MovieChat Forums > The People Under the Stairs (1991) Discussion > Anyone thinks this was one of the inspir...

Anyone thinks this was one of the inspirations to the recent Resident Evil 7 game?

I mean similar themes of a large creepy house with an insane family, hidden passages, people being held hostages, mutant creatures and all


Wow I was thinking that a lot of this movie reminds me of RE7 while I was just watching it for the first time now. Especially when Fool is running around when he first goes to the house and is trying to avoid Daddy by crawling through the vents/walls to get around him and try to find a way out. That made me think of the beginning of RE7 when you break out of the chair and are trying to hide from Jack and discover a way out of the area you’re locked in. That plus the general disarray and creepy items scattered around the houses with secret passages in both the movie and the game really gave me a similar feeling. I’m about done replaying the new RE2 remake, watching this makes me want to start playing RE7 again. 7 is one of my favorite games, it’s got such a creepy and scary atmosphere, and the suspense/terror in the beginning when you have to escape into the mansion while Jack is searching for you is unreal. I’ve never played a game that freaked me out as much before. Waiting for the crawl space hatch to open and trying to get in before Jack bursts in and gets you was truly terrifying haha. Scariest Resident Evil game, and video game in general, I’ve ever played, followed by the recent RE2 remake.


RE 7 was also like Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 and 2, Evil Dead, The Thing, HG Welles's Dr Moreau, Breakdown, The Hills Have Eyes, Saw, The Shining etc. at times too
