So fire...

Doesn't seem to do much to the zombies yet little prods with sharp objects to the head or chest or a punch is all it takes to take them down... rite.

Also that part where a whisper walks slowly up to Julie and she easily kills him because he literally did nothing but stroll up to her... I wonder how you guys manage to keep watching this show for 10 years and keep telling your brain to not mind all the stupid crap the writes put on in this show (yeah, I am a victim too).


its takes discipline , patience and stubbornness!

Ive just dived back in after a few months absence and watched the last 6 eps or so.
Its like watching a soap opera , same shit at a slow pace ....


I’d assume it’s because you need to penetrate deep into the brain. A zombie’s body on fire wouldn’t instantly destroy their brain, after a while it would destroy it, but not in a few seconds. And no, prodding or punching a zombie in the chest does not kill it. If you think that then you must not have watched the show. If by “taking them down” you simply meant to knock them to the ground, then that happens because they have poor balance/coordination and the impact of the hit causes them to fall over. So I don’t see how you think setting a zombie on fire would cause them to lose their balance.
