Almost unbearably annoying
To be fair I've only seen two films he's a lead in, Frank and About Time, but wow the characters he plays are painfully irritating!!
shareTo be fair I've only seen two films he's a lead in, Frank and About Time, but wow the characters he plays are painfully irritating!!
shareYou'Re wrong. He is fantastic and has an incredible range.
shareI liked him *shrug*
shareJust finished seeing Frank and I totally agree. His character is also very irritating in ex Machina.
shareI've only seen him in Ex Machina and the new Star Wars movies, and yeah...he's unbearable. Not Jesse Eisenberg-unbearable, but close.
shareHe's in everything but really doesn't stand out to me as an actor.
Oscar Isaac's in a lot of movie roles but he definitely brings brevity to even his minor supporting roles.
I lovd this guy, see him in Frank, 2014, or Ex Machina.
shareHe was beyond annoying in all 3 Star Wars films on top of that. This guy can't act.
shareI’ve seen him in quite a few films - he’s been rather prolific in the past few years - and even in the better ones (Brooklyn is his best film imo) he tends to be among the least distinguished elements. I just don’t think he is a very charismatic screen presence and I have yet to see much evidence of range. I still hold out hope - his dad is a fine actor, I’m sure Domnhall has it in him if he finds the right role.