TheBlackWaffle's Replies

Ugh. It’s all such a goddamn mess now. But IS this what the fans wanted? I just finished reading Dune last month. I enjoyed the big picture, but couldn’t bring myself to care much for any individual character, especially Paul. That said, I’m very excited to see what Denis Villeneuve does with the upcoming film, since Blade Runner 2049 was the first 10/10 film for me since There Will Be Blood. Yes, Rogue One was by and far Disney’s best attempt at a Star Wars film. I won’t argue with that. If someone else pays for the ticket, then sure. But not with my money. Let’s make out again, like we used to do for grandma. That would be the last Star Wars anything that I ever purchase, including movie tickets. Settle down, Freddie. That’s the thing that The Last Jedi made me realize, though. I no longer have any expectations because I no longer care. These new Disney films just feel like fan fiction to me. Without George Lucas, it’s not the real thing. At least to me. I was just curious if anyone else feels the same way nowadays. Sigh. Dad? 1) The Empire Strikes Back 2) A New Hope 3) Return of the Jedi 4) Rogue One 5) Revenge of the Sith 6) The Force Awakens 7) Attack of the Clones 8) The Phantom Menace 9) The Star Wars Holiday Special 10) The Last Jedi Haha, I'm sorry...I don't mean to laugh at you. But "in movie history"? Come to your senses, man. Huh? Green milk, too. Worst character in the history of Star Wars. And yes, I'm counting Jar Jar Binks and Dexter Jetster. Oh, I thought you were going to say "turn the channel if she's ever on TV?" If you had, my answer would have been yes. She's literally worse than Jar Jar Binks. I've only seen him in Ex Machina and the new Star Wars movies, and yeah...he's unbearable. Not Jesse Eisenberg-unbearable, but close. All of it. Just...all of it. I like how they actually made her look like a kamikaze pilot, too. RACIST. Also, are you telling me that a ship as long as Laura Dern's neck couldn't fly itself if need be? I mean, I get that she had a secret suicide plan, but no one else knew that. My God, this movie was beyond awful. All joking aside, I prefer the prequels.