filmschooldegree's Replies

That's hilarious Joy Division, more consistent Early 90s: CA - Patrick Swayze IM - Tom Selleck Thor - Dolph Lundgren BW - Rebecca De Mornay Hawkeye - Emilio Estevez Hulk - Bruce Campbell Loki - Jeffrey Combs La Totale Now #metooing it Kevin Jarre told a story that Kilmer once said "I have a reputation for being difficult. But only with stupid people." You could see during press junkets and interviews promoting BF, Kilmer was a childish weirdo (answering questions with unrelated topics, one word answers, etc). Schumacher reported he was inappropriate onset and in some cases got violent with crew, which is correlated by his behaviour on Dr. Moreau (burning his cigarette on the face of a camera operator). He was probably just the classical temperamental bi-polar method actor type. haha spiritual tattoo. Anyway, Jossy was some kind of male feminist tipping his fedora outwardly, so what goes around yada yada yada. I guess nihilism is the only non-myth Spielberg is a popcorn director who has never been good at subtlety and yes, the film is full of his usual superficiality, overstatement and heavy-handedness, but Titanic is way worse. Are we there yet? She's the new Kate Winslet, so rather fitting she acts alongside the old one. It was fine for Daddy to spank her when it was with $100 bills in her mouth I believe the pie in this case was metaphorical; rather than the literal pie he was eating, Harry was referring to the strawberry pie of which he took a generous helping after he did the twist. Hence the cheeky wink to Peter before he ducked back to the MJ Café. hahaha It's rated appropriately, it did much better than Spawn. There were so many more worst films in 1998 alone It's just indicative of how moronic or completely bought by studios critics are when she was praised for this role. She can't emote worth a damn and her wooden delivery was distractingly awful. It's flummoxing that we're constantly told she's perfect in the role, the woman has only one look, for Christ's sake. Ferrari? Le Tigra? They're the same face. Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Braveheart was the winner and compared to this film was superior, but this could have been nominated over Batman Forever for instance. Shanghai Triad featured the best cinematography out of the nominees anyway, so no. Yes Now that Ellen is a real man, the constant burping and being told to make a sandwich all the time now would take its toll on any feminist lesbian