MovieChat Forums > ThreeTenToYuma > Replies
ThreeTenToYuma's Replies
The FBI can intervene in divorce cases. "Doggiedaddy" told me so.
How is the prosecution of Putin's chef coming along? LMFAO
The NRA are the good guys.
You should try to write complete sentences next time.
It is 100% true. The idea that universal background checks and assault weapons bans will significantly reduce gun deaths is laughable. Nothing short of mass confiscation will achieve your goals.
The only gun control measure capable of stopping gun deaths is mass confiscation. Confiscating guns is only possible if you repeal the Second Amendment. Pretty simple concept to understand.
Any attempt to repeal the Second Amendment would be met with massive disobedience. You would have civil war in this country.
What in the world are you talking about? School shootings have nothing to do with my Second Amendment rights.
Cruz was able to buy a weapon because he wasn't institutionalized. His teachers should've been able to have him committed. Anyone with a brain can see that.
Liberalism is a plague.
AR-15's are fairly weak as far as rifles go. It shoots the 223 Remington which produces around 1000-1300 ft-lb of muzzle energy. Common hunting rifles used for deer easily exceed 3000 ft-lb of energy due to the more powerful cartridges and longer barrel lengths. I've hunted with an AR-15 and would never use it on anything bigger than a raccoon. The stopping power is very marginal.
You're including every mental affliction under the sun. Psychosis affects about 3% of Americans, or roughly 10 million people. They should be locked up and sterilized.
Mentally ill people should be locked up. Problem solved.
In the old days, Cruz would've been involuntarily committed to an institution long before he could hurt anyone. This is much harder today thanks to the deinstitutionalization movement. Thanks liberals!
Well, at least you admit that you want to get rid of the Second Amendment.
Many teachers would volunteer.
Oh brother. Someone's been watching too many Tarantino films.
Idiot libtards want to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights because a few psychos shot up some schools.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL teachers carry firearms. It would be purely voluntary.
Those indictments have nothing to do with their work on the Trump campaign. Try again.