StannisTheMannis's Replies

hahaha who are you kidding? Your a fuckin skinhead. What group you represent? Hammerskin nation? Aryan nation? haahha. And yeah all african countries are corrupt because of racist whites. Go read up on apartheid and what its done to the communities there you moronic idiot. Spoiled white kids are atleast fighting for something meaningful unlike racist retards like you who would rather have them fight for "their people" and become racist trash in the process. yeah it's an informal essay when you take up the entire text box word limit you stupid skinhead fuck MLKs approach was good for its time, back when police discrimination hadn't led to dozens of deaths occurring as it has now for the past 50 years since the end of state-mandated segregation. He would 100% stand by what BLM is doing today given the racism they've endured constantly. And yes start making stuff up now like the typical right wing retard that you are. I think your chrome dome is losing a few brain cells (not that you had much to begin with evidently). Where did I say it is justifiable to kill protesters that are simply taking their right to exercise the right to free protest to the next level? God your a fuckin retard. The only violence that needs to be quelled is the potential violence by sick hillbillies that want to kidnap politicians, go on mass shootings, run down protesters, and start a real-life Day of the Rope. BLM is fighting to prevent this sort of scenario from occurring. If a few windows and tvs need to be looted in the process, so be it. It's all about the bigger picture. Yeah Oprah is irrelevant because shes an OUTLIER you fuckin momo. I'm guessing you grew up in the South where brains weren't a luxury to have. Her case is not representative of all the innocent blacks that have been brutalized by coward racist trash like yourselves who are too chickenshit to fight them yourself and need white racist pigs and racist institutions to do your dirty work for you. Hell I'm not even black and I have to deal with dirty racist employees following me around, and I'm a cleancut well dressed guy that can speak fluently. I can only imagine what its like for inner city blacks to deal with sick white racist trash. The article doesn't need to spell it out for you that they were right-wing you idiot. Hillbillies and racist right wingers with guns have been trying to start a race war for decades. Maybe try reading up on the history of your own ideology you stupid skinhead Asian don't have the same history with white racism that Blacks do. Blacks literally have a history going back over 200 years with whites, most of that history is racist and no different from the racism that natives are experiencing today for having a similar history Yea corruption due to white racist interference and exploitation of resources throughout history. Can't blame innocent people for wanting to line their pockets for their families sakes if racists have destroyed your economy. Maybe you should go back to Europe and deal with your so called 'race traitors' that are opening your borders en masse for those pesky Liberians you seem to hate so much. Ah yea, the old 'I know you are what am I' rhetoric when you've got nothing left to say. Racist like you are the ones that are clearly ingrained towards white supremacy from birth when you think minorities protesting police brutality and attacking businesses that have likely profiled them in the past are a bad thing. No need to learn anything about a concept thats ingrained in you since birth, unlike with racist white people and those that support them. When are you going to learn that supporting racism also makes you racist? Sounds like your the one on the pointless diatribe which is why you had to resort to creating a huge essay. What part of "other dehumanizing tactics" did you not understand? Violence is a tool for social change. Unlike the way your racist ancestors used it while hanging out in groups, BLM is using it to generate more awareness of what is going on since they're prior peaceful tactics didn't work because racists like you thought of it as too passive and ignored it; hence, the increase in aggression. Yet another reason why white racists are responsible for violence in society. You don't cry about not being white (highly doubt that btw) because your too busy kissing their asses to be accepted everywhere you go, even when they have nothing but white skin going for them. White racists that target others are a way for you to move up as long as you acknowledge their fake power based on white privilege. I've seen it plenty of time at work. In fact a a couple of white employees recently started, extremely low in seniority, and they're already being treated alot better by the minority dominated work environment, compared to when me and a couple others started out. White privilege is a fact just based on that alone. and it has nothing to do with whatever education or job you have. Oprah being an outlier is irrelevant. Hahaha your calling them non-right wing. Pretty obvious your the racist here by deliberately glossing over their racist white supremacist actions and by extension the racism in policing and court system. Affirmative action is a policy designed to proportionately increase the amount of blacks in higher education or work force due to having historically suffered as a result of racism which made them more uneducated and disenfranchised over generations. The fact that you think that policies that are made to mitigate racism are racist itself tells me how racist you are. Your a racist regardless of whether you're white or not for ignoring institutionalized racism and its benefits to white racists you won't need to pillage. Just smashing your keyboard on stormfront, Vanguard, 8chan should do the trick You condemn violence when it doesn't support your racist cause, which doesn't matter because you can use other dehumanizing tactics to do the job, as a direct extension of white privilege. Racists don't need to use violence since it is not politically useful as a tool for control. Much better to use white privilege to get your way everywhere you go, racial profiling tactics, racial versatility, and support racist institutions and authority figures to keep minorities form exercising real freedom the way white people do. The rest of the time you resort to racial profiling, BLM is fighting for a future and if they need to break a few windows and loot some items in the process, so be it. Racists have stood by while members of their community have brutalized other blacks, so they shouldn't complain after decades of giving tacit approval to racist authorities that discriminate against others. Also, Minorities care about the content of a persons character when they're dealing with people who share the same views. White racists choose to make affiliations racially charged using their white privilege and tacit approval of racial profiling and other racist tactics. They choose not to care about the person's character, so in turn, they don't get the luxury of being judged on "the content of their character" . Its racists like you that have destroyed the fabric and cohesion in society, promoting segregation within people you label the "Other" when they don't assume every expectation of white racist, and supporting racist pigs. Stop being racist and kidnapping/running over innocents fighting against racism and you won't be called a racist. How's the civil war planning going? Planning on kicking it off around election time, or we going to wait till we get the results before all the racist terrorists pull out their guns and start shooting all the heroic BLM protestors How's the head in the sand denial about the mass shootings by white people and right wing terrorism against innocent minorities in the South going? Is it "bottomless" for you too? I don't blame them for pillaging racist retards stores. Hopefully more racists have their businesses pillaged. It's the least they deserve for trying to excuse kidnapping attempts by white supremacist terrorists. The reparations will never end until every right wing terrorist group has been destroyed yes yes yes just like san bernadino shooting was terrorism but not workplace violence. Oh wait they were muslims so it just had to be terrorism. Fuckin racist retard sounds about accurate to what we see in real life Because he's one of them, simple as that. And because he's one of them he deserves to be treated in a dignified and noble manner when he dies. Wakanda culture is based around family, community, unity and service to Wakanda, while white culture is based on individuality, immorality, debasement, ridicule of one another, and division. nah he sucked as black panther anyway. Literally, one of the most forgettable marvel movies I've ever watched. Hopefully they move forward and hire someone with real acting chops like Mahershala Ali to take the helm of the next movie I'm interested in watching this movie, but don't want to see any gay homo scenes. How graphic are they, and are there many? lmao Generally if you're enjoying life, people will try to start problems with you. You can be considered poor, but if your enjoying your job, have a few good hobbies, or other things going for yourself, and making just enough to get by, people try to stamp that feeling of contentedness out of you. For instance I work a hospital trade job which gives me a modest income, but nothing to write home about. I do my work and chat with my colleagues happily, but usually people try to bring me down by making cutting remarks as if me working a trade job makes me beneath them. This has happened almost every single time I've had a smile on my face or feeling comfortable in general. So the point is, whether your rich or not, if you look happy, expect to be treated like trash by POS'. Main reason I just focus on my own life and don't associate with anyone other then my family and 2-3 good friends EU or not, the British empire was nothing more then a very big fish in a very small pond back in the day. On an even playing field they stand no chance against the top 5 powers of the world; in any area. agreed. I'd give anything to move to the states. Canadians are all pathetic losers here. You know a country is a shithole when immigrants who've just gotten off the boat are treated 10x better then nativists. If you're an educated and goal driven person, expect to be treated like a pariah here compared to the dull, predictable, FOB-loving Canadians who don't do anything significant in their lives. Atleast based on what I've seen in the area that I've lived in the last 20 years or so sure on paper we should all be respecting each other, but when social dynamics and the desire for attention and opportunities for mating are involved, that all go out the window whether you want to admit it or not. Even if you choose to be respectful in that sort of situation, you'll find that people are deliberately disrespecting you to prevent you from getting anywhere with the other person whom your interested in on a platonic or sexual level.