MovieChat Forums > StannisTheMannis > Replies
StannisTheMannis's Replies
Haha I hate immigrant trash anyways so I couldn't care less. And studying is a bad thing when its at the expense of building connections with people outside your community or being good at other things. I knew a guy that was all-state wrestling champ and went on to do a degree and now works for a great company. Ever see an immigrant like that? No you haven't, because most of these little fobs are losers who sat around studying in their home countries and then come here and expect to be treated like kings/queens for having degrees even though they can hardly speak English. You sound like a libtard so of course you'll overlook the obvious ass-kissing and over-eagerness of immigrants to be liked by white people. They're rude to anyone if they can get away with it. If you were to go to India, I can almost guarantee they would treat you like crap since there is no social penalty for doing so, compared to acting like that in Western countries where they're more likely to face backlash and are primed to be more agreeable with whites who are the majority . Trumpists hate immigrants because they bring their third world mentality everywhere they go and stir up problems with others once they begin to outnumber them. Trumpists are the true Americans and want people to speak the native language and not turn every place into little India, china, and Saudi Arabia. Nothing racist about that.
stop engaging in curry bashing, robberies, and attacks against innocent business owners and indian students and maybe you won't have to deal with these crimes anymore. You don't get to attack innocent minorities and then cry about being called a racist. Funny how there are plenty of these indian students in canada and U.S, yet you never hear about these gang rapes happening. Just goes to show racism is the reason behind 90% of the conflicts involving white people in the world
Trumpists hate immigrants because they never assimilate and do nothing but stick with their own and force their cultural ways on others everywhere they go. Also, getting a degree is easy when you come from families that don't make an effort to mingle with the greater community, develop interesting hobbies or skills, or just sit around studying all the time while your social skills deteriorate. I've known a few educated Indians and most are boring and can hardly hold a non-work related conversation. They also tend to be very rude compared to those that are educated here. Must be why they get so many complaints from non-indian patients. The ones born and educated here are fine though
Indians in general are all betas and have weak personalities. They'll kiss anyones ass if it means being left alone. Blacks atleast are far more likely to fight back, which is why white people are always threatened by them. I remember back when I was younger and I was just chubby, agreeable kid who always smiled at white people. They would give these phony smiles and pretend to be friendly, but it was obviously a front. Not a day would go by when there wasn't some sort of incident at work with a white person trying to bully me. Starting in my mid-20s, I began to weight train and got bigger and stronger, changed my look overall, and things began to change. Whites stopped giving me phony smiles and started looking at me more suspiciously, but never showed any outward hostility or made patronizing comments. They also stopped saying hello to me. Racist white people are always threatened by anyone thats doing well for themselves and doesn't kiss their ass. They care far less if a minority person fits a stereotype for being financially well off (ie. indian doctors) and become more fearful if that person is more stronger, confident, assertive and physically superior to them, which Indians aren't necessarily known for.
lol Australia is one of the most racist country in the world. Innocent Indians and Lebanese who come to Australia as exchange students are always being attacked and pushed around by the locals there. Africans come from a background of white oppression and systemic discrimination going back to the apartheid days, so forming gangs is basically second nature to them when fighting back against similar forms of oppression. Point is, don't act racist towards others and then be surprised when you see gangs forming to fight back against racists
their so called culture is a result of developing a rebellious offshoot to white racist culture that tries to keep blacks from power and in poverty. They deliberately set up gun shops and liquor stores in ghetto areas so black will be more likely to buy liquor and guns and take their frustrations out on each other and their families. They do this as a way to keep them fragmented and at a lower socioeconomic level. Educational institutes also deliberately profile black students and attempt to prevent them from succeeding by placing the brighter students with those that have no intention of being educated and only go to school to sell drugs or influence kids to join gangs. Point is everything starts with white people. If there was no white racism, there would be no ghetto black culture or blacks shooting each other and living in poverty. Its all a systemic process of marginalization based on racism going back to the emancipation days post-civil war. Something that asians and indians don't have to deal with since they don't have that history of dealing with institutional racism the way blacks and natives do.
yes because they have 7-8 people living in one house and sell land from back home to make the initial payments. They then pay off these businesses using all sorts of fraudulent schemes from embezzlement to illegal suites with price gouging rents. You'll never find a truly self made indian that hasn't had monetary help from his family members or engaged in some sort of shady dealings or scams to get money
then your a straight up bitch if you would get violent with someone whos just having fun and trying to keep things light hearted. Sure if this was under normal circumstances, I can get attacking him, but these guys are out in the middle of nowhere and isolated. No reason to jump the gun and start kicking the guy, especially someone who basically like your brother out there. Also, when someones bugging you, you're supposed to address HIM, not some other guy like he's your stooge and is obligated to "get him out of here". He chose to disrespect them rather than exchanging words like a real man, and escalated it. Simple as that.
Maul is dathomirian, Windu isn't. Dathomirians have a higher tolerance to pain and damage then humans do. Combined with his ability to use the Force with his talent for technology, it's completely possible for him to survive by merging himself with those spider legs to prevent blood loss.
woulda coulda shoulda...easy to say when behind the safety of your computer. At the end of the day, he's nothing but an internet hero. None of those fans could care less about them if there's a chance they'll be facing real world consequences for helping him out, even if they could get away with it.
sooo... is this thread for real or a troll post?
disagree. The showrunner has talked about doing a season 3 since now that Castle's journey to becoming the Punisher is complete, we'll finally be able to see him act the way he's meant to. That means a more engaging story with more action should season 3 happen, which it likely will. It's not always about ratings. DD may've been the better show, but Murdock's story was complete by the end of S3, anything more then that would've just been a rehash of season 2. Castle's story, however, is only just beginning
Fisk understood human nature and chose not to be on the receiving end of other people's desire to control him and make him feel as powerless as he was when his father would abuse him and his mom. He's right when he says love makes you weak, and it has nothing to do with being a "ruthless sociopath". His reasoning can apply to anyone in any stage of their life; whether they're living legitimately or not is irrelevant. Love makes you vulnerable and weak because you eventually get reduced to being nothing more then a puppet for the other person. You're constantly seeking assurances, looking to them for support, seeking their advice, or trying to make them happy, all of which puts a damper on your own personality, making you dull and more easier to manipulate if you're trying to get ahead in a cutthroat environment. Everyone is a sociopath at the end of the day, since people are always looking to keep you down in some shape or form. The only difference between Fisk and the average person is that Fisk is more intelligent and calculating and knows when (and how) to operate with a higher degree of sociopathy then the average guy who is basically stuck kissing ass , slandering, gossiping and doing everything in their power to keep his competitors down through low brow tactics. The love that you describe may have existed at some point in life, but in today's world where people are "disposable" (which they are, unfortunately), this kind of love is nothing more then a constant screening procedure for both parties that are always assessing how each other's status measures up to the other and proceeding on that basis. There is no such thing as "real", authentic love that is based on just personality attraction and common interests.
There is no such thing as "real lasting love", otherwise the divorce rate wouldn't be over 50%. Guys like Wilson Fisk are right when they say love (all forms aside from immediate family) is the downfall of men. People take advantage of your growing influence when you have loving relationships with them, mostly because they're jealous trash who want to ruin you. Their mindset is "if I can't have it, no one can", and they seek to subtly distract you and screw you over in little ways in order to knock you down in your quest to become great. Average joes who are too stupid, weak, or just feeble-minded to get ahead, aside from maybe going to school and getting a job, don't need to worry about this though since they will likely never be in the sort of position guys like fisk are in. They'll spend their lives being little drones doing whatever their boss tells them to do while hoping for life to toss them a bone in the form of a woman, who will likely then move on when something better comes along anyway. Nah Fisk has the right idea, love is bullshit when you have the sort of talent that someone like Pointdexter has. No reason to be tied down by someone who'll move on once they get tired of the novelty of "fixing you", which is what would've happened if he'd stuck with that girl.
please explain how the Europeans weren't evil. They invaded their territory, destroyed and uprooted their homes and culture, introduced firewater which further ruined their way of life, raped and pillaged, and put them on reservations which were basically hellholes. Everything the Indians did in response to this was understandable, if not justifiable. The natives were far more innocent in comparison. Smaller, fringe tribes may've been war mongering (no similar to gangs or outlaws during the Wild West days, even today for that matter) but that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority were peaceful indian tribes who lived in harmony with nature and had a beautiful and rich culture that was subsequently destroyed under the banner of fur trade.
explain where it was stated that they both have the same parents
that's as plausible as it gets. Atleast as theories go anyway when it comes to determinants of anti social behavior
Ike Turner grew up in a racist society which shaped and molded him the way he turned out. He used violence growing up to earn respect and keep people off his back. If he hadn't used "heavy-handed" tactics like this, he never would've gotten as far as he did. I don't agree with what he did to Tina, but all of this occurred during a time period when it was basically unheard of for a black person to be thought of as a normal human being, let alone being seen as deserving of celebrity status. He dealt with a lot of trash people trying to ruin him at every turn. It screwed him up mentally but he still made it in the end, changing the face of blues music in the U.S. That alone redeems him of everything he did wrong.