Reverence for Thomas Smith martyrdom?!
This doesn't make any sense. The moment Thomas turned himself in to be euthanized, his parent's social standing and particularly his fathers career would be sealed. It would be very likely his parents and his siblings and all relatives would be rounded up for testing immediately.
However, in this show, Thomas' martyrdom is celebrated and promoted by the state. Such premise is baffling. Do you think that Nazis, obsessed with eugenics as they are, would make heroes of genetically deficient members in their midst?! In this society, where for example, no one dare speak of Minister Goebbels' deformed foot, you think they would celebrate a prominent Hitler Youth member with a congenital disease, regardless of whether he volunteered to be disposed of or not? Of course not, they would erase the memory of him, sweep it under the mat ASAP.
In the series, however, these developments are used to deliver the most contrived and unbelievable plot point: the boy is turned into a hero, and Nazi Edgar Hoover and his boss George Lincoln Rockwell find it all to fishy, and decide to blackmail Smith with the 'suspicious' death of dr. Adler. If this show knew what it was doing, they wouldn't even need to bother: John Smith would cease to be any kind of threat to Rockwell by the very act of Thomas' admission, to say the least. Alternatively, if Himmler valued Smith so much, then he would make sure no one mentioned the genetic deficiency in his family, and most certainly would not allow it to be celebrated. Again, Rockwell would be powerless.
Furthermore, John and Helen dread about their daughters' first period, because that's when the Nazis are sure to test them for any sort of genetic diseases. No, the Nazi authorities most certainly wouldn't need to wait for their first periods to act upon Thomas' revelation about his disease. This subplot actually started off as something very interesting, and John Smith's plan to send Thomas to South America and arrange for his false kidnapping by the guerrillas would actually work so much better! That's the show I'd like to see! But they dropped it, and came up with the dumbest possible resolution.