lordbishop34's Replies

What is success for TLJ? Its a given it will earn lots of money, I went back a few days even the one post I found dedicated to its poorer box office doesn't really say it wont make money. If the film comes out and doesn't do as well as TFA..success or failure? In this age sequels are generally expected to outperform the previous film if its a successful franchise. But in a Star Wars film even a poor performance is still an excellent performance. I would accept it. I would love to see how things turn out over time. I am not entirely sure why anyone would believe regardless of quality of TFA that TLJ would not make huge money. People blast the PT all the time but each film opened a little better than the previous and they all made huge amounts of money. Attack of the Clones which I believe many consider to be the worst of the lot made around 470 mil in adj domestic gross. Oh its a movie [url]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2279344/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_225[/url] If you are curious, don't worry above link is to imdb, nothing X rated. SO ...what do you think of Chanel Preston as Lara Croft? "Has too PC become code for I don't like women or brown people in my movie?" People have covered this subject pretty well but I will comment on this, this is usually used by people to shut down criticism. The vast majority of people that don't like extreme PC come from all walks of life, its not hard to find a black person or gay person that dislikes overly PC things. But people that try to defend extreme PC do what they often do which is stereotype, all white males hate PC, and then cast them as bigots. Its the same tactic as when a person is losing an argument about something and than calls the other person racist or sexist. Well I hope these boards have better success with me than the back half of Season 4 lol. I stopped watching TWD after that season. Well, I had to search for it one day to find it. I never ran across any kind of serious attempt to promote this site. lol when Lara Croft was mentioned I looked it up, I figured there is no way their is not a porn parody of such a character sure enough there is and its listed on IMDB. It also covers casting and story decision that are not based on say making a good film but seem to exist to push a certain agenda or check off a diversity card. One example of this was Sulu being gay. It was a token gesture that added nothing to the story, didn't really make sense but was there seemingly just to say look we added a gay character. Well, there is Tomb Raider XXX (2012) I wouldn't call it that happy an ending. His father(Uncle) and mother are dead, he went through a lot to save his brother and he ends up killing him. His family was destroyed, yeah he survived but its debatable how happy with that much baggage he will be. So I wouldn't call it a happy ending in a traditional sense, only in that he still has a pathway assuming he is not consumed by all that has happened which could just as easily happen. I think the writers had a problem in that the series which was sold as a modern day prequel theoretically had a predictable ending, so instead they took a different path. If you were to ask me how this show would have ended when it first started I would have said probably the last scene would be Norman checking in Marion Crane. Love: Star Trek (1966) Hate: so many reality shows, Kate Plus 8 (2010) maybe the most perhaps. Shows giving up on: Preacher (2016) Iceman 2 is still awaiting release, IMDB has it for 2018. I wonder if this is a sign of its quality. Because it was filmed back to back with the first film I believe. Just one movie this past week Conquest (1983 Netflix DVD) 5/10. This is Fulci's attempt at fantasy, it was watchable and has a fair amount of nudity in it. Its not particularly well written or acted, but it does feature some gory effects here and there and an attempt at multiple creatures designs of varying success. Otherwise I have mainly watched series. At first I thought it might get cancelled, but then I realized that CBS is trying to get the All Access going so its chances for cancellation were pretty slim unless it was historically bad. Think of it like some of the CW shows, a lot of them would have been cancelled midseason if they had been on the big 4, but because its CW the standards are lower, same concept here. If it makes it to season 3 and beyond then I think it may be considered a success. I find it unlikely they pandered to the normal straight part of the audience, that audience generally doesn't shift that much due to the absence of a straight relationship for a non gay character. She became close to the brother of the person she initially cared most for. I think she settled on the brother because Norman was well...insane and his brother went out of his way to care for her, finding his own happiness that his character was so desperately wanting. They gave him as close to a happy ending as his family was capable of having. I think also it was a bit of a twist because it seemed likely Dylan would die. The problem with pointing this out is some people are so determined to protect their point of view that they don't see your point here. Some see you being homophobic and will just sidestep your past non issue with gay relationships. This was my concern for this show, there was this big kick about diversity for a series of shows that have already been diverse, hell the show in the 60s had a key black female cast member, another that was Asian male. Is what we see on screen now a Star Trek show or some groups personal agenda being pushed on people in the skin of Star Trek? Is the gay relationship here because it was part of the natural writing process of the characters or because someone was checking of a diversity card like they did with Sulu's character that was so tacky the original actor for Sulu who is gay called them out on it? I am still going to reserve judgement until I can really sit down and watch it. I am hoping it will make it to Netflix in some form once the season has completed. It probably won't get the pass TFA got, but I would be a little surprised if they reviewed it too harshly. I think its a thing that just creeps its way in there after years of doing it. The shows become routine rather than unique experiences. When this happens depends on the artist. In the US I have generally believed its a state issue and should be decided by majority vote of each state. Outside of that I don't care as long as they are not forcing religious institutions that believe its against their religion to participate I am not bothered by it overall.