lolkatz's Posts

SPOILERS. How could Clifford McBride survive for so long? Moon interior scenes Commercial success, good reviews, and yet no sequel? Manages to fail at something so simple The Rise shall be a fitting conclusion to an excellent sequel trilogy! The CGI Rod Serling is about the worst thing I've seen in a decade Stamets and Hugh LGBT affair dull and annoying The accused is allowed access to the crime scene? 1.03. Replay's depiction of cop racism The Japanese Watanabe family serve as a Google Article 13 is a good thing! What were they expecting Mueller would find?! It won't stop only at Trump's 2nd term Main problem: expository verbosity Mostly a misfire Please stop hating on Kathleen Kennedy Why did the villain have to go through such trouble Reverence for Thomas Smith martyrdom?! How does Juliana know what a Bar Mitzvah is????