heroes have to stop him! The only somewhat redeeming aspect of the plot is that Thanos believes that this will help the universe by culling all populations before they exceed the carrying capacity of the universe/its resources and doom everyone. He definitely has a point, which I would have enjoyed having some of the good guys at least consider, not all immediately blow off as crazy.
That’s an awesome story. You described it extremely vividly. I’d love to go see movies in old theaters like that. That’s awesome of your dad to give you an experience like that though, great idea to leave you by yourself to see it, that must have made the experience even scarier and more exciting. Knowing that you’re not even supposed to be in there watching it, and you’re by yourself, and you’re crapping your pants because your a kid seeing an all time great horror movie, wow he set you up perfectly. Kinda reminds me of when my dad showed me The Terminator when I was like 10, although it was in my basement haha, it was still awesome to see a classic mind blowing sci-if movie of that caliber while being so young, which was pretty damn scary for a kid, my mom would have said I couldnt watch it bc of my age so we had to tell her we were watching something else but I don’t remember what we said it was.
Lol wow, I’m surprised no one commented on this. You really did great writing that, good job! You can actually sing those lyrics and they fit right in with the song. And great idea with combining a happy Christmas song with Alien horror elements lol. I’d like to hear someone sing that along to the song, other than myself in my head. (Not about to start singing these lyrics right now, my family would be like wtf are you doing lol) but good job, keep it up and write some more cheerful holiday songs combined with horror movies and their violence haha
Also didn’t they say that the model that Arnold is was designed for infiltrating human bases by using its humanlike appearance? So maybe it was designed with more of that in mind rather than just purely being as indestructible as possible. I would imagine that they have heavier duty models made for purely combat, with survivability as more of focus, that would better be able to withstand a massive explosion feet away from it without needing 15 seconds to get back to its feet. And who knows, maybe a freak piece of shrapnel damaged a power source/conduit and required a reboot to reroute power (as was previously mentioned). Also, it was shown that a small pipe bomb was able to blow its entire body in half, so a gas truck exploding while he’s sitting in the cabin seems reasonable to cause enough damage to require it to temporarily shutdown. Maybe the heat was so intense that it had to enter some different self preservation mode to protect its computer systems, then once the heat dropped low enough it was able to boot up again.
I think some of the specifics vary from state to state, but I’m pretty sure that in order for you to use lethal force in self defense a lot of criteria needs to be met. More so than most people would think. One of the criteria in most states is you can’t use force if you can easily leave the situation/flee or difuse it in another way. Hence the controversy with the “stand your ground law.” If you have your car next to you, and are being harassed by people behind a fence, you are legally supposed to get in your car and leave. Not go over to them and beat them to death because “you’re fearing for your life” Lol. A lot of places also require you to use a roughly equal amount of force, such as if they were threatening to beat you up, and before you are even hit you, you can’t pull out a pistol and shoot them in the face. I’m not a lawyer or legal expert, but just from what I’ve read on this topic, claiming self defense when you kill someone isn’t something you can do in a ton of situations. There are a lot of variables that will be taken into consideration when determining if you are justified in killing another person in a public place. You would have to show that it was a legitimate threat to your life, you are unable to reasonably flee, and you have to respond to the situation with a reasonable level for force, and they have to continue trying to attack/kill you the entire time. Ex, if someone pushes you hard, then you punch them in the face and they stop/try to leave, you can’t continue beating them or pursue them to continue attacking them. Once the threat stops, you are supposed to stop also. It’s interesting and potentially useful info to know, I recommend you read up on it. I am going to myself now as I realize there are a lot of areas I’m unsure of. Especially my particular states’ laws.
It doesn’t matter if he did “something wrong” or not. Their friend being killed made all of them extremely emotional and angry, they felt vengeful so they took it out on the only surviving enemy soldier there. They blamed him for their friend’s death, as he was one of the enemy soldiers who attacked them. None of them stopped to think “hey was this enemy soldier actually the one who fired the shot that killed him? Well he was only doing his duty so I better not overreact and kill him.” When someone’s buddy is shot and dies a slow agonizing death in front of them, I wouldn’t really expect them to react rationally toward any of the enemies who were just trying to kill all of them. For them he embodied the reason they were there fighting the war and the reason their comrades were getting killed.
Regardless of if you believe in the subject matter or not does not determine if you can enjoy its entertainment value. If that were true then anyone who doesn’t believe in superheroes would not enjoy any superheroe movies, or believe in supernatural beings for horror movies with antagonists like Nightmare On Elm Street/Child’ Play/It/any movie involving aliens, or believing in dragons and an undead race for Game of Thrones, and so on. But to answer you’re direct question, despite being 3 years old (people do look through old posts and read the conversations), no, you do not have to be religious in any regard to enjoy this movie. It’s not accurate to what is taught in Christianity, more like inspired by and draws ideas from the religions. But if you know about Christianity then it may help you understand where a lot of the significance of some items and rituals come from (Ex. What holy water is, sins and their forgiveness, heaven and hell, and some of the holy artifacts they use.) but most of that is briefly explained during the movie anyway. This is not a Christian movie, and does not require the viewer to be religious in any way to have fun watching the it. It’s more of a fantasy/supernatural type movie. I’d roughly equate your question to “do I need to be Christian to enjoy watching The Exorcist,” or “do I need to believe in vampires to like the Blade movies.” So basically, watch the movie and see if you like it for its entertainment value, this movie in no way was meant to preach Christian beliefs.
I absolutely agree with you, I thought it was a great movie. It had a unique feel to it, I’ve seen other movies that involve supernatural/religious themes, but this one seemed different and didn’t go overboard with all of the strange religious artifacts and other item so with supernatural powers but still had a lot of cool and interesting ones. Plus A Perfect Circle is always in my top 3 favorite bands, so that was just another bonus for me in it.
Holy shit man!!! No way, for real though?!?! Like, you’ve never once, ONCE, accidentally ended up watching the entire move without turning it off, missing part of it, or anything? That shit is unreal bro, you gota hit up the Guinness Book of World Records or something. I’m so goddamn astounded that you’ve NOT seen this movie, wow, just wow man... it’s just too unbelievablely insane to fathom something as rare as that! You’ve inspired me to go comment on some random movie that I haven’t seen, and be like “I haven’t seen this movie before.” LOLZZZ!!! I mean, can you even imagine someone doing that! Well of course you can, you’re the god who’s actually done that before! But the BALLS alone needed to make a comment like that, let alone the innovation and genius necessary... goddamn... you’re truly an inspiration to us all. Keep on breaking down barriers and pushing the limits man
Yea I know what the OP means. They’re saying it’s ok to change originally Caucasian characters to a different race, but then people get pissed and whine about racism if a character of a different race is changed to be Caucasian. OP is just pointing out a double standard that makes it ok to replace white characters with other races, but don’t you dare change any nonwhite characters to be white, since doing that is apparently the “progressive” and “better” thing to do.
I’m pretty sure it’s stated in the movie that they had been building a wall around the city (I think it was Jerusalem) for 2 millennia. They managed to finish it shortly before things got out of hand in regard to the zombie epidemic.
I’d take all the food/supplies out of my basement and kitchen up to my attic that has pull down stairs. I’d also fill up all my sinks, bathtubs, buckets, bottles, cups, and anything that else that can hold water. I’d fortify my doors and windows too, but spend most of my time in the attic, especially during the initial panic, and be as quiet as possible and not use any lights that could be seen from the outside. I’d listen to the radio a lot initially to hear about what’s going on, then I’d keep it off and check it every so often to conserve batteries (I need to buy a couple of those emergency hand crank powered radio and a few flashlights actually lol). And if the situation lasts longer than my supplies, I’d start quietly looting the surrounding empty houses, working farther and farther out as the situation permits. I’d assume all of the stores have been looted for all of the obvious stuff, but maybe there will still be edible items left behind like pet food. For a weapon I’d carry a machete, an aluminum baseball bat, and a variety of knives and long sharpened screwdrivers to stab through the eyes and ears to reach their brains quickly and quietly. I’d also make some lightweight spears out of sharpened broom handles, or by attaching sharp metal to wooden tool handles. And once I was low on supplies, but still had enough to load up backpacks/dufflebags with food/water I’d start my journey on bicycle toward wherever the radio said was a safe haven, if there were any, hopefully being able to make radio contact with them first to ensure it’s still safe and to let them know I’m coming and determine how to get inside safely without being attacked/eaten or leading the zombies to a weak point in their defenses. If there wasn’t any safe haven area, I’d go for a remote large body of water/river to use as a food/water source and make a hidden treehouse for shelter, maybe even locate a small island that I could live on. Lol wow I really put some thought into this.
My God! You’re totally right about him looking great, referring to his body composition. He no longer has those love handles and side fat, he looked like he got in much, much better shape. He actually gained 12 lbs since his Wilder weighin weight. And those 12 lbs of muscle really appears to have increased his punching power, his jabs seemed to have a significantly harder impact. I was totally sure the fight was going to be completely one sided, and it was, but he put on a show. When he dodged like 4-5 punches in a row with crazy head movement, then just went off on him and dropped him to one knee, wow that was amazing. He’s got one more “easy” opponent, then it’s onto the Wilder rematch. I wonder what the money line is going to be for that fight.
I think you are underestimating the amount of deaths that are attributable to this disaster. Didn’t the government try to hid as much damage as possible and downplay how bad it was in every regard? Im not sure how the UN investigating after the fact, into a highly secretive entity such as the USSR could manage to pull accurate numbers as to how many people actually died from this event. I’m sure any “facts” they were provided with were altered. And how could they know the cause of death for people they don’t even know existed? Relying of the Soviet Governemnt to tell them the names of all those impacted by this and their causes of death? Do you honestly believe that only 47 people died as a result of this disaster? There were increases in cancer rates among people even relatively close to the disaster site, especially among children at the time. I find it hard to believe that something like this could happen, with a delayed evacuation and continuous denial of the magnitude of the problem, and the bare minimum, if not less being done in nearly every stage, would only result in 47 deaths.