MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > There is no reason at all for this to ha...

There is no reason at all for this to have been 3 hours long.

I have no problem with long run times, Cleopatra is my favorite film after all, but this movie just went nowhere, I barely even remember what happened in between big events. It was so boring. I really want to see it again, mainly for Carrie and the landscapes but the runtime has been an obstacle for me. There was barely any story to it for a 1 hour 40 minutes movie, no more.


Yup. I was thinking if you remove Space Vegas, then you also don't the slow space chase. Cut those and replace it with nothing. Two birds, one stone.


yes, also how stupid to introduce plots in awakens and then dismiss them in 1 second on last jedi. Everyone knows that's a huge no no but apparently everyone forgot.


Rian Johnson: "Hey J.J., can you explain what you meant with all the opened plots in TFA?"
J.J. Abrams: "No, I just wanted to make some mystery. You need to resolve them yourself. Just be creative!"
Rian Johnson: "I don't have time for that shit - I'm just gonna ignore them all and hope nobody will notice."


pretty much what happened yet the lobotomized press and masses still loved it.


Agree the boring First Order/Rebels chase was bad so was the Space Vegas.
Bad writing is all over "The Last Jedi".


You saw the extended cut? What were the extra 8 minutes that humans don't get to see?


Agreed. Whoever was responsible for pacing and editing dropped the ball big time. It needed to be cut down to a much tighter edit. Perhaps a fan edit will emerge once this is available for purchase?


"Whoever was responsible for pacing and editing dropped the ball big time"

The director is responsible for that. He is responsible for defining what he wants to see, communicating it effectively to others, and making sure the result is achieved. The director also sits with the editor(s) during that final process, guiding and communicating the entire time.

But the movie also had to be sliced down from its original runtime of 3 hours!


Ummm this movie was 2 hours and 35 minutes.....πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


And that includes the credits.


It wasn't. Running time was 2 Hr and 32 min.



well I went in at 5:15 pm and left the theater at 8:30 pm, you do the math.


There's 20 minutes of pre-show crap, and then 20 minutes of previews. Math done.



whatever, the film still sucked.


I respectfully disagree. I liked it.

