MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > You know we live in Libtard Hell when ar...

You know we live in Libtard Hell when arming school teachers is controversial!

I realize most teachers are pussies who wouldn't shoot a psycho even if he were coming at them with a knife. Maybe if we made Boot Camp mandatory before entering teacher's college they might be able to defend themselves and deal with unruly students. Might not vote Democrap either!

The Libtard response to school shootings is "prevention", meaning gun control = banning "assault weapons". Pointless because a shooter can empty a handgun and reload several times a minute. Buy one in Mexico if they get banned. Even old hunting rifles were semi-automatic.

The Libtard will respond with ban all guns! That will result in violent revolution solving the Libtard problem once and for all.


Why force it on them, though? If grocery store shootings were rampant in America, should all workers be forced to carry guns as well? You didn't sign up for that? What if mental institutions were an easy target for shootings? Should all the doctors there carry a gun knowing there are a bunch of mentally ill people around? I'm not liberal or conservative, but your comments seem too black and white and your use of the term "libtard" is just childish.


I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL teachers carry firearms. It would be purely voluntary.


And if no one volunteers? I'm sure they'll set minimum.


Many teachers would volunteer.


I think that depends on what part of the country you’re in. In the North East for example arming teachers has near zero support from teachers.

Maybe if certain states have overwhelming support for arming teachers they should. Different states different solutions. Just don’t be surprised if students choose not to attend your to schools because of the guns.


Why not just arm all students with AR-15's to be safe?


LOL! Great idea. Let's start with K-8. Nothing says fun like a game of 'tag' during recess with an AR-15.

Rethuglikkans would love this.


Idiot Rethuglikkans want to turn America into the 'old West' where everyone is slinging a gun, and will shoot first and ask questions later.

They don't realize we should be much more civilized than that.


Idiot libtards want to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights because a few psychos shot up some schools.


Thankfully, those 14 students and 3 teachers laid down their lives last week, just to protect your Second Amendment.

Thankfully, those 12 students and 1 teacher laid down their lives at Columbine High School, just to protect your Second Amendment.

Thankfully, those 20 students and 6 teachers laid down their lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School, just to protect your Second Amendment.

Thankfully, those 32 students and staff members laid down their lives at Virginia Tech, just to protect your Second Amendment.

After sending the families 'thoughts and prayers', exactly how often do you send thanks to their families, friends and survivors for their heroic accomplishments of being gunned down in cold blood - just to protect your Second Amendment?


Well, at least you admit that you want to get rid of the Second Amendment.


I didn't admit anything of the kind.

I simply pointed out that more than 78 people have laid down their lives to protect your second amendment, and asked how often you thank their survivors for their heroic deed - after you offer your obligatory 'thoughts and prayers'.

You didn't answer.


Mentally ill people should be locked up. Problem solved.


A comment as ignorant as that could only be an attempt at trolling. Some estimates state that as many as 1/5 people in the US have undiagnosed mental illness. So let’s lock up 60 million people, problem solved.


You're including every mental affliction under the sun. Psychosis affects about 3% of Americans, or roughly 10 million people. They should be locked up and sterilized.


Wow, you're actually a fascist.


Most of the republicans identify with Nazi ideology of white power and rampant hatred for the gays and the non-whites.


"Mentally ill people should be locked up. Problem solved."

Then Paul Ryan would be President.

But going back to the original question, which you keep avoiding: How often do you thank the survivors of those students for being gunned down in the past 20 years to protect your Second Amendment?


What in the world are you talking about? School shootings have nothing to do with my Second Amendment rights.


It has everything to do with your 2A rights. If the 2A had more restrictions and we had better gun control in our country, those kids would be alive today.

But the NRA and the Rethuglikkans don't want that - so be thankful to those kids...and the kids who will be inevitable victims of the future.


Any attempt to repeal the Second Amendment would be met with massive disobedience. You would have civil war in this country.


No one wants to repeal it.


The only gun control measure capable of stopping gun deaths is mass confiscation. Confiscating guns is only possible if you repeal the Second Amendment. Pretty simple concept to understand.


Not true at all.


It is 100% true. The idea that universal background checks and assault weapons bans will significantly reduce gun deaths is laughable. Nothing short of mass confiscation will achieve your goals.


Strict background checks and bans of assault weapons actually work in other countries, so your argument is invalid.


Those countries ban all types of firearms. They have no gun crime because they have virtually no guns.


Not true, because I own firearms and I live in one of those countries.


And conservatives hate Muslims because a few are terrorists. The hypocrisy is clear here.


In the old days, Cruz would've been involuntarily committed to an institution long before he could hurt anyone. This is much harder today thanks to the deinstitutionalization movement. Thanks liberals!


Thanks T-rump for cutting the budget by billions to help those who are mentally ill.

And a special Thanks to the NRA and their paid candidates for making sure Cruz was able to bu a weapon!


Cruz was able to buy a weapon because he wasn't institutionalized. His teachers should've been able to have him committed. Anyone with a brain can see that.


"Cruz was able to buy a weapon because he wasn't institutionalized."

Doc, what was his dx to have him institutionalized?

Cruz was able to buy a gun because it's his second amendment right to do so, and the NRA made sure he exercised his right - mentally ill or not. The NRA has fought the fight not to have gun control - so be proud....and visit the graves of those kids every once in a while, and thank them for protecting your second amendment. It's the least you can do.


Let me ask you something, have you ever taken a human life?


Of course he hasn't. He's a fat little 15-year-old keyboard warrior. He probably gets bullied by librarians.
