MovieChat Forums > Recognizer > Replies
Recognizer's Replies
Movies haven't been about art for decades. Same thing happened to the video game industry.
I'm going to go see this again with my grandkids, so yeah, might lower my expectations as well. Will be interesting to see what [b]they[/b] think of it.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering
[quote]And the fanboys are so slow to adjust to reality, they spent so much time being the only people who had a serious interest in the decades between new films ...[/quote]
Not a fanboy myself, but doesn't the fact that they kept the flame alive all these years that you mention worthy of some kind of respect and/or recognition? If they hadn't kept it alive, there'd be no Star Wars any more. Disney wouldn't have purchased the franchise (and thus had the opportunity to profit from it) because there would have been little to no market left. To just change things wholesale and cut the loyal fans out of the loop seems ... unsporting. Loyalty should be rewarded, not discarded because it's no longer politically or economically expedient.
[quote]... you know he'll throw in gay Characters just to virtue signal.[/quote]
I literally LOL'd at this.
No, he's an uncle because Ren is the son of Luke's sister.
The insensitive sociopathic assholes you mean?
Well. Shit. The look on Mark's face. He looks like he wants to take a lightsaber to Rian Johnson.
I'd tend to agree. I feel that Ren's interest in Rey is for her power, similar to how Palpatine wanted both Anakin and Luke so that he could use their power for his own ends.
Yeah, I hated that. Especially since it seems to be a metaphor of how Disney is treating Star Wars.
Shit, I'd forgotten all about that! Nice catch! These must be the creatures it comes from :)
As an aside, if you watch the supper scene in ANH closely, you'll notice that the milk level in Luke's cup varies wildly between camera angles ;)
Well, Leia did send the message to Obi-Wan via R2 in ANH, in which she talks about him serving with her father in the clone wars. So she clearly trusted and respected him, and probably knew he was a Jedi from her father (Bail Organa). For her, Kenobi was a war hero and close associate of her father (i.e. Bail). Given all that, I don't see it as unreasonable that she'd think of him when deciding on a name for her son. It seems unlikely to me that she'd choose Anakin, even though that was the name of their youngest child in some of the EU novels. They could have gone with Jacen Solo I suppose (also one of their children in the EU). I'm fine with Ben.
Yes, they definitely took the kitchen sink approach. I found myself mentally fatigued by it about 3/4 of the way through the film.
There's nothing wrong with a long movie per-se (cf. Castaway, Meet Joe Black, The Green Mile, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Schindler's List, to name a few), but there is something wrong if you notice how long it is while you're watching it, because that indicates that you're bored, and if you're bored, then the director has failed.
For all of the aforementioned films, I didn't notice the passage of real time even once, but all these films are over 3 hours long. I can't say the same for TLJ. Quite the opposite. I was acutely aware of time passing on at least 3 occasions during the film. By the time it got to the AT-AT attack on Crait, I actually thought, for the first time ever in a SW film: "Isn't it over yet?"
It was indeed long. Too long. Always a red flag for me. If I notice the passage of real time while watching a film, then I'm not really immersed and enjoying it. By way of a randomly chosen comparison, the Tom Hanks film "Castaway" was 3 hours long, but when I left the theatre it was like I'd only been in there about an hour at most. That's because it was a superbly written and performed film. Wilson!
Yeah. After the backlash over the prequels, he obviously said "Right, I'll sell it to Disney and see how you like them apples!"
I pointed this out already in an earlier thread, and yes, it bothered me also, until someone explained that it was sarcasm on Luke's part.
This, pretty much. Style over substance, and as you say, lots of filler that served no purpose. If Rey had joined Ren, then that would have been interesting. The plot could have gone in several directions from that in Episode IX.
Phasma shouldn't have even been in it since it is heavily implied in TFA that she is thrown in a trash compactor on a base that is subsequently blown up a very short time later. So having her even appear in this film is nonsense.
And I'm glad he did. Coruscant is exactly what you'd expect the galactic capital to be. There's plenty of good ideas in the EU.
I didn't mind the Porgs. They were harmless, and weren't shown much anyway. However, they were completely superfluous.
My first thought was that the soldier had left bloody footprints and the one tasting was checking to see if the other soldier was injured.