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Central Park Karen to be prosecuted

Shouldn't the "victim" be prosecuted for instigating the incident? He, a bird watcher (yeah, right) was the one who approached her to make her put her dog on a leash (even though it's a rule so many people ignore that he carries dog treats with him to cause trouble with everyone he encounters). She explained why she couldn't so he took out his dog treats (he has no dog by the way) to entice her dog to come to him. At this point it's reasonable to assume he may be attempting to dognap the dog. He is the Karen, but because she's white she is being prosecuted. He isn't cooperating because he knows if the whole truth comes out he'll be shown to be the one at fault. Meanwhile the media is playing it up like he's the equivalent of the Central Park jogger, instead of what he is, the Central Park dog owner harasser. Just my 2 cents.


Singling out these white women, who may or may not be acting hysterically, and branding them "Karens" is pure racism.

What if the media constantly posted articles about black women calling 911 to complain about bad service and referred to them as "Shaneequas"?

Btw, best to post this on the politics board or the mods might ban your azz.


Also, it’s dumb af. It’s so irritating. The people that say it act like they’re so clever. It’s a lameass trend and I don’t want to hear one more story about Karen.


Dumb af for sure. How are those stories even news??


Well maybe if fat, haggard, nosy, glowering, middle aged white women would stop creating trouble in minorities lives, they wouldn't have to deal with getting branded. In any case, being unfairly racially profiled for being a criminal when a black person walks into stores is a far worse trend going back decades which no one has ever spoken out against, so I think 'Karens" should be able to handle being nosy racists


Some of the Karens are young and attractive but they turn really ugly once they open their mouths. Racism is not a good look on anyone,


My my, you sound SOOO tolerant and FAR from bigoted...

Two wrongs don't make a right, okey-dokey?


Ok stannisthemannis, people are starting to understand the issues minorities are having, and people are finally talking about how to fix these problems. Don’t you think that news should be a little more important than wtf Karen is up to? Who the fuck are you to say no one’s spoken out against it. I’m a middle aged white woman and I’ve been speaking out against these issues for a long time. So fuck Karen and fuck your assumptions.


I highly disagree with your assertion that you've been speaking out against these issues for a long time. Middle-aged white women, no matter their level of education, tend to have a lot of power in public areas. If you were really speaking out as much as you say you are, chances are, it would've ended up on the news at some point. However, I have yet to see a video of a middle aged white women on the news talking, as a third party witness, about a racist incident that happened involving a minority victim. Speaking out about it over youtube doesn't constitute speaking out about it IRL. When one of your compatriots follows an innocent black teen in a store, do you ever speak out about it? Even for the sake of argument, if you really WERE speaking out, you are a minority that does so. So basically whatever efforts, no matter how noble they seem, are insignificant to the trend of apathetic middle aged white women who ignore these incidents, and instead, subtly support the racist perpetrator.


Wow bro, you’re making some crazy statements that aren’t helping anything. I’m a bit of a fuck up so sorry I couldn’t voice my opinion as a news lady. I promise you, I have no such power. I’ve spoken up any and every time I can. I’m working with what I’ve got. I obviously don’t know what it’s like to be black, but because I’m white, other people assume they can say racist shit in front of me. I’ve had complete strangers drop the N on me like it’s ok. I have seen the deep seeded hatred some white people have towards blacks for no reason. I’ve seen black people get treated like criminals because of the color of their skin. There is not one time someone has dropped the N on me and I haven’t spoken up. Fuck man, I’ve thrown drinks in people’s faces for acting like shitbag racists. You got the wrong bitch dude. I don’t ignore shit and I am in no way apathetic. I’ve tried to explain to ignorant white folk the situations that minorities go through and why it’s not ok. I honestly don’t give a fuck if that’s not good enough for you. I’m standing up for what I believe in the best way I know how.


You know what sucks the worst? I had an ignorant white boy say the same shit to me just the other day. He said I must be fucking black dudes to be so emotionally charged about racism. I explained to him exactly why it’s important to me, and now a couple days later, I have to explain to you the same shit. You’re statements are making things way worse. At least I’m trying instead of acting like an asshole.


I agree. Middle aged white women can be very nasty and have entitled attitudes. No wonder the 'Karen' stereotype.


You’re asking the wrong person. There are so many fucked up things going on right now, important things that matter to our future (if we have one) and people are just acting crazy stupid. Omg did you hear what Karen did at the store last night? Ugh just stfu with that.


Amy Cooper will have her day in court and the dog luring facts should be part of her defense.

Meanwhile, I feel bad for women named “Karen”. I have an Aunt Karen who is really sweet. She apologizes for everything, is a chronic overtipper even when the service sucks, and is always busying her time helping people who take advantage of her kindness and humble nature.

Not fair that nice people like that get roped in with those trashy psychos caught behaving badly on camera.


It basically amounts to stereotyping people based on something they can not control. I also know many Karen’s who are very good people. Why pick on people for the name they were given at birth.


I have a friend called Karen and she shares every Karen meme that goes around social media. She totally owns it. It’s hilarious.


Sometimes “Karens” look like this ——->


Urgh. Worm.


I agree with you. Can you imagine if a black guy committed a crime and we called black people who get into trouble as "Jerome's"? I treat people as individuals. None of this grouping people together crap.


> Meanwhile the media is playing it up like he's the equivalent of the Central Park jogger, instead of what he is, the Central Park dog owner harasser.

I've lost all confidence and respect for our (USA) mainstream media. They seem to believe that as long as they don't present incorrect facts they can omit things, edit things, spin narratives, etc to make an incident appear any way they like. It's as if someone accuses you of being irresponsible by saying, "he's got a job, he wasn't sick, it was a Tuesday, but he not only didn't go to work but didn't even call his employer to let them know he wouldn't be there. He just didn't show up at all!" -- while not mentioning that particular Tuesday happened to be Christmas Day.

They're a bunch of God-damned liars, and the only thing they're really concerned with vis-à-vis actual facts is protecting themselves against defamation suits.

I don't know what really happened with Amy Cooper. Or with George Floyd either. But it's worth noting that Cooper's "victim" has said he won't cooperate with the prosecution, stating that he thinks she's already suffered enough.

(Of course, it could be the case that he's got something to hide and doesn't want to take the stand and testify under oath.)


well, i know what happened with george floyd. its on video. it involved policemen and strangulation.

you're welcome.


> well, i know what happened with george floyd. its on video. it involved policemen and strangulation.

You know what you saw. But you don't know the things they chose to not show you or tell you about.

I've seen numerous times where the media has edited video, presented facts selectively, and so on to make a guilty person look innocent or vice versa. But if you believe that you know the entire truth, having seen not the entire incident but selected excerpts from the incident organized and presented by people deliberately pushing an agenda, then nothing I say will convince you.

I'm not saying at all the Floyd was guilty of anything, or that the police were justified in doing what they did. I'm saying the mainstream US media are such liars I don't trust anything they say, except on the most non-controversial subjects (e.g., weather reports).

So I'll repeat it. I don't know what happened with George Floyd. I know some of it, but not the entirety, which can make an enormous difference. And neither do you.

> you're welcome.

For what? I didn't thank you for anything, nor is there any reason I should.


i know -precisely- how he died. and so do you.








Whoa whoa Jriley! Your not authorized to go all caps! Ok?


Dear god mojo. Please tell me you haven’t signed up to be kowalski’s deputy. I couldn’t bear to think of you as a rule enforcer. 😢😉


Well since you’ve put it that way, maybe I’ll continue living my wild and carefree life and leave the rules to others. Freedom!!!!!


I wasn’t worried about it. Anyway, I’m pretty sure kowalski is still wearing his mc ankle bracelet so....
Sheriff isn’t gonna happen anytime soon. 😄
You always a’ight with me mrmojo.


That’s not an ankle bracelet. It slipped down there. 😁


Oops! Only one way that happens. Bless his heart poor kid😄




kowalski had his entire body weight pressed upon my carotid artery and was smashing my windpipe, so....


I’ve seen the light. Continue with all caps whenever needed!


well, i know what happened with george floyd. its on video. it involved policemen and strangulation.

The knee in the back of the neck is not a choke hold and is not strangulation. You're never gonna strangulate anybody like that. Hid death, indeed, had different causes that were silenced by mainstream media

■ Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.
■ Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.
■ The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.
■ Floyd already began to complain “I can’t breathe” a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.
■ It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
■ The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.
■ Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him
■ In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.


The Unz Review. Stop posting garbage.


The Unz Review. Stop posting garbage.

And your answer is... insulting. Thank you for making clear for everybody your lack of arguments.


Thanks for making it clear for everyone that you're dumb enough to think the Unz review is a reliable source. Here are three links showing what a garbage website it is. Perhaps you could find at least one showing otherwise?

"The Unz Review is an alt-right website which describes itself as an alternative to the mainstream media. It contains articles and content that promote white nationalism, the international Jewish conspiracy, Holocaust denial, the white genocide conspiracy theory, racialism pseudoscience and eugenics. Many of its most frequently featured commentators actively promote violence and genocide against Jews, African Americans and other "non-white" groups.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence. Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.


So you first insult me.

Then quote some leftist sites that insult the Unz. For example, that leftist site called "mediabiasfactcheck" (cough cough), it "proves" their opinion about the Unz with:

"In review, The Unz Review publishes articles with loaded words such as “Trump’s Strategy Working—He’s Maneuvered Democrats, RINOS, Into Favoring Foreigners Over Americans.“ [So... loaded words in a headline, that's it] On this particular article they utilize questionable sources such as, which is classified as an extremist White Nationalist group [...according to SPLC, which is radical left think tank that labels anything non-woke as 'White Nationalism']. They also use a different approach in which they utilize minimally loaded emotional language in their headlines such as “’Shithole Countries’: What Makes a Country? the Place or the People?” [So, that's it, that headline is actually the worst they could find in the Unz 😂] However, in the body of the article one can find plenty of racism and hate [which they don't give any example] under the disguise of a philosophical discussion [sure]."


Now, let's go back to the facts you're carefully avoiding: how mainstream media have silenced that George Floyd was under a drug overdose that is the most likely cause of his death.


You seem to be leaving out these tidbits:

"A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source."

"Overall, we rate The Unz Review a Questionable Source due extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda and hate, as well as utilizing poor sources." Sounds like a perfect website for someone like you!


Are you trying to say he would have died anyways had someone not knelt on his neck for 8 minutes? Nowhere on the toxicology report (both of them) does it say drugs as the cause of death. But let me guess, the person who performed the autopsy must be a woke leftist, right?


I addressed the "evidence" this leftist site provided, which (as I showed) was ludicrous. Without providing credible evidence, this "tidbits" are just insults, which I already said, btw.


Useless. This one thinks he’s got the white magic that somehow makes him superior to blacks.


I imagine you lost confidence in the media a long time ago. Anyone who still believes them is either very gullible or willfully choosing to go along with deception. Have you ever been present at an event that is reported in the news? The difference between the news stories and the actual event is often shocking.


> Have you ever been present at an event that is reported in the news? The difference between the news stories and the actual event is often shocking.

I don't think I've ever been present at a specific event, such that I might have been a face in the crowd on the evening news. But I did grow up in borderline Appalachia, an area that's misunderstood by many in other regions. The area does have more than its share of poverty, illiteracy, et cetera. [*] It's not all like that. My family was and is quite well off, all college graduates, and all except my brother have post-graduate degrees. I could point to many others like that. But the media's coverage was horribly slanted. They'd go to an area with a pretty diverse population and invariably pick the most filthy, tobacco-stained hick they could find and present him as the typical resident.

I thought they were just locked into their own insular groupthink, never checked their ideas against people with opposing views, and made mistakes from ignorance. But about thirty years ago, when I was a PhD student, NBC did a story covering a scientific issue I was familiar with. They misstated some facts and interviewed a scientist, making a certain thing appear to be a far greater public danger than it actually was. I phoned them and explained my qualifications. (The topic was related to my master's thesis.) I told them that the scientist they interviewed had a personal interest in the issue and was also well known for exaggerating the things they had discussed with him. (I assumed that he had duped them.) Turned out they were perfectly aware of those things, they didn't even try to deny that. They knew the story was grossly misleading and aired it anyway. Wow!

I could say more, but I'm out of room,

[*] It also has a lower than average rate per capita of violent crimes -- rapes, murders, assaults, robberies, and so on. There's a reason for that, and astute people know what it is, but it can't be said out loud in today's world.


What is the reason? It’s ok, you don’t have to pussyfoot. What are you worried about? Here, I’ll say it for you. You think your lower than average crime rate is because you have a low percentage of black people in your area. You think rapes, murders, assaults and robberies are crimes committed mostly by black people. That’s what you were suggesting, but were to scared to say, right?


I read most of this thread and have NO idea wth is going on...Who is Karen? What dude accosted her?? Why can't she get a dog leash, They are like 8 bucks???

I'm backing away slowly



Holy shit!
How does anyone find themselves in these absurd situations😆...It sounds like the most angry episode of Seinfeld ever!


Why don't you believe he was a bird watcher? He was in a section of the park called the Ramble, which is a well known bird watching area. And in case you're unaware, Christian Cooper - the victim - isn't cooperating with the prosecution. I don't see what's wrong with asking someone to put their dog on the leash in an area where its required by law.

911 call:

"I’m calling the cops … I’m gonna tell them there’s an African American man threatening my life.” "There is an African American man—I am in Central Park— he is recording me and threatening myself and my dog. Please send the cops immediately!"

Do you have proof he uses the dog treats to instigate trouble because it sounds like its only a theory. I have a theory too. Maybe he carries them because he's a nice guy who likes dogs.


What she did was wrong, but I reiterate, he instigated it. You're wrong about the reason he carried dog treats. He admitted it was to entice dogs whose owners have them off-leash, look it up! As far as a bird watcher, I just think that's a strange hobby, maybe something for kids and seniors, seems strange for a regular adult.
"I don't see what's wrong with asking someone to put their dog on the leash in an area where its required by law." If that's all he did it would be no big deal...just as it's no big deal for the vast majority of people to have a dog off leash. But he escalated it by enticing the dog with treats and then began iphoning her. The result is what happens when two Karens meet.


He didn't instigate anything. He calmly asked her to put a leash on the dog - per the law - and she refused. As a dog owner, you can't let your pet go unleashed in a public park. I would hardly call giving her dog a treat instigating. He was probably making a point that if your dog is off leash, she's not in total control. A really good point, actually. Fact is, she used his race against him and lied to the police that he was threatening her, mentioning THREE times he was black. Anyone who doesn't see this for what it is is being willfully blind or has other reasons.

And no, bird watching is not unusual for middle aged people. I live in a small coastal community and pelagic bird watching draw tons of tourists here. I can tell you from personal experience that it doesn't draw one specific age group. Lastly, he why would he be carrying Swarovski binoculars with him in the park if he wasn't there for birds? Those things cost in the thousands.


They both sound like Karen's to me. She made a bigger deal of it than she had to but then her dog was not a threat to him either.


Interesting thread...
