MovieChat Forums > StannisTheMannis > Replies
StannisTheMannis's Replies
he attacked him as out of jealousy towards his character because he found his ambition and desire to be great a threat to his insecure self. i don't expect you to understand this but when you are better then other people (and yes, whehter you want to believe/admit it ornot, people judge others by how much better they are then them all the time), people constantly try to destroy you and bring your personality down to a subpar level that is more "normal" for them but detrimental to you and your goals and expectations for yourself. This has happened to me for th elast ten years. Except in my case, almost every time I socialize with someone who is considered a quality person, other people will start interfering in my business. However, the moment that person walks away, the other person walks away. Coincidence? I think not. People do try to destroy/diminish other peoples efforts and personality.
I'm so glad I dropped 3k on my home gym. God bless my ironmaster dumbbells, titan fitness rack, Cap Olympic Barbell, and rogue bumper/machined plates going up to 500lbs
you don't become a legend while you're alive. You need to die or become disabled like Muhammad Alie before the moniker of "legend" is bestowed upon you.
Is it true that children come home crying because they're being taunted at school by their liberal peers for being straight?? Do they get depressed for not being/acting gay enough, or for simply not being gay for that matter?
we're talking about mainstream attacks involving bombings in the west and mass shootings with high casualties. So far, there haven't been any since the defeat of ISIS, so yes, real Islamic terrorism is mostly dead. Right-wing terror shootings are the biggest thing right now, and we all know that our fellow conservative fans wouldn't be able deal with that if it were ever shown on tv, and watching their hero Jack Bauer go wild on them. That alone would kill the viewership by 90%
So you DO read my posts. Well that just means you're a liar then, and everything that you say from here on out should be taken with a pinch of salt. And explain what in my post suggests that I don't live in reality. If anyone's not living in reality it would be you and your fellow far-right wingers that can't seem to grasp the fact that they are privileged due to their white skin and enjoy certain benefits. Among those benefits include being exempt from being treated badly by immigrants (unless they begin to outnumber you within a geographic space/localized area). I characterize myself as a more of a centrist though.
I get that, but you see by glossing over my posts you're only doing yourself a disservice, no matter how much you might think otherwise. Now, like I said above, I'm not completely against you racist types. I wholeheartedly understand where you're coming from, because after all, I've been there. I've experienced what its like to deal with people who seem to be trying to uproot your way of life. But that's the thing, we're in the same boat!! We're fighting a war against immigrants who want to uproot the national cultural values involving independent thought, native way of speaking English, mingling with people of different backgrounds, and feelings of pride for having a uniform identity, and replace it with their third-world mentality, low-class ways, segregationist, group think philosophy of backstabbing, ass kissing, constant staring, and destruction of the host culture by making people feel bad for talking and acting American. However, I will always speak out against racist assumptions based on stereotypes of those of a different colour. Thats what it all comes down to.
foreign comedians who try to act like they've been born and raised in the West and speak with fobby accents should be the last people to be casted in Hollywood comedy. Never seen anything more cringey in my life while watching this movie
if you're working out regularly, you shouldn't have much of a problem getting their attention. Now going out with them while dealing with dirty looks from people or having people meddle in your business constantly is another matter
Now I'm not saying your kind is completely in the wrong regarding minorities. After all, I hate immigrants as well. Especially those types that come here and want to change the culture to fit their own third world way of life and mentality. I 100% support Trumpists who fight against this sort of thing. All you need to realize though is that for those domestic minorities, or immigrants who have managed to truly make this country theirs', there is an invisible war happening. One in which the tide is slowly turning against the racists. We need to keep the momentum going to completely destroy this scourge once and for all
I will always stand for those who face oppression on a daily basis. Whether it be from the fat Karens who make falsified reports of "suspicious activity" to blatant white supremacist rhetoric. It's just the way I am. Now, I'm sorry you can't handle that, but with the way racism is a huge concern right now, you shouldn't be surprised to see those of us that are passionate enough to take a stand against you racists and racist sympathizers
I highly disagree with your assertion that you've been speaking out against these issues for a long time. Middle-aged white women, no matter their level of education, tend to have a lot of power in public areas. If you were really speaking out as much as you say you are, chances are, it would've ended up on the news at some point. However, I have yet to see a video of a middle aged white women on the news talking, as a third party witness, about a racist incident that happened involving a minority victim. Speaking out about it over youtube doesn't constitute speaking out about it IRL. When one of your compatriots follows an innocent black teen in a store, do you ever speak out about it? Even for the sake of argument, if you really WERE speaking out, you are a minority that does so. So basically whatever efforts, no matter how noble they seem, are insignificant to the trend of apathetic middle aged white women who ignore these incidents, and instead, subtly support the racist perpetrator.
Well maybe if fat, haggard, nosy, glowering, middle aged white women would stop creating trouble in minorities lives, they wouldn't have to deal with getting branded. In any case, being unfairly racially profiled for being a criminal when a black person walks into stores is a far worse trend going back decades which no one has ever spoken out against, so I think 'Karens" should be able to handle being nosy racists
Those are accidents, a result of decades of gentrification, urbanization, and marginalization by white people that have led to blacks taking their frustrations out on each other. Meanwhile, your White extremist friends ran down a leftist protester in Charlottesville, and have attacked your kind plenty of time for speaking out against racism. Plenty more cases involving white racist on white racist violence for the purpose of being top dogs in the white supremacist movement. Also, rapes committed by white racists against white girls for dating minorities and using Stand your Ground laws as a smokescreen for killing minorities under the guise of self-defense. Funny how you never seem to hear about that though eh?Truly you're on your way to developing a racially pure society by doing that
we're talking about ninjas that've been trained since birth, so within the rules of Batman's universe, yes, it is entirely plausible they would've escaped a supermax if they could escape the worlds greatest prison. Either that or they would have been tracked down by the remaining members of the league and been broken out.
and we all know Karens word is absolute and never requires any sort of scrutiny or fact-checking. The Karen is the epitome of white privilege and a perfect example for anyone that wants to deny that such privilege exists.
innocent black people have been killed by white cops for decades without a single white person ever coming forward as a witness and speaking out about racism or police brutality. Racist whites are the direct cause of groups like BLM and riots that occurred recently
haha, tell that to the americans jumping ship because of Trump and going on lengthy vacations to Canada in order to avoid going back to Alaska. The ones that do stay, stay because of white privilege, the only trump card that guarantees them success in their country. When you have white privilege there are less barriers to success, people listen to you more due to social benefits associated with it, less consequences for speaking your mind in public, no matter how obnoxious, and finally, you get your way more often even when your least deserving. Case in point, fat welfare white people who complain in public about everything and have their concerns heard more without security getting involved, compared to minorities who have to tolerate more. Resources were stripped and used to build other countries,setting those countries back decades, so descendants have every right to come here and make and enjoy the fruits of their ancestors labors
lmao you should be the one to wake up. I like how you conveniently overlooked the incident where an innocent indian bus driver was doused in gasoline and lit on fire by a white FULL VIEW no less of other whites who didn't lift a finger to help. Didn't try to smother the flames with their jackets or anything. This is an example of tacit acceptance of white hate crimes, and further proves my point that all australians are nothing but racist people who aim to destroy the hardworking minorities that are making more of an effort to improve their new country, than white racist locals. At one point, curry bashing was a national sport; however, the minorities turning to gang violence has largely put a stop this sport. Muslims and Indians do just fine in Canada, but that maybe because racism is less tolerated than in other countries, so there goes your point about these groups being unjustifiably violent. one comes here to be good buddies with racists, they come here for the infrastructure and opportunities. Things that were stripped from their countries due to centuries of looting and expansion by racists.