MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > How "Return of the Jedi" juggled the stu...

How "Return of the Jedi" juggled the stuff in space, on Endor, and in the throne room was awe-inspiring

Not the biggest fan of "Jedi" but the last forty minutes are a masterpiece of editing, pacing and storytelling. Too bad those behind "The Last Jedi" didn't study this stretch exhaustively before attempting something similar for the latest "Star Wars" film.


Yes, too bad indeed


I agree it was good editing but for the last chapter in the original trilogy the climax should have been a little more serious with more time focused in the throne room without it switching back to Ewoks too often, and then Lucas tried to up the ante with even more battles at once in the next Star Wars movie, which I believe was misguided as there was just too much going on.


"Jedi" is vastly underated and I agree that the editing is superb. The movie's only problem is that it stands in the shadow of its predecessors. The final fight between Luke and Vader is excellent - one of the best finales in a movie ever if you ask me. The dialogue, the music, the emotions, everything!


They were too busy interjecting their SJW subplots to pay attention to anything else. R Johnson and K Kennedy to the Pit of Misery !
