JunoItsBill's Replies

I’d assume it’s because you need to penetrate deep into the brain. A zombie’s body on fire wouldn’t instantly destroy their brain, after a while it would destroy it, but not in a few seconds. And no, prodding or punching a zombie in the chest does not kill it. If you think that then you must not have watched the show. If by “taking them down” you simply meant to knock them to the ground, then that happens because they have poor balance/coordination and the impact of the hit causes them to fall over. So I don’t see how you think setting a zombie on fire would cause them to lose their balance. I don’t think he hated him. He hooked up with D’s girl because she’s hot and D is in prison for a long time, plus he is paying for her house/car/etc. nothing personal about it, he would have done that to anyone except maybe Avon. And he had him killed because he nearly ratted once, then decided to be loyal to Avon and all of them, but then he started to hate Avon and said he wanted nothing to do with them. That led Stringer to conclude that D would end up flipping, it was just a matter of time. He didn’t consult Avon because he didn’t think Avon would be ok with it, as D is his nephew. So to protect them all and the business he had him killed in a way that Avon wouldn’t know it was him. I think the killing was all business, and having sex with D’s girl was just because he was attracted to her, it wasn’t a way to screw D over or anything like that. 1. Resident Evil 2. Apocalypse The rest I disliked so much that I can’t even remember which ones were which. I absolutely love the resident evil video games, aside from 5 and 6 which were mediocre at best. Thats why I enjoy the first two movies probably as I’m biased in favor of almost anything resident evil. But 5 n 6 of the games is when they went with the action route and ignored what made resident evil special, supposedly after seeing the sales figures of games like Call of Duty. Now since they refocused on survival horror in 7 and the remake of 2 I’m loving them again. I highly recommend playing 7 and the remake of 2. It’s unnecessary to play the previous games to enjoy them, 7 is essentially standalone except some tie ins explored late game. And 2 is from the perspective of two people who have no knowledge of 1 and 0 so it’s fine to not know the background. Def going to buy the remake of 3 when it’s out in a couple weeks, I recommend you do the same if you enjoy video games, especially if you enjoy the horror or survival horror genre. Sorry for the ramble but I’ve had a couple drinks and love this series haha Yeah I agree. I also think that they should build additional walls farther away from their communities. They don’t have to be super strong or tall, but sturdy enough to kind of steer the walkers away from getting closer to the community. They could be far enough away so that the walkers can’t see or hear the community, so they’d have no stimuli to make them try to break through the walls. Instead, they’d just move along them and be routed around the community and pass by it without ever getting close enough to be attracted to the people in it. His most impactful, astounding, thought provoking, deeply emotional, and controversial, yet quotable line that had the entire world contemplating its true meaning philosophically, metaphorically, and literally... “I did 20 fuckin years!” My second favorite quote - “And in light of recent humiliations, it's a honor to be joined by men and no faggot-ass corn-holing cocksuckers like married my cousin! He should fucking die!” (Followed by not Phil but still hilariously) “Phil... you know the wine makes you emotional.” Additional quotes - “Take your ‘sorries’ and stick em in your ass!” “Let me tell ya a couple of tree dings” “That’s right cocksucker! Go back to New Jersey!” “I guess the turd doesn’t fall far from the faggot’s ass” “Bye-bye grandpa!” “What if he takes a turn for the worse? I’m gonna hand her a $100,000 and he dies the next day? It’d be money down the drain.” And one of my favorites, although it’s not a Vito quote, is right after Tony’s mother dies and everyone’s arriving at his house. Tony tells a couple people he needs to speak with them outside, then just as he goes to leave, outa nowhere he says “Vito, have a sfogliatella.” Haha that’s so hilarious to me for some reason. “Oh! Finally! I’m startin’ to grow mushrooms outa my ass!” Haha I really hope he does. I’d absolutely love it. Hopefully Mick uses completely uses him for his own gain then murders him. I never liked Smitty, now I hate him due to his recent actions/decisions. And how he’s always crying about something. It’s not that the climate isn’t changing, it’s that the Earth goes through cycles of ice ages and heating up, back and forth. Remember how much of North America was covered in glaciers during the last ice age? Yet it got warmer and warmer, well before industry and cars. There scientific evidence of multiple ice ages followed by warming periods. Now, many studies are politically motivated and funded by people who want the studies to come back with results saying it’s all mankind’s fault. I’m not saying that we have no impact in the Earth’s climate, but I feel that it is exaggerated. But all of that aside, regardless of our opinions on that, a lot of people are disagreeing with how these “climate activists” are trying to go about making change. I’m all for helping the environment, but not when this “help” means screwing the U.S. over while doing nothing about the real major polluters such as China, India, developing countries that don’t even try to not pollute. Look up facts and statistics of how much pollution the U.S. produces, then compare it to other countries, while keeping in mind population and economic size differences. Why should the U.S., who already is producing significantly less pollution and continues to do better and better, bend over backwards to screw itself and it’s people over while other, way worse polluters do nothing to improve on this and just get worse. Regardless of you’re opinion on manmade climate change, that aspect cannot be ignored. This is all just my opinion, so please, in the spirit of what the U.S. is supposed to stand for, do not respond to this with insults and personal attacks while ignoring any points I made. I’m all for constructive arguments/conversation about this topic. Not people covering their ears while screaming “you’re wrong! You’re stupid! Idiot! I’m right you’re wrong!” And only reading info that backs up what they already believe. Which seems to happen with everyone I speak to about any mildly controversial topic now. Look up what “shorting a stock is.” You’re basically betting that a stocks value will decrease. Remember in the James Bond movie with Daniel Craig “Casino Royale” the villains origial plan was to massively short the airplane company’s stock, then blow up their prototype right before its demonstration. If this succeeded, the company’s stock would plummet and he’d make a killing. Claiming self defense is not as straight forward as most people think. If you’re honestly curious, and it’s good to know by the way, look up the laws in whichever states you’re curious about. It varies, what you can use to defend yourself, the level of force used vs. the threat level, and when to stop retaliating, opportunities to flee, many circumstances come into play. For instance, as a general rule, once the threat has stopped you are supposed to stop defending yourself. Ex. Someone pulls knife on you and runs at you, you then pullout your legal concealed carry and they turn and run, if you then shoot them you will probably be in trouble legally, depending on circumstances. Or, someone attacks you, you get into a fight and you knock them down, they’re lying on the ground, not moving/crawling away, and you then stomp their head a couple times and they die or go into a coma. You could get in trouble because the threat was neutralized but you still continued. It can be tricky to prove you were in legitimate fear for your life and responded accordingly without going too far. Look up “stand your ground” laws and other info. Interesting stuff Yeah that part made me roll my eyes. I get they’re trying to show how she’s a capable Donovan and not squeamish, but come one. You don’t go from being a completely innocent normal teenager to dismembering bodies with a chainsaw without hesitation or remorse that quickly. They could have made a more believable transition, or at least have her be somewhat messed up from doing those things. Regardless though, I still love this show. I always look forward to watching it, especially since Abby is gone. She was so goddamn annoying and petty. I totally agree. The main idea of the movie is great, had lots of potential, but some aspects felt stupid/ridiculous. Just like you mentioned, allowing two guys who showed up and basically said “yeah I know you’re side” to be shown the inner workings of everyone then conveniently having the one satellite dish thing that controls everything be on the roof, with no defenses, was pretty ridiculous. But I guess that’s just the kind of movie they were going for, or at least I hope. I kind of wish a more serious version of this movie, or at least it’s aliens taking over the world and tricking everyone except a small resistance who is trying to wake the public up plot was used in a more modern and serious/well thoughtout movie. Haha wow I don’t remember that, I stand corrected. Only thing I can think of to explain the apparent discrepancies, besides the writing, would be that it varies if someone gets infected like that depending on their immune system (how strong it is, how it reacts, etc.). But in light of that scene you referenced, it does seem inconsistent when contact with walker guts leads to infection. I’m going to go back and watch that scene again, thanks. Lol you expect a detective to “at least” buy a new car by himself just to give away? That’s kind of crazy. It’s not like detectives are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and can afford to buy new cars for other officers for catching high profile fugitives. I think winning the bottle of scotch is more about just being the cop who won the prize offer and made the arrest than the monetary value of the prize. It’s their job anyway, it’s not like their being asked to go on a suicide mission to do something that’s not in their job description. One theory is that the zombie virus causes the body to decompose at a much slower rate than human bodies would otherwise. Although it seems like a persons skin starts to decompose rapidly once they become a zombie, the decomposition process drastically slows down after the initial superficial rotting. As you’ve stated, you haven’t seen all of the episodes. They live an almost nomadic lifestyle, but they do have camps where they cook, eat, wash, etc. and generally stay in a specific area though, they just move around in it a lot. They just wear the masks during the day to control where the zombies go and use them to attack other groups. And the regular members were unaware of the large, successful, long term settlements. “Alpha said places like this can’t exist!” When told about the communities. Alpha has convinced all of them that places like that cannot last and everyone in them will die. This is also part of her motivation for trying to destroy the communities, so that her followers don’t start to realize that they can live like normal people in large, static communities and then try to leave her/revolt. I read that he was killed off because he wanted to renegotiate his contract since turning 18 and was having a larger role in the show, so he felt he deserved more money. Needless to say, the negotiation didn’t go over very well. Although I definitely agree with the whole “let’s get rid of all strong, moral male characters and replace them with women” bs that’s been going on. Especially if it’s a white male, then they have a target on their backs. I’m getting sick of watching small skinny women/girls beat up multiple trained, larger men constantly, or every male character be either a villain or an incompetent goofball. This doesn’t happen in all movies, but it seems to be more and more common. It’s actually kind of embarrassing for women that the media thinks they need to constantly be shown “girl power! We can do anything men can do, but better!” or else they won’t have any self esteem. They’ve only done it a couple of times, and always used ponchos/bedsheets to cover themselves up before spreading the guts on themselves. Whereas with Negan and Gabriel they had to apply the guts directly on their clothes. Negan had a thick leather jacket and didn’t get sick, Gabriel only had his normal shirt on and he got sick. Negan even said something along the lines of “We’ll have to risk it and gut up. Didnt any of your people get sick from this before?” Right when they were applying the zombie guts on themselves. So, I wouldn’t call that a plot hole, although maybe they could have showed gutting up as being more of a risk by having someone get mildly sick when having to gut up without using more protective layers in the past. Well there was dialogue between Alpha and Beta about how their pack has now seen the successful communities that have nice amenities and food/water. I don’t remember it word for word, but he brought up how since now the pack realizes that there are people living like actual people, that Alpha will have to act quickly to demonstrate why the pack should continue following her and her lifestyle. Which I think means that she must destroy their communities/show how weak and inferior they are before the pack has the time to think about how there are relatively good people living behind walls with a much higher quality of life, while the pack lives a pretty insane and grueling lifestyle. Lydia has mentioned earlier to Henry that Alpha said that places like their communities couldn’t exist, so I would assume that the pack follows her because they believe that living like the communities do is impossible/unsustainable and will lead to everyone living in them dying.