MovieChat Forums > ThreeTenToYuma > Replies
ThreeTenToYuma's Replies
Mueller indicted Putin's chef. LMFAO! This is comedy.
It really is a clown show. I'm waiting for Mueller to indict Putin and every FSB agent for scheming against the US. LMAO.
The fact that these people were so incompetent and lacked basic knowledge about the American electoral system only proves that they weren't state sponsored. Professional spies don't purchase Facebook ads. LMAOOOOOOO
We've spent billions meddling in elections all over the world. Compared to that, the "Internet Research Agency" is a joke.
You're a delusional imbecile.
You are a nutjob if you believe that.
Go fuck yourself loser.
The film has an obvious political/social agenda. Notice how the heterosexual white males are all racist, sexist, and disgusting people. The strange sex scene between Strickland and his wife reinforces this perception. Heterosexuality is revolting in its banality. No doubt the filmmaker was making a statement about "toxic masculinity," the latest feminist boogeyman. Our fish-fucking hero shudders at the thought of being with one of these toxic white dudes. She would rather sleep with the fishes than conform to a society dominated by the white man.
The main narrative behind the Russia investigation is still a hoax. Russians did not collude with Trump and they did not influence the outcome of the election. The fact that a small number of Russians were running politically charged Facebook pages (something which they had every right to do) doesn't change that.
Even Disney can't do worse than Godfather III.
They made some fake accounts on Facebook. What a "conspiracy".
They're being indicted for wire fraud and identity theft. Posting fake shit on Facebook is not a crime.
"Meddling" isn't a crime. Try again.
Trump isnt under investigation by the FBI. Try again.
The only criminal act that's been proven was the hacking of Podesta's email account and subsequent disclosures to Wikileaks. Its ironic that the left wants to make a big deal about this. They are the ones who lionized Snowden and Manning as heroes for leaking classified information. Those guys did very real damage to U.S. national security. Epic hypocrisy and dishonesty.
This is far worse than Benghazi. The Dems have duped millions into believing Trump won because of the Russians. Nutty stuff.
What a nothingburger this has become. Millions of dollars and untold man-hours to indict some Russians for wire fraud. The optics are even worse after the fiasco with the Parkland shooter.
1. Anything involving firearms or gunshot wounds.
2. Female scientists.
3. Everything in "The Notebook".
The imbeciles at the FBI should focus on stuff that really matters, like psychopaths who say they're going to shoot up a school.