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Leftists Blame Trump for Mass Shooting at Florida School

It's Trump's fault! He repealed Obama's important regulation. Actually, that's fake news.

The "Resistance" outrage machine broke into full force on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, as Leftists blamed President Donald Trump for the South Florida school shooting on Valentine's Day that killed at least 17. A great deal has come to light about the suspect, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, but Leftists blamed Trump and Republicans instead.

Even as "Resistance" members — and some elected Democratic lawmakers — rushed to blame Trump, news broke that the suspect, Nikolas Cruz, was reported to the FBI after a YouTube account under his name warned he would become a school shooter. Witnesses said Cruz was disturbed, and a few even said they had predicted he would do such a thing.

While Trump did indeed sign a law rolling back former president Barack Obama's regulation preventing people with mental illnesses from purchasing a firearm, this law did not impact this situation, as it has nothing to do with the FBI's ability to prevent "known wolves" from purchasing firearms.

Specifically, Obama's regulation added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database. This Trump law may or may not have been a good idea, but unless Cruz was on Social Security for mental illness or deemed unfit to handle his finances, it has no application to this case.

In any case, blaming Trump, the NRA, and Republicans for this massacre is wrongheaded. As Mike Zollo tweeted, "Liberals are blaming everyone except the shooter. The NRA is not to blame. Donald Trump is not to blame. Law abiding gun owners are not to blame. Nikolas Cruz, the psychopath who did this, is the only one to blame."


I'm a liberal and I blame the shooter but I also think we need to hold accountable our law makers who have failed to implement any further checks and balances when it comes to gun ownership. This isn't an either/or situation.

Regardless of whether or not it would've made a difference in this case, do you think people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs should be able to legally own a gun? The argument so often seems to be if someone's going to break the law they'll find a way to do it but why make it any easier than necessary for someone like this to come into possession of a gun?

And if so do you think an issue like the one that happened in Florida might be reason to build on regulations such as that in which case someone who has made threatening social media posts and shown to have shaky mental health should also be deemed unfit to legally own a gun?


Bingo Markdown.


But why so many shooters and why are they increasing?

Only two real possibilities: They are psychopaths who are picking up on a "fad" they see in the media, AND/OR it's fallout from the overbearing pharmaceutical industry and the unstable psychotropic drugs they recommend for kids.

As for the "fad," I think that's a major issue. A long time ago, these kids would have probably been suicides and runaways and lesser criminals, but now they want to be part of this growing trend which allows them to live forever in infamy, to have their names and faces known to the world.

Even seeing all the shootings listed in articles, it's more like looking at sports scores than murders.


Please, let's not have any important conversations now. It's not the right time for Republicans or the NRA. They promise to tell us WHEN the right time will let's hold still, forever. And wait for more massacres.


This fad had been going on since 1999.


I blame the breakdown of the nuclear family, Hollywood's glorification of violence, and the extreme amount of attention given to these killers. All of those factors can be attributed to the liberal left.


I agree that the attention from the media is a huge factor. I do not agree it’s Hollywood’s fault. Lots of people who love violent films and videogames wouldn’t hurt a fly. I don’t have the answers that would solve this problem.


I love violent video games and wouldnt hurt a fly. But possibly those who would hurt people are more revved up / desensitised to do that after playing them , or watching horrific torture porn movies like saw(s).


The media are owned and run by corporations, and are therefore conservative and right wing. The 'liberal media' are far less influential.


MSNBC and CNN are openly liberal in their politics. The same can be said for WaPo, NYT, etc. Corporations are not inherently conservative or right wing.


With Columbine back in the late 90's everyone looked for ''something'' to blame but there really wasn't anything. Allegations of bullying, racial hatred,video games, heavy metal music, mental illness and medication were thrown around but either one wasn't sufficient enough to be the proven cause. As with this, it's much of the same thing. There really isn't a definable ''cause'' at least in what an adult can fathom. This is the teenage mentality of ''I do what I want cause I can to those that I don't like'' set loose once again.


there will be shootings when the next president is in office as well...... and there will nothing he can do about it


Gun control would help...


Just like drug laws have put an end to drug abuse.

Or like gun control laws in Chicago have put an end to the shooting deaths there.


And actually, armed guards in schools along with arming some teachers would help.

But liberals will never admit that guns can be the solution to gun violence.


while I don't have any problem with armed guards at a school in general, school budgets are already stretched notoriously thin. Armed guards would add millions to some city budgets so not sure where that money would come from. Also it's not really fair to expect teachers to be tasked with the responsibility of carrying a gun each day; that's not what these folks signed up for when they became teachers and they're already underpaid enough without putting something like that on them. But again I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to individuals who wanted to take on that responsibility doing so.
But even if these measures were taken, why would they have to be the only measures taken? Couldn't we look into these ideas AND additional gun regulations (like making it harder for those of questionable mental stability to obtain guns legally)?


Should not have to arm teachers. If you do then we’ve lost our way big time. If you wish for a bygone era...they didn’t have school shootings back then or a need for guns.


"Should have to arm teachers. If you do then we’ve lost our way big time. You wish for a bygone era...they didn’t have school shootings back then."

You keep contradicting yourself, I can't figure out what you're trying to say.


How is he contradicting himself? Please explain.

Ohhh right you won't see this because you blocked me months ago when I pointed out to you that Bill Clinton had never been convicted of a felony despite your frantic posts to the contrary. So tread lightly filmtenk; when Snags is confronted with facts he doesn't like, he'll block you so he can hide from truths he doesn't like.


Ha thanks for the warning. I gota watch the auto correct to be more clear.


My bad auto correct. I edited my comment.


"Should not have to arm teachers. If you do then we’ve lost our way big time."

All these school shootings show we've already lost our way. Now we're trying to solve the problem with commonsense solutions.

"If you wish for a bygone era...they didn’t have school shootings back then or a need for guns."

Sounds like you're the one wishing for a bygone era. I'm trying to face the reality of the present.


The era that a lot of right wingers wish for is basically the 1950’s when white men were at the top of the food chain above minorities, LGTBQ, and women. There was also very little school gun violence. So if you idolize that backwards era and think that’s how things ought to be then arming teachers does not fit the time.

Put yourself in the position of the teacher. Its their job to connect with students and foster intellectual growth. Do you think teachers would want to show up every day ready to both teach and shoot their students? When say a math teacher is spending extra time tutoring a student who is struggling and then the student succeeds past that challenge. There’s a trust that must occur in order for that to happen. How can that trust exist knowing someone’s armed.

So just get rid of the assault rifles or at least make them impossible for a 19 yo to acquire. There should be magazine limits for all guns. In some states the legal max is like 11 round magazines. This is common sense. Is it a magic bullet solution? No but it will deter a lot of potential shooters. There are things that other states are doing that Florida is not doing. Honestly there should be one national gun code that all states must enforce.


"The era that a lot of right wingers wish for is basically the 1950’s when white men were at the top of the food chain above minorities, LGTBQ, and women."

What a bunch of bullshit.

You're not even worth replying to after that stupid comment.


That is our history dude it ain’t always pretty. And you did reply.




From Markdown474 concerning you SnagsWolf:

“How is he contradicting himself? Please explain.

Ohhh right you won't see this because you blocked me months ago when I pointed out to you that Bill Clinton had never been convicted of a felony despite your frantic posts to the contrary. So tread lightly filmtenk; when Snags is confronted with facts he doesn't like, he'll block you so he can hide from truths he doesn't like.”

So Snags your game is well known. Might as well block me too because I don’t think you can handle the heat. Good luck in your quest for knowledge.


Fine, you're blocked, moron.

Hahahaha. Like I would quest any knowledge from a liberal idiot like you.


he should RESIGN


This is a movie chat forum - why are you talking about this here ????????


Whenever anyone used the reasonable argument of this being a forum for movies, those who decide to use it for politics accuse that person of being anti-free speech and then they say that you can ignore it. In reality, it isn't against free speech because you're not calling them to stop talking about the subject but questioning where they talk about it with your exercise of free speech. As for ignoring the posts, it's fine for the 99% of times you do ignore it, but it gets old to see the same subject as the "trending" when it's about anything but what the forum was created. So where does that leave people who get annoyed with this constant talk of politics?

We ignore the conversation and laugh at how stupid people are being on both sides. Hell, if they didn't fight about politics, they'd probably be working together on something truly awful.


Why is the President part of a movie forum?????????????????????????????????????//


What can anyone do about it? Gun laws wont help.
Your country is so swamped with guns - and 50% of the people absolutely prepared to die trying to keep them.
They cannot be removed now. its too late. There is no easy solution.
I've read a lot of blaming and what wont help .
Anyone got a solution?
