If that's the case, I kinda see the show's point, as his acting abilities aren't exactly "top dollar worthy". Ideally, you'd hope that something could be worked out, but you know that the suits will never budge on money, and changing actors mid-show is always a weird thing, but... It's a shame that the show's quality and the fans are, ultimately, the ones that take the brunt of the damage.
Totally agree. I just don't understand why realistic strong women aren't enough. They're all across America, everyday, as are strong men. I understand that there have been larger-than-life male action heroes; your James Bonds, Jason Bournes, etc. But, it's weird to me that in shows/films in this modern movement, basically every single female involved is a Bond or Bourne. And, yeah, sure, this exists with men as well, in things like "The Expendables", but like in that movie, the concept has a sense of humor about itself. It's in on the joke. Although, with these "strong woman" shows and films, we're actually supposed to take it serious. Very serious. And, if you don't, you're an incel, or misogynist, or just an overall bad guy. I'm not sure what the "hot word" insult is for women that feel like we do. I think their opinions may just be swept under the rug.