Paul Ryan is so happy about the $1.50 week raise for Secretary
Speaker of the House praised T-rump's tax cuts which are now taking effect, and Tweeted about a public high school secretary who was delighted with her $1.50 / week raise in pay. "This covers my membership to Costco!" she told him.
Again, it's $1.50 more PER WEEK for her. Not per hour, not per day...PER WEEK.
That amounts to less than $100 per year.
It may cover one's annual membership to Costco, but it hardly covers anyone's monthly essentials such as utility bill, property taxes, car payment, mortgage, insurance payment, student loan, credit card bill, etc.
As this was pointed out to 'out of touch Ryan' with response tweets, along with comparisons to the $500,000 campaign donation he received from the Koch Brothers just hours after the tax bill passed which made them all much richer, Ryan thought it best to just to...ummmm....delete his Tweet. Good going, hound-dog!