filmschooldegree's Replies

Not much to do with reality either True She is fine, man Hack has absolutely no interest in Superman, he just sees him as a tool for his CGI destruction porn. The heavy-handed Jesus allegories are the best comedy in these, his overblown slow-motion and Michelangelo compositions never fail to make me laugh. The themes of this movie have been known to offend "them" lately and give the sads. It's why I watch it at least once a week and make sure everyone on social media knows how much I enjoy the film. Less people would watch them so who knows Masterful tonal dissonance in the way it pulls emotions in polar directions, the juxtaposition of Klump's slow close-up reaction at being so publicly humiliated and the hilarious fatso jokes that rightly shame his obesity softly fading out with the scene make it transcendent. ^ This. Film was a refreshing trip back to the character study dramas of yesteryear - competently made, creatively shot and the scenes unfolded convincingly. It was made by a woman but obviously "not the right kind", she focused on white people below the poverty line, and as we know, that never happens at all in the world. Not entirely, Toni Collette's kid relates her to Spock in that they are aliens who are distant from humans and then there is the scene with Fatton Oswalt and the Klingon connection. But I agree in general, it's not made clear how or why she formed such a connection to ST in the first place, especially when there are time-consuming superfluous scenes of her past that are just generic Hollywood autistic behavior (music, head-slapping retardation, etc). The problem with these glossy dramas still remains in trying to flesh out irrelevant relationships and give uninteresting characters more screentime, they should have focused more on the central protagonist and what makes her tick rather than the Oscarbaiting fluff. She invoked all the prejudice, didn't she? Racism, mental health, sexism, etc. She knows what crowd she's playing for. Next we'll hear Archie is non-binary, like his father. Batman & Robin put a big dent into his brand. He had open heart surgery not long after and this shook confidence in him further. In interviews he mentioned that on the set of End of Days, the studio assigned a person to watch how he handled stuntwork and assess his durability during scenes. There was an obvious correlation between this and future projects, as the production budget for I am Legend was cut severely forcing it to collapse, and studios also showed no confidence in Sgt Rock and Crusade, not meeting budget demands nor his salary request. His priority became film projects that would pay his $25 million fee, which is why he could only get financing for crap like The 6th Day and Collateral Damage, and well, the results of those s-shows were a big part of the decline. The 80s was far more diverse than that, there were plenty of alternative and underground movements. The point is moot anyway since the 80s/90s are one linear ride before things went pear-shaped. When she starts cranking up the manic schizophrenia with her wide-eyed shrieking the film really picks up steam, she almost makes this gormless dreck watchable If the master class is a major step above 101, then I'd like to be involved in the research project for this subject 'Come into My World' was her version of 'I showed her my Thailand' I laughed at all three American Booby If she was MtF that would have an entirely different meaning Polanski only re-wrote the ending from what I understand That's true