Recognizer's Replies

Yes, it all became rather absurd Yes, Del Toro didn't really belong. And on the last point: why not cast an already-established character rather than inventing Holdo? Why not Crix Madine? Or Carlist Reikaan? Or where the heck was Mon Mothma? Any of those would have lent more gravitas to the part and could still have gone out like a hero by doing the lightspeed bullet. Even could have had Ackbar survive the bridge destruction (perhaps have him off the bridge at the time?) and have him take command. Imagine him doing the lightspeed bullet in the cruiser he's probably commanded for decades. That would have been boss! I get what Keith is saying, but yeah, this. All the while Disney smells a profit, they'll keep making content. Well, it's plausible. However, Fett never exhibited any slicing skills, and DJ hasn't shown any combat skills, so that doesn't really match. Also, if he's Fett, then where's the Mandalorian armor? Why would he abandon that? Where is Slave One for that matter? Why is he now primarily a slicer and thief rather than continuing his successful career as a bounty hunter? Yes, hence Ren force-pulling the officer after cutting up the control panel and demanding "What girl?!". Not to mention Han offering her a position on the Falcon (which he wouldn't offer to some random), the lightsaber calling to Rey and subsequent force vision, and the deliberate scene cut when Maz asks Han who she is. Everything in TFA points to her being someone, not a nobody. Also, +1 the darkpast idea. Only issue then would be to explain why Luke didn't recognise her. What evidence do you offer to support it? Something like that would be far better than her just being nobody. Several of them, so I'll put them in descending order of irritation: Rey and Snoke - There's one movie to go, so I'm hoping there's a twist in it regarding Rey's backstory, but I was annoyed that it wasn't developed any further in this film and that RJ just wrote it off with a "you're nobody with nobody parents". Same applies to Snoke. The way Ren killed him was actually cool, but the film did nothing to develop the character or his backstory. Prank call - it was just infantile and not even funny. Phasma - shouldn't have even been in the film given she was apparently thrown into a trash compactor on a base that was subsequently destroyed in short order. Casino planet (Canto Bight) and mutiny - Totally unnecessary sub-plot. Slicer could have simply been a prisoner on the Republic cruiser, offered freedom if he helped. Or, just have Holdo tell Poe the plan from the outset, then the whole mutiny sub-plot goes away. Luke's death - Not really necessary. The rest were OK. I can live with them. What I don't get is why RJ was even considered. He doesn't have the required experience. These films should have been done by seasoned writers and directors, not greenhorns. The only reasons I can think of is that he was a cheap yes-man, perfectly willing to toe the party line and do whatever KK wanted. Yes and no. There's no reason that writers can't feel liberated and explore without fear, but at the same time follow a consistent plot outline for a trilogy arc. If they aren't prepared to do that, then don't make a trilogy, just make stand-alone films like Rogue One. Indeed. Lucas didn't have fully fleshed out stories for the OT, but he did have story treatments and plot outlines, not only for the OT, but for 12(!) SW movies. The idea of shooting a trilogy without at least the 3 consistent treatments in place is madness. This, and that you would need a ship of similar or greater mass relative to the target ship. This tactic would have little effect against a Star Destroyer if you attempted it with an X-Wing. To take out such a massive vessel, you need something of similar mass, thus the use of a Mon Calamari cruiser here. This is also why this tactic wouldn't work against a Death Star. Also, as CoachGainz (and Han) pointed out, travelling through hyperspace aint like dusting crops (boy), it takes precise calculations. The lightspeed bullet tactic would miss more often than hit. Holdo just came up with it out of sheer desperation, maybe even knowing the odds against it working. It just so happened to be a great shot, a one in a million, like Luke's shot at the Death Star. Probably time to find new mates Maybe a seasoned director who knows his shit would do a better job, rather than hiring greenhorn directors still looking forward to their first shave? How did she know how to fly the Falcon in TFA? How did she know about the compressor Unkar Plutt installed and how to bypass it? As Volley said, someone else would need to direct, and for me, write dialogue, as Lucas is shit at both. But he can write a story and create characters. So given that he wrote story treatments for a sequel trilogy, I would like to have seen them used and fleshed out by Abrams. This would have been ideal, but we didn’t get that, so we’ll have to live with it I hope you’re right, and Abrams resolves things in IX The main issue that a lot of people have is that it fails to pick up on the plot threads set up by Abrams in TFA, mainly the ones around Snoke and Rey’s origins. Instead, Snoke is killed without expanding on the character at all, and Rey is simply described as a nobody with nobody parents. Given the setup in TFA, this is deeply unsatisfactory. Yes. There’s a good SW movie in there, but it’s drowned in cheap humour and pointless subplots. If it were edited down to remove some of those elements (definitely Canto Bight) then you’d have a much tighter narrative.