lordbishop34's Replies

Its one of those things being milked at this point so I have generally moved on from it. If he committed a crime than prosecute him, and lets move on. Koma (2004 Asian Crush Streaming) 8/10. This score is probably higher than the film deserves it is a 6.1/10 on IMDB and that’s probably an accurate representation, but for whatever reason I really liked this film. The film revolved around two women in different financial situations competing for the affection of the same man with a backdrop of a series of kidney thefts occurring in the city. Somehow the one girl who suspected the other being involved befriends her and they become intertwined as they both struggle with their issues, one with money issues and a dying mother and the other with kidney disease made more difficult with a hard to match blood type. The ending of the film is how I expected it but at the same time I thought it would get there differently. ------- is there a character limit? Harbinger Down (2015 Netflix) 6/10 If you have seen The Thing than you have the basic idea of this film. The setting is on a crab boat in the ice and they find an old Russian lander. Its goes badly for crew from there. The reason to watch this are the practical effects and Henrickson, reason not to watch it is pretty much everything else. The film had a good set up for a solid Thing clone but the acting and writing let it down. I still went with 6/10 because I overall liked the film but I wouldn't recommend it to many people. Krampus (2015 Netflix DVD) 6/10. This is a fun film in many ways but it didn't click with me entirely. Its a Christmas horror film that is on the edge of acceptable for some children to watch. I do like the story they come up for Krampus, and the flashback sequence is nicely done. I just didn't love the film as a whole, but it does have the Christmas movie feeling, just with a darker tone. The Stunt Woman (1996 TubiTv) 6/10. If you like Michelle Yeoh then this is something to watch that is a little bit different than what she normally does. Its primarily a drama following the life of a stuntwoman. Most of the film is spent during the behind the scenes work for creating action scenes for films, pretty interesting overall. This she does for the head of the stunt team played by Sammo Hung! For martial arts fans there are some good scenes here but it really is primarily a drama. The film is basically broken up into three parts for the story the first and best is her time as a stuntwoman, where the film starts to fail is the romance she goes through in the second part and then the corruption and murder in the third part where it seems it will devolve into a typical action film..but doesn't leaving the film's end feeling off and disappointing. The film I believe is worth a watch, but its latter portion brings the film down in my opinion. <continued> I would like to think with the time in between they ironed out the issues from the first film and improve the characters and story from it. Finn, Phasma, and to a lesser extent Ren and Rey need these tweaks. Poe is supposed to be one of the big three but he was a distant third in the first film, so I would like to see him expanded on. They will hopefully avoid having the film be anything remotely comparable to ESB. And I hope they use Luke well, and not waste him. The potential is there for a better film, and I hope it will be better. Well the ratings for the return of Morgan did not improve from last weeks less than great showing. Perhaps it will rise a little better with the +7, but its going to drop below 1 in the key demo as the season goes along. It already has plenty of eps for syndication deals, so I cant see this continuing much longer. I was really interested on how this thing would do, some people are such graphics whores that I was concerned that the system may struggle. In terms of quality first person games Nintendo generally has no equal. But its the systems themselves that Nintendo has a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot on. So I was glad to see people really seem to be loving the new system. I would like to buy one, but I am not sure I can swing it. I kind of sold the PS3 and PS4 to the wife as game systems that also provide blu ray playback and easy access to Netflix/Amazon Prime. I am not sure I can sell this thing on this idea, its purely so a nearly 40 yo man can play Mario and Zelda :) The show has run its course is the most likely explanation. Its 13 years into it, at some point you run out of believable, original (within the universe) story arcs and characters that really stand out. At least this show still has its two main characters, so you still have something to hold onto. But its a case where the show has probably been done for a couple years but CW's low standards and its very loyal fan base doesn't want to let it go. I do like the show and have watched through season 11, but I have not been in that big of a hurry to binge season 12. I try to wait as long as possible, its 44 right now. The house is still moderately warm without it running yet. I can usually tolerate it for awhile, but got to watch it with the kid. I want to believe this will be an entertaining flick, but the creative shakeup is a little worrying. I have to say you do argue your side well, trying to use elements that may explain her leaps in abilities within the movie. I don't agree with them and feel your argument relies in the end heavily on how she is fleshed out in the next two films. But it is refreshing to see how you argue it at least with me. Some other posters rely primarily on trying to undercut the argument by hinting or even coming out and saying that a person is sexist in some way. Oh I think she is a survivor, I don't doubt her past what we know of it. When I talk about her abilities I am primarily confining myself to her force usage for a reason. It is here where the label is primarily reinforced. I honestly don't believe in her development in the force or the battle with the dark jedi, based on the first film she is in. Now this may change with the next two films when they flesh her out better. But as of right now, if you were to ask me if she fits the mary sue/gary stu mold I would say yes she does. As I said earlier I don't hate Rey, I just believe some of the criticisms leveled against her have some legitimacy. Only character I hated from TFA was Finn though Ren's Emo Vader has me a little concerned and Phasma was probably a waste of shiny armor. lol I am merely pointing out you are generalizing in your comment and many people do not fit your stereotype of Rey bashers. You said nothing here that changes this. Rey is just character, because she is female does not mean she is above criticism. And you don't have to look far to find the counter to your Rey was Ray comment..you merely have to look at Anakin. If you think people let his superpower/Jesus birth pass without comment because he was male you must have been either not born yet/too young or been sleeping under a rock when the PT came out. I think even with that there is an issue, even though Anakin contained far more force strength than Obi Wan. He still struggled with him using force attacks. Obi Wan better trained than Anakin and it helped bridge the gap. Rey was untrained with a very powerful dark jedi and out fought him for the saber....I am just not buying it. That is just my thoughts, I don't hate Rey, but I think some people are so concerned about protecting Rey from criticism because the character is female that they are going out of the way to remove or degrade the label that can and has been applied in the past to male characters that are overpowered for what is going on in their film worlds. I find most things Vin Diesel does in the FF films absurd, and last I checked. He was male. So, what about the women that also complain about Rey? What of the many people that have enjoyed female leads in films for years, that also have a problem with Rey? Why do people forget Leia was a main character of the OT? Why stereotype? He did struggle, and he did have to focus. His abilities were limited because he was not trained enough. I get what you are saying here but it still doesn't shake off the label. The force vision gave her a glimpse. It didn't put forward any indication of training via osmosis. I can say it triggered some things and I do not dispute unconscious use of the force. But she used abilities that are tied more to specific training within the universe set up. Her fighting skill was insufficient to defeat even an injured dark jedi. That part of the movie came off very unbelievable and simply heightened the call for mary sue. She is a small woman untrained with the specific weapon and the powers she possesses. It is extremely unlikely she would come out on top in such a fight. But given all this, none of this makes comparing to Luke work. Luke struggled far more than she did to get to where he was..by the end of ROTJ. I think you made a far better argument against Mary sue label with this comment even though I don't agree than trying to use Luke comparisons which to me is instant failure. Question: do you fight the Mary Sue label because its a female character? Would you care as much if Rey was male and the complaints were the same? Keep in mind a lot of people complained about Anakin, so its not about the gender for many people pointing out issues with Rey. I watch vehicles very closely when crossing the road, I do not rely on them to follow the rules. not really, he struggled a great deal attempting that, it did not instantly come to him and he had already had some minor training by a jedi and had continued on his own, time passed between ANH and Empire Strikes Back...so this really isn't a good comparison to a person with no training force manipulating people, defeating a trained dark jedi in battle, force grabbing things etc within short amount of time in a single film after discovering she was force sensitive. Whether you believe she is a mary sue or not is up to you. She seems to fit the label. But using Luke as a comparison to discredit the label doesn't work. I think it was always in the plan for the series to be renewed unless something tragic happened. All Access can't be making much from it yet because they will still be a lot of people on varying versions of free trials and discounted months. I am not surprised a lot of people signed up for it. The test is if they stay and ST:D is the primary reason they are staying. You need more than a season to determine that I believe. So even though originally I thought it could be cancelled the reality is it was never in any serious danger on All Access. Now if it were on CBS itself, that may be a different story. Also consider this, The Orville premier finished with better numbers, it appears to be the more well liked show by the average trek fan and its current ratings have dipped quite a bit. Given the harsher reaction to ST:D I have to think it would have struggled on CBS. I don't think anyone living today could do that job, the world simply isn't in a place for a single leader.