MovieChat Forums > Recognizer > Replies
Recognizer's Replies
Expressing disappointment in something that didn’t meet expectations does not make one a sociopath per se. However, Daisy Ridley is merely an actor and has no control over the story or her character arc, so having a go at her is indeed inappropriate. Save it for the director/writer and Disney.
I’d forgotten the comment about her stealing Snokes shuttle, but don’t remember Rey telling Chewie to meet at a rendezvous point. Perhaps I was distracted at that moment.
CoachGainz gets it. I expected all these things as well, because TFA set up these expectations.
However, I still cling on to some hope that Abrams can make good on some of these answers in Episode IX.
I’m 45 and would agree. Not a bad SW film (better on 2nd viewing) but TFA was better overall, due largely to tighter editing and no superfluous subplots
Couldn’t have said it better. Needs Abrams to do an edit of it, or a fan to do one ...... hmmmm, where’s my copy of Premiere?
I'd laugh, except for the fact that when Poe first meets Holdo and (especially) Rey, he tries to come across as some hot-shot pilot ladies man by proceeding to try to crack on to them. I imagine this was done to further highlight the idea that men only think about one thing, given that virtually all male characters in this movie are portrayed negatively.
It's clear that he didn't, for several reasons similar to this one.
Why the hell isn't there a Like button on these boards??
Well, he makes some good points about Luke and how SW needs to go off in original directions rather than re-hashing the same old same old.
However, the issue I have with it (which this guy didn't cover) is that NONE of the plot threads set up in TFA were followed. This reviewer (and RJ) fail to recognise that this is the middle act of a 3 act play. It's part of a trilogy of films, not a stand-alone film. For the latter, going off in a completely original direction is fine, but not when it's part of a larger story. You can't just ignore what Abrams set up in TFA as if it never happened.
Because the script told him to?
Btw, as much as everyone loves to hate on Jar-Jar, virtually everyone remembers his one-liners. Not a forgettable character by a long shot :)
I’m not going to diss those who don’t like it, but I also don’t think TPM is too bad. Certain elements strike me as moments that entirely belong in the SW universe, such as the pod race and the droid invasion.
The problem is that this entire trilogy is pointless if she’s nobody, not to mention boring. One of the reasons that a lot of the EU is good is because it connects to OT material in some way, then expands upon it, adding depth.
Rey being nobody would be fine - if she was the main character in a spin-off story. Then, introducing a new family with similar natural power to Skywalkers would be consistent and make sense. But this is Episodes 7, 8 and 9 we’re talking about, which means it must be about Skywalkers or at least must have characters that are fundamentally connected to Skywalkers in some way.
Read it again. I said REY’S saber (Anakin’s and Luke’s) is the one of the best sabers ever made. 😊 The similarity of Rey to Ren is confusing!
Small correction: the Falcon isn’t gone 😊
But yes, I largely agree. OT will always be special. It’s lightning in a bottle, so basically can’t be equaled.
I’m a Gen X who was around in 77 for the original, and yeah, I’m still a fan. But my fandom is more about the SW universe, including the EU and the video games. The EU offers much better post-OT stories than the Disney films (eg. Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy), and the games give a sense of immersion and participation in the universe. These feel more like authentic SW to me than this Disney fan-fic
Agreed. Whoever was responsible for pacing and editing dropped the ball big time. It needed to be cut down to a much tighter edit. Perhaps a fan edit will emerge once this is available for purchase?
Lucas has always been averse to doing a sequel trilogy for reasons unknown, apart from him once saying that he felt that the story ended with the redemption of Anakin. I don’t buy the latter, so I maintain that the real reason is a mystery to this day.
In the EU novel Darksaber (yes, I know Disney doesn’t consider it canon), Crix Madine is [spoiler]executed by the Hutts as a spy after a failed undercover op[/spoiler]
Yes, too bad indeed