This is really irritating, I’m sure they grow tired of being asked but I always ask very respectfully and with a clear interest, not to make them feel like an outcast or to seem judgmental.
They sensitive because they're a minority in a country they lived their entire life in. Not feeling accepted racially or culturally in a place they consider home not the place from which they or their parents originally came.
It is a difficult position to be in, especially if they are different in appearance to most of the resident population. I feel sorry for Africans in Australia for that reason. They stick out like sore thumbs.
Wait... so you are irritated that people get irritated about you asking impertinent questions? I think you should be wait to be told or mind your own business.
It’s impertinent because you are assuming they are from another country because of their skin colour. Some may call it racist, but I just think it’s rude of you to presume that. How many years has America been multicultural now? Probably long enough not to assume every “ethnic looking person” is foreign.
It’s a shame when someone isn’t even smart enough to play dumb convincingly isn’t it?
I think we need a “MovieBuff’s guide to spotting an ethnic” thread because, y’know, “ethnic looking” doesn’t suggest you are basing your assumptions on appearance at all. What the hell were we thinking?
Don't try your high-falutin', slumguzzlin' tricks round these parts gringo, I'm packin five beans in the wheel, so you best take those beetle crushers and be on your way.
When I moved to east Tennessee I heard that about once a week - for almost 3 years!
"Yuins ain't from 'roun' here, are ye?"
Drove me nuts! One day I heard it one time too many and blew up in the crewroom at the railroad yard:
"I was born in Ft Benning, Ga and I'm the only bastard in this room with the RIGHT to fly to the Stars and Bars! Oh and if you really want to talk trash about yankees - my Momma's a yankee... "
Three seconds later... "We were just kidding, Cruz", "Yeah we didn't mean nuthin' about your mom", "It was just a joke, brother"... etc.
Never had another problem and that was 15 years ago. Just gotta stand up to the mouthbreathers.
Since America is the great melting pot, discussing ethnic origins is very common in the US. I've yet to meet anyone who didn't express at least some pride in their heritage.
Besides - ask 99.9% of people to talk about themselves and they'll happily drone on endlessly lol!
There must be a way to ask a persons background that isn't accusatory as "Where are you from?", right? I'm from America but my ancestors were Scottish, English, and German.
I say this as a white man that has NEVER been asked where I am from, however.
Not so much anymore, but I used to get asked where I'm from all the time. I'm white. I think perhaps the US and Canada are immigrant countries it just seemed a normal question. I haven't been asked in a long time now as I guess it seems racist?
It all depends on your perspective doesn't it. If you are for globalization, mass immigration and wholesale ethnic mixing then you might see politicians that are against that as "fanning the flames of immigrant hate". But if you regard globalization, mass immigration and wholesale ethnic mixing as bad things then you might see these politicians as people who are trying to preserve their country's people and culture.
I think homosexuals should be allowed to live their lives free of persecution. I don't think that activists should promote any of the LGBTQ etc varieties to try to make them become more mainstream. That is a mistake and will blow up in their faces. These are minorities and should remain as such.
As far as marriage goes I see it as a necessary evil for the raising of children. Why anyone gets married who doesn't absolutely have to is a mystery to me.
You know it's amazing how often when I am having an argument with someone some other person (or sock) just happens to show up on cue to stick their oar in.
There's your foot fetish again, it's all about socks with you isn't it? Weird.
Seriously, it's bordering on paranoia, each time a new member joins you hound them about sock accounts. You talk about sock accounts all the time. I would hazard a guess that you dream about sock accounts.
Dumb doesn't suit you either mate. You know exactly how discussion forums work and if you engage in an online argument on an open forum you would be naive not to expect others to comment.
You want one-on-one? Send a message or go offline. With your attitude lately, either would be acceptable.
LOL. Making friends I see. I am not a sock. Look at my post count. I like to talk but I don't want to bother my friends and family with some of the shit in my head.
So now you get it. This forum gets it.
Look, I will not argue in bad faith with you. However, the whole "sock account" protection veil you seem to be so fond of needs to stop. It's weak. I'm saying this as a forum friend. You can call me on shit as well. Fair play.
I think you haven't been around here for a few days Cruz so you may have missed what's been going on. Forsaken got run out of town by the mob and there has been fur flying and feathers getting ruffled since then. Normally I will ignore the reprobates who infest this place but there is a limit.
Yeah I was here at the time but I didn't look at the thread where it went down. He got piled into and ended up deleting his account.
I wouldn't have become involved even then but hownos posted a thread crowing about Forsaken self deleting and then they got together and started patting themselves on the back for a job well done. And how they were a great bunch for keeping Moviechat a good place for decent folk. You know that sort of mob mentality thing.
And in the interests of full disclosure I am a targeted individual so I have a particular hatred for this type of group persecution of one person. And Moviechat is obviously not free of this sort of contamination. Not by a long shot.
I am blaming people for taking it on themselves to say what is and what isn't acceptable around here. Who made them God ? Forsaken had his issues with women. So what ? No doubt he had his reasons. If people didn't like what he had to say they could have put him on Ignore.
I love the blues! Robert Cray's style is what I personally consider, "rockin' blues." I have a good collection of music in the genre. I will look into Burnside.
It is my firm belief that it takes all kinds to make a village. Everyone, and I mean Everyone, has "issues" of one kind or another. Some are more abrasive than others... but the whole point of being social creatures is to be tolerant.
On the other hand - the MC brunch are generally quite forgiving. Hell, ya'll kept me around after that night that I blew the fuck up and acted like a homicidal psychopath! So if he got ran off by GenPop then might be a bit more to it.
Knowing nothing about, I'm trying to objective and see both sides.
Well I know where the wind is blowing out of and it ain't pretty. And you keep talking as though Moviechat is your own private club. It isn't. It's a public message board open to anyone.
Y'know, I've only been back on the boards for a couple days but damn... I take off a few days and when I get back the place has gone completely to shit lol!
One gets bullied (apparently!) and quits, at least four others are openly cursing each other (with little or no provocation that I can see), a couple more people, perhaps the gentler of our bunch ( maybe, maybe not) are upset about all the hard feelings and harsh words - and rightly so!
Ah when it's said and done, in a couple months, Hell a couple Weeks!, it'll be forgotten or at least relegated to the past. Everyone involved will do whatever they do to live with it.
All countries have borders. Otherwise it's just countryside.
I dunno, I'm trying to wrap my head around the morons who want to open my country to everyone in the world including those who want us dead.
Not to mention all the people with no dog in the fight, who think they have the right to voice their insignificant opinion.
As if 1,000,000+ immigrants every year isn't enough, along with the hundreds of millions (yes - HUNDREDS of Millions) of taxpayer dollars we literally give away EVERY year. Not to mention the horrible beating we've taken for at least 35 years in our ridiculous trade deals.
Some folks are just naturally stupid.
Honestly, MovieBuff, you've got to be trolling us. The US is a immigrant country, why would you assume they're foreign just because of the way they look???
That's perhaps a little insensitive. Why not ask, 'Where are you from originally?' This is so much more open to interpretation as it doesn't imply anything other than a genuine interest.
New York.
East of The Mississippi people assume I'm Puerto Rican. West of The Mississippi I'm assumed to be Mexican. I'm neither. I'm Irish. (Black Irish). My children are biracial, so that further complicates the matter for some folks. We don't care, it's funny.
Sounds like you have a good reasonable attitude about people and their behavior. Good for you. By the way, do you get email notifications when people reply to your comments? I used to but do not seem to be getting them any more.
I quit the pain clinic and went back to my drug of choice 😁😋😲😴
Definitely the right decision! My back still hurts, I can feel it, but I handle it.
It's Soo good to not basically center my life around my pain meds!
Last November made 12 years!
This past month I have been blissfully happy lol.
I hope this is your first question for your main man Scorsese should you ever get the chance to meet him. Pretty ethnic looking isn’t he? Would love to see how that plays out.
See, you're not being completely honest here. There are "ethnic looking" people in the US who go back much further than that. It's not like European Americans are native to America. You just can't be serious, Buff.
When I met Mr. Scorsese, I said "MAMA MIA! Where-a you come-a from?"
His response was "Whatsa matta you? I slappa you face!" Then he looked at me derisively and made some sort of gesture that looked like he was scratching under his chin.
We live in a time where there's people who get offended when they're asked where they from... and there's who think that's a reasonable behavior, this thread is an example. The world is nuts. 😕
Spare me. You get offended when a sci-fi character is too “woke” and will spend hours lecturing people about being lectured. To me that’s nuttier than a truckload of Snickers. All about perception innit?
Nope, I don't get offended by 'woke characters'. I didn't get offended by Christian movies (neither I liked them), why should I be offended by Wokes, which is just another religion?
I don't like Wokes having taken over Hollywood and BBC and media and academia, the same I wouldn't like if it was Mormons, or Evangelists, or any other cult. That's not 'being offended'. I think that cults should belong to the private sphere.
I don't like open religious proselytism and I don't like some religious cult (no matter which one) controlling most of media, and trying to impose their sacred commandments to everybody (ask the developers of Kingdom Come what happened when they rejected to apply one of the Woke Commandments "You shall have Black main characters").
I guess I asked for it. Now if you’ll forgive me I am late for the next sermon at the church of Whittaker. It’s a big day, we’re praying that more black women will take over white male roles. Our holy mission is to have Queen Latifah starring as Shaniqua McClane in the next Die Hard movie by the end of the decade. Keep us in your prayers kuku.
I don't pray, dude, not since I was a little kid and I told my grandmother I was not willing to go with her to Church. I never liked religions, not one bit. And that hasn't changed.
We accept donations. In the name of The Father, The Son and the Wholly Woke.
Collecting donations is a symptom of a religion having lost most of its power, which is not the case with modern Wokeness. They control most of media, deep state and have infiltrated big companies, they don't need to ask for donations.
The Church during the Middle Ages didn't ask for donations. They collected the tithe, 10% of your whole production. Woke BBC doesn't need any donation neither, they just can collect their little tithe in UK. Donations are for losers.
EDIT Quite interesting how right now, all the answers are insults, personal attacks, "LOL", "Okay", short sentences that don't make sense, and other various non-sense. That's what you see when people lack arguments, and a Woke common behavior.
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Of course, you can find people who become believer, the same you find believers who become non believers, or believers who change their religion, but in general that's not frequent.