filmschooldegree's Replies

Across all 14 million possible realities, Chris Pratt is still a douchebag Definitely was a downward slope after this and The First Avenger, the colours really popped and they had filmmakers focused on the cinematic. Bringing in televisual floor managers like Whedon and the Russos was what they needed to turn the films into homogeneous, unionized, standard coverage meme sitcoms though, it was all about outreach. Yes * for Children 5-6 Fairly certain Batwoman has autism Some elf knockers wouldn't go astray, but yeah, sounds like they are trying to ca$h in on the GoT/Witcher adult realism craze. I hope it's not an overt goreshow and yammering borefest like those things became - LotR is world-building, mythos and fantasy, not manipulation, world politics and who-will-screw-who. Galadriel muff now and again would be pleasant, but keep the story moving and a variety of locations. That's a good call. The Action genre in particular had a surge in the mid-90s, driven by the Hong Kong exodus as many of their major talent and auteurs worked in Hollywood, Jerry Bruckheimer having a resurgence as a super-producer and the DTV companies versed in pure action like PM Entertainment, Full Moon, Filmwerks, NEO, etc, reaching their peaks. In the pure action genre stripped of sci-fi and fantasy elements we've not experienced the like since. It was all downhill after Batman & Robin. Stallone had a habit of hiring directors as front men while he directed, just ask Danny Cannon It's just the nature of family in some cases, felt authentic that his bro would just use him when needed Disney himself would have been proud of the characterisation, particularly when Finn drinks from the pig's water trough It's a good plan, as he gets older he just has to lay there Forced monster assignment at birth If he played it as Arnie Fleck, yes Probably because most of those flopped, along with the likes of Mercy, Killing Me Softly, etc, in the early 00s. When BI2 bombed it showed this sub-genre had run its course commercially; with Skinemax exiting the game they'll probably be rarer in the Americlown market. Thankfully France, Italy and Spain are still dipping into it, but with Coronachan around, who knows if they'll still be dipping (know what I'm sayin) Good for her, adopting children to save them from the horrors of forced gender assignment. What do doctors think we are, mammals? Got the feeling it was simply because Captain Marvel was set in the 90s (with equally hollow nostalgia-mining). DC has been going toe-to-toe with Marvel for years now (BvS vs Civil War, Suicide Squad vs GotG), and this was the latest "bright idea" from their little brother syndrome. In their minds WW is the premiere female superhero so they got salty at CM pulling in a billion - they thought if they also did some empty past-kissing it would bring in the big bucks, but yet again they lose in embarrassing, spectacular fashion. Meloncholias Very true, if OP was a simp he'd be buying pics off her onlyfans, seems more like he's trying to find them for free, which is more like a Chad move. Thirsty simps tend to white knight women's honor and cry about men. In the words of Three 6 Mafia: "be a pimp, not a simp." On the last point I'd wager it was necessary for the boundary-pushing, they needed him to spray knob porridge to confirm the authenticity. Margo looked like she knew what she was doing, she worked the salami like a Slovakian deli manager, so I'd say they filmed the entirety and just edited it down to her pied pipering the gigglestick and yanking out baby batter.