MovieChat Forums > kuku > Replies

kuku's Replies

I'd be happy if the next Doctor wasn't politically/religiously motivated. <blockquote>But your definition was different the other week. You said it wasn't that the doctor was female but it was a female doctor being played like a male doctor </blockquote> I said that woke series and movies usually portray "strong female" as male with boobs, which is true. But that's not a "definition" of wokeness. It's just a common problem, or a complain about a common problem, if you wish. Damn, did you read my previous comment? Definitions are definitions and complains are complains. Right now, I don't know if you have some mental block or you're just trolling. <blockquote>But my point still stands - anytime there's a female character or a character of colour people now use the term woke.</blockquote> Right now, black characters <i>in Hollywood</i> (or Europe) are 99% of times because of wokeness. That's kind of logical, though. If Hollywood was invaded by Christians fanatics instead of wokes, 99% times openly Christian or Atheist characters would have a political significance. • <i>I read somewhere that there was a genetic link between the Berbers and the Scandinavians</i> Nope, but... The most important invasions were the Goths and the Vandals. Both are considered as Germanic tribes. <i>However</i>, their origin is placed somewhere in southern Sweden. So, well, kind of blurry. • <i>the Middle Eastern contribution to Spanish DNA was significant</i> That was a common belief years ago. Genetic maps have proven it wrong. Actually, the only part of Spain which is a bit close (genetically) to North Africa is Galicia, in the north-west... and which was never invaded by the Arabs in first place! Nope, the Vikings never invaded the south of Europe. There were raids, and they reached the north of Africa, but they never stayed. It was the Germanic tribes the ones that invaded Spain and the Maghreb and stayed. Note: 'Maghreb' means 'western' in Arabic, and refers either to Maroc (you can notice it's really the same word), or (more usually) to the western part of North Africa, including Maroc, Alger and Tunisia. Spain was a Germanic kingdom during several centuries, before it was invaded by the Arabs. As an interesting fact, the Germanic invaders mixed with the local population, while the Arabs established some kind of apartheid and didn't mix. That's why Spain has almost zero Arab blood (beyond modern immigrants). You can still notice it nowadays, my mother was from the south of Spain, and she had blue eyes. I was once visiting the family of some friends of my father, in the Maghreb. The whole family was blonde with blue eyes. They actually descend from the Germanic (not Viking) invasions that went through Spain and reached the north of Africa. They're very scarce, nowadays. And for what matters, Arabs use to be very racist towards them. There's a difference between social commentary and preaching. Old TZ made social commentary. Christian movies preach. And the new TZ preaches. She's half black. She belongs to the worshipped race. Why is that a problem? This is a movie forum, it's a logical place to ask that question. Perhaps that person is not interested in being part of the forum. So what? If you know the answer, help him, if not, let other people offer some help. Call it your good deed of the day. • Ju-On, because the ghost scenes were scary as hell • Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the one with Donald Sutherland, because of the dreadful ending that let no room for hope. I imagine it depends a lot on where you live, it's not the same whether you live in Rhode Island, Detroit or Los Angeles. They're likely feel like different societies. Europe and Australia and far more homogeneous. In Europe you can find no-go zones, but it's more about suburbs with high immigration. That's changing quickly, though, but that's another story. 😂😂😂😂 <i>How sad that you think sweetheart is an insult.</i> And more personal attacks. At least it's still useful. They completely destroyed BoxOfficeMojo (which belongs to the same company than iMDB). And it's happening more and more. Sites with a very good design are changed for the sake of being changed, and the new design <b>breaks the usability</b>. It happened to DeviantArt, and Reddit, to name a couple. It's a $100 million movie. It would need about $300 to $400 millions to break even. It won't be a flop, but it doesn't seem like it will be a success neither. I guess it'll break even but it won't go far beyond that. Do you remember when Doctor Who was only an eccentric and very clever alien that solved problems? :-( A Muslim Doctor Who is just a matter of time. It makes sense. The audiences are plummeting, and Doctor Who is an expensive series. Probably, it'll be cancelled soon and Whitaker will become the last Doctor (at least, for a while). "Women" and "Blacks" are the two main objects of worship for wokes, Chibnall got her "female Doctor", but probably he wanted to have a "black Doctor" too, before the show is cancelled, so he can reach woke sanctity or something like that. <i>Enjoy the show sweetheart</i> And as usual, you reached the 'light hearted insults' phase. 😄 Holy shit. That's a bit too much. I always thought that if you find a character in a movie very attractive, it's not the actress who you really like. It's the writer. By the way, I just check out of curiosity, and the woman who wrote Truth About Cats and Dogs script died one year ago of cancer.