MovieChat Forums > TheBlackWaffle > Replies
TheBlackWaffle's Replies
I couldn’t agree more. I’m so glad that Lucas is having the last laugh.
You sound pretty racist yourself, pal.
Lol, there’s no double entendre here.
Haha, this comment is so great. And you’re so right.
Canon is just a word, dude. If you like the original Star Wars stuff and want to ignore the latest pile of shit from Disney, then go for it.
Nah, they should just send it in the mail.
Star Wars nerds lose their shit over anything Star Wars-related. They're certainly not going to show this footage to a room full of cinephiles who actually give a damn about story/character/cinematography/overall technique. Half the audience was probably grown-ass men dressed like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
With zero hyperbole, I can say that Blade Runner 2049 is the best film to be made in this century. The only other contender for that crown is There Will Be Blood, but the sheer skill involved in making something as ambitious as BR2049 wholly believable is breathtaking.
The American South is about as shithole as it gets. But I also like crawfish. So I choose that.
Lol, as if Disney is going to stop making Star Wars or Marvel or any of their other shitty movies anytime over the next 100 years. We could only be so lucky.
Also, don’t get uptight just because some stranger on the internet doesn’t share your viewpoint.
What the hell do you fear about it? It’s not your money. Jesus Christ, get some perspective on your life.
Her just being “naturally better” with zero explanation is not professional-level storytelling.
Because the movie that he was acting in had started and it was time for his scene.
Watch Trevorrow’s short film “Home Base”. You won’t be disappointed.
I hear what you’re saying, but Star Wars definitely feels oversaturated and worn out nowadays. Enough is enough.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Apocalypse Now
- Stroszek
Haha, great comment.