MovieChat Forums > JunoItsBill
JunoItsBill (93)
Why didn’t Wesker...
If you worked at a bank that was being robbed
I found it refreshing that
Great show, but a couple small things annoyed me
They made Travolta’s character an idiot
I think having more city battles would have made it better
Pretty awesome movie
Does anyone know why...
I highly recommend reading the book
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Exactly. The U.S. had a core belief of the freedom to state your opinions without being censored or attacked for expressing your ideas in a nonviolent way, but now that freedom is under attack. Except currently if you speak out against, or even state your opinions/beliefs that contradict what the “woke” or “leftist” or “mainstream,” whatever you want to call it, happen to support this week, then they do everything in their power to ruin your reputation, livelihood, even safety and freedom, anything they can, as punishment for not agreeing with the. Yet they are sick/delusional enough to claim that everyone who doesn’t think and act as they want are the fascist bigots who must be stopped. It’s like a terrible joke, except it’s reality. I’m all for differing opinions and beliefs, but don’t punish, silence, and ostracize everyone who doesn’t conform to your ideals, that is not what this country is supposed to be about.
It’s as if they pretend to encourage freedom of ideas and beliefs, except if those ideas/beliefs don’t line up with theirs, then they attack you and claim you are real as accepting and enlightened as they are so you no longer deserve the right to express yourself. If you don’t think and act exactly as they want, then you’re an intolerant bigot, nazi fascist who silenced opposing ideas. It’s so hypocritical and pathetic that it makes me sad that so many think that way. It’s dangerous and bad for the country and it’s people.
It’s truly great to see all of the people on this thread that have actual critical thinking skills. I’m 28 and it seems that 90% of my peers are insane, brainwashed left wing “tolerant” and “enlightened” fools. I hate how people claim to be inclusive, understanding and compassionate, except when you don’t 100% agree with them and CNN, then suddenly you are an intellectually inferior bigot, racist, fascist who’s opinions and facts are stupid and should be corrected. Free speech and freedom of expression only apply when you are in total agreement with them and help bolster their echo chamber of asinine ideas that demonstrate no understanding of history and what the real world is like. They sit in Starbucks claiming how terrible and evil the U.S., how oppressed certain groups of people are and that the U.S. is one of worst countries to live in. Meanwhile there is large scale terrible violence, slavery, people getting disappeared for speaking out against the government, sent to the black prisons for their religious beliefs, starvation/malnourishment, people suffering/dying from easily curable diseases/conditions, women having basically no rights, and extreme racism in many countries around the world. But yeah, the U.S. is really one of, if not the most evil and terrible places to live because there’s a republican president. It makes me sick how it’s now cool and “enlightened” to hate on America, capitalism, all police officers, and law and order.
I think if they just had one shot to do it with the boat/gear they initially had, I’d pick Quint. He was willing to do whatever it takes, even sacrificing his life and boat to kill Jaws. Quint has more experience and is tougher, he basically is fearless and will stop at nothing to kill Jaws. Quint is probably my overall favorite character from any movie. The character was great, written extremely well, but Shaw brought Quint to a legendary level. Such a memorable and unique character.
But if it was just to eventually kill Jaws, as in allowing multiple attempts, returning to land for different boats and supplies, etc., then I’d pick Hooper. He knows when he is outmatched and is willing to swallow his pride and admit defeat to live another day and come back with better equipment.
Wow I’ve never read something as stupid and naive as what you wrote. “What would even happen if a critic were called “racist, sexist, etc.” do you not read the news or have any idea of what’s going on in the U.S.? “Who is going to say a critic is racist?” People are actively trying to be offended and interpreting everything in the most racist way possible, then proceed to “cancel” the purported offenders. As in ruin their careers and reputation, threatening them, that sort of thing.
That is a reason why people fear being called racist now moreso than in the past. But all of this involves how now people are selectively outraged by specific instances of racism. I can rip the culture, history, appearance, any kind of personal attacks, stereotypes, whatever I want, as long as it’s against certain groups of people, but if someone even “perceives” me looking crosseyed at other groups my career would be in jeopardy. I could be publically vilified by groups of people online who actively try to blow everything out of proportion and context to do harm.
Regardless of your position on this sort of thing, I cannot believe that you are asking those questions. You’re basically saying (regardless of if the accusation is truthful/legitimate) “what’s the big deal if you get accused of sexual harassment at work? Why would you be more worried about that happening than 40 years ago? What bad things could possibly come from those accusations and who would even file a complaint or make a big deal about it?”
It probably had more to do with him being absolutely massive.
I disagree, you can definitely rewatch the Game of Thrones, except the last two seasons. Before the show drastically goes to shit, it was terrific. Even if the doesn’t close out the last good season in a way that wraps every active plot up I still think it’s worth rewatching just based on how great it is. There are so many interesting minor characters and plot lines that I had nearly forgotten about. It’s also enjoyable to rewatch it because it’s easier to understand peoples’ motivations for their actions and all of the foreshadowing, I appreciated the writing even more the second time around. I stopped watching it my second time through when the 5th season ended and I enjoyed every minute of it.
As far as Dexter is concerned, I stopped watching it after season 4 originally aired and just fell out of it by the time season 5 aired. I’ve recently been thinking that I should rewatch the show again and this thread has inspired me to do so, although I’m dreading the infamously terrible seasons haha.
I totally agree. Yeah sure, Legasov is extremely intelligent and has been predicting/handling every situation nearly flawlessly, but he doesn’t think that firefighters spraying water into the reactor and surrounding area would cause water to build up anywhere. Instead, he needs a woman miles away, who is such a hard worker that she literally sleeps at her desk at night then wakes up and continues to work over the weekend, to wake up and immediately figure out that the disaster happened and travel there to save the day.
I agree with you. It’s also kind of ridiculous because they really tried to make everything as accurate as possible (with some exceptions), they hired actors who look very similar to the real person they’re portraying, made highly accurate sets, followed accurate timelines, made nearly everything as realistic and close to history as possible. Yet they decide to add in this fabricated female character who hugely influences multiple major historical events.
They probably justify doing this by saying “oh it’s easier to follow if we condense these multiple people into just one.” But come on, it’s not like there’re condensing 15 different people, it’s only 3! They could have easily added in 2 more characters and made all 3 of them faithful to history and pay the real people the respect they absolutely deserve.
I’m surprised they didn’t just change Legasov into a female and maybe have Shcherbyna rapeing women and yelling about how superior men are before Khomyuk verbally destroys him and avenges his crimes against women. Or maybe they could have made Legasov totally incompetent and rely on Khomyuk to figure everything out and prevent further damage. Oh! They could also have Khomyuk and a few other women, maybe an Asian lesbian, bisexual African, and a trans, just punch threw the debris to reach the core and gather all of the radioactive materials strewn about then carry all of it onto a super spaceship they designed and built themselves and fly it to the moon where they safely dispose of it. Then on the way back they encounter an evil race of aliens coming to destroy the world but they use their girl powers to destroy the aliens. And finally once they make it back and are hailed as the greatest heroes ever, they give a speech on how women are better than men and how straight white men are responsible for everything wrong, then demand all of the rich give their money away to everyone else. They then create a super government that owns all of the worlds resources, money, businesses, and property, which decides how much everyone is given. The only thing the people need to do in return is listen to the government, do what it says, rat out anyone who questions the authorities or thinks for themselves. So, especially they’d be showing the best way for everything to work and who should control the world.
Another thing is that Ulana Khomyuk (Emily Watson) is a fictucious character. I guess they needed to add a female main character who is very intelligent, helps prevent a second disaster by pointing out something that should be fairly obvious to Legasov, then leads the way to figuring out what caused the disaster. This was pretty surprising to me because of how hard they strived to be as historically accurate as possible. They hired actors who looked as close to the real people as possible, made the sets look as authentic/accurate as possible, followed nearly exact timelines, etc., then they decide to add in a ficticious main character who majorly impacts multiple series of events. I guess they felt they needed to compress multiple people doing different things into a single character to make things cleaner and less confusing, then chose a woman because nearly every other character was a man.
But I disagree with you about how you think that the female characters were all portrayed as smarter, wiser and “emotionals” (I don’t know what that was supposed to mean, emotional maybe?) due to the firefighters wife Lyudmila. She definitely did not make wise decisions, other than choosing not to go to the bridge to watch the fire with her neighbors. She recklessly endangered her unborn child by continuously staying with her radioactive husband despite multiple warning. “Don’t touch him in anyway, stay for no more than 30 minutes and you can’t be pregnant.” Then “stay on the other side of the plastic barrier.” She immediately goes inside the plastic and places his hand on her stomach and continuously holds it there. It’s one thing to put yourself at extreme risk like that to comfort your dying husband, but it’s something else entirely to do that while pregnant. Exposing a baby to deadly dose radiation, obviously a baby can’t understand the situation and give consent to be exposed. She frustrated and angered me to extreme degrees.
He’s going to drive until he gets hungry, then stuff his face with cheeseburgers and yell “I did it bro!” as he blows his brains out in a Burger King parking lot.
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