MovieChat Forums > ThreeTenToYuma > Replies
ThreeTenToYuma's Replies
I blame the breakdown of the nuclear family, Hollywood's glorification of violence, and the extreme amount of attention given to these killers. All of those factors can be attributed to the liberal left.
LOL! You obviously know nothing about classified information, classification markings, etc. Many classified documents are improperly marked or not marked at all. It is the legal responsibility of those working with such material to recognize its classification level and treat it appropriately. Millions of people do this every single day. Hillary clearly lacked the judgement and integrity to handle that responsibility.
We need a military parade NOW!
I bet most of the people bleating about this non-story had no issue with Hillary putting TOP SECRET information on a private server.
France is "apples and oranges" ... but not autocratic nations like Russia or China, with whom we have far more cultural differences? Epic cognitive dissonance.
Autocrats like the French? LMAOOOOOOO
He banged a porn star? Awesome!
Update:Trump is still president.
School teachers make low incomes and therefore pay little in taxes. People who actually pay taxes (i.e. middle and upper income Americans) are benefiting from this bill. My taxes went down by approximately $230/month. That's quite significant.
The original Star Wars (1977) was utterly magnificent. The Jurassic Park of its time. Its been a giant circle jerk in space since then.