MovieChat Forums > kuku > Replies

kuku's Replies

👍 For spoilers, use <spoiler>something like this</spoiler>, or at least warn about it in the title ("spoiler alert"), so anybody entering the thread will be aware of that. Never place spoilers in the title, specially in the General Forum. That's a Mel Brook's style comedy. This series is not supposed to be a spoof comedy. That's like saying that new Star Wars trilogy is OK because the characters look like the ones in Spaceballs. And yeap, there's a lot of similarities between Disney's Star Wars and Spaceballs, but again, the new Star Wars movies are not supposed to be spoof movies. Yeap, right now every movie/series remake is just about one of this: 1. Race swapping (His Dark Materials, Witcher, the Little Blackmeid) 2. Gender/Trans swapping (Doctor Who, Dracula) 3. Keep the white original, make him stupid/evil, introduce new diverse character that solve the day (this one, Thor, Luke Skywalker in new Star Wars) You don't need to guess, just being aware of the these are the "creative" options in modern cinematography, you can't be wrong. <blockquote>We accept donations. In the name of The Father, The Son and the Wholly Woke.</blockquote> Collecting donations is a symptom of a religion having lost most of its power, which is not the case with modern Wokeness. They control most of media, deep state and have infiltrated big companies, they don't need to ask for donations. The Church during the Middle Ages didn't ask for donations. They collected the tithe, 10% of your whole production. Woke BBC doesn't need any donation neither, they just can collect their little tithe in UK. Donations are for losers. <b>EDIT</b> Quite interesting how right now, all the answers are insults, personal attacks, "LOL", "Okay", short sentences that don't make sense, and other various non-sense. That's what you see when people lack arguments, and a Woke common behavior. I don't pray, dude, not since I was a little kid and I told my grandmother I was not willing to go with her to Church. I never liked religions, not one bit. And that hasn't changed. Nope, I don't get offended by 'woke characters'. I didn't get offended by Christian movies (neither I liked them), why should I be offended by Wokes, which is just another religion? I don't like Wokes having taken over Hollywood and BBC and media and academia, the same I wouldn't like if it was Mormons, or Evangelists, <b>or any other cult</b>. That's not 'being offended'. I think that cults should belong to the private sphere. I don't like open religious proselytism and I don't like some religious cult (no matter which one) controlling most of media, and trying to impose their sacred commandments to everybody (ask the developers of Kingdom Come what happened when they rejected to apply one of the Woke Commandments "<i>You shall have Black main characters</i>"). Holy shit. We live in a time where there's people who get offended when they're asked where they from... and there's who think that's a reasonable behavior, this thread is an example. The world is nuts. 😕 The sentence gap between whites and blacks was about a 5-10% or something like that. Having a 10% less chances of being wrongfully convicted is better, of course, but it's not something like a big "privilege". Enough with excuses. Not to say, the sentence gap was higher between males and females (favoring females). That means that a white male was more likely to be wrongfully convicted than a black female. And <i>that was decades ago</i>. Modern day, it's likely the opposite, since judges are scared of being labelled as 'racist' and favor special groups. You can notice in the UK, where hundreds of rapes of minors were dismissed because the rapist were Pakistanis. My grandmother's remedy: before going to sleep, take a glass with half milk, half brandy, warm. Sleep under several blankets so you sweat. <blockquote>But the problem is that no matter what someone will cry woke or something similar.</blockquote> Yeap, that's the logical problem with Wokes having invaded almost all media companies, magazines and academia. Imagine that for the last decade, instead of Wokes it was Christian activists the ones that invaded media. Most characters followed archetypes and their role and character could be easily guessed knowing his religious behavior. Christians are portrayed as wise, charming and clever. Atheists, are portrayed either as violent psychos, as retarded or as pathetic cucks, or as a combination. You had the Ghostbusters reboot, with the four characters being openly Christians and an Atheist being a half-retarded secretary, or Terminator Dark Faith, with every character replaced by a Christian, and old T2 and Sarah Connor that have found Jesus and help the new Christian generation to fight the evil Skynet, the Atheist Artificial Intelligence that it's unable to understand how great is Jesus, Amen! And of course, the new Doctor Who, regenerated in an openly Christian Doctor. Season 11 takes us to different historic episodes where Atheists are portrayed as psychos. In 'Arachnids in the UK' you have an Atheist president. In 'Demons in the Punjab' they portray evil non-Christians killing each other. In 'The Witchfinders' they portray a witch-hunting of dissidents by an Atheist Joseph Stalin. And so on. Of course, they go full Christian and in Season 12 they introduce a new Doctor, who happens to be the original one, and was not only Christian but a Vicar in Gallifrey. Doctor Who has been secretly a Vicar all this time! That's why he was so clever and good! Now... does that mean that there shouldn't be Christian characters in movies? Not at all. But to be honest, as long as Christians were in control of media, openly Christian or Atheist characters had a 99.9% chance of being propaganda. Place Wokeness instead of Christianism, White Males instead of Atheists, and Blacks or Women instead of Christians. And the same applies. The shop around the corner (1940) 1. The Jetsons (62) 2. The Fifth Element (1997) 3. Blade Runner (82) 4. Various Star Wars 5. Back to the Future Part II (1989) 6. The Absent Minded Professor (1961) 7. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) 8. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (2002) 9. M.A.S.K. (1985) EDIT I added the 5th Element and just realized it was already added. Since I gathered the previous answers, I delete mine but I leave the other ones. It's called Virus Diversity, and you know, diversity is America's strength 😂😂😂 So according to woke BBC, the Doctor was originally a black fat woman. She just got whitewashed because of heteropatriarchy and evil white male privilege. Ahem... 😄😄😄 Nah, it's better just to consider the last seasons as a fan-fiction parody. I've already said in another comment, but the problem with Buffy was called Marti Norton. She became the showrunner in season 6, after Whedon left. Yeap. Early seasons of Game of Thrones are bloody amazing. Last ones were a joke. Season 6, Whedon left and Marti Norton became the showrunner. That's why the series declined so hard. The big change with Buffy happened after Joss Whedon left, in the 6th season. Until then, with high and lows, it's a very good series. In the last two seasons, 6th and 7th, Marti Norton became the showrunner and the show went full feminist, which is a way to say it went to hell. It's the moment where every girl in the show starts to kick vampire's asses, you know, those supernatural beings with supernatural strength. It was like WTF? True. That happens to me.