Luke used the force before being trained...
Force grabbed the shit outta that lightsaber in the Wampa den! No one called him a Marty Stu back in 1980...
shareForce grabbed the shit outta that lightsaber in the Wampa den! No one called him a Marty Stu back in 1980...
shareHe also fought Vader twice, defeating him the second time, despite never having lightsaber fight training and being far too old to train, as said by Yoda right there in the movies.
He also expertly flew that X-Wing against the Death Star, despite having no experience with that particular ship or having any real battle experience.
I think you need to rewatch the movies again. Yoda trained Luke after ANH and during ESB but said he wasn't ready yet to fight Vader.
In ANH it was mentioned that Luke was an expert pilot and could bullseye womp rats in his T-16.
T-16 skyhoppers were personal repulsorlift airspeeders manufactured by Incom Corporation, recognizable by its distinctive tri-wing design. It was a popular, high-performance airspeeder due to its stable and reliable transportation on almost any world, and thus provided many youths with their first flight training.[1] The T-16's trihedral design greatly resembled that of the Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle.[5][6]
Luke Skywalker owned a T-16 skyhopper on Tatooine prior to the Battle of Yavin, as well as a small model that could be held in one's hands.[1] The controls were similar to Incom's T-65B X-wing starfighter, which greatly benefited Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin.[4]
Only Real Star Wars Fans(TM) know this information.
So how did Rey know how to fly the falcon, use the force and wield a lightsaber and defeat a sith again?
"I think you need to rewatch the movies again. Yoda trained Luke after ANH and during ESB but said he wasn't ready yet to fight Vader."
Yoda gave Luke ZERO lightsaber training. Also, Yoda said Luke wasn't ready for Vader, yet Yoda gave Luke NO further training after he left Dagobah.
As I said, Luke never received any lightsaber fight training. He was also, as said by Yoda, too old to train. NOTHING I said was incorrect.
Also, Luke still had no experience with the X-Wing by itself. The controls in a 700hp Ferrari are about the same as the controls in a Civic, but that doesn't mean a Civic driver is ready for a Ferrari! Also, as I said, Luke had negligible battle experience.
Again, NOTHING I said was incorrect.
KEEP IN MIND: I have no problem with any of these points and I don't care how little experience Luke has! I've never even bothered to nitpick it until people like you started tearing Rey apart like a rag doll after you all started parroting the "Mary Sue" cliche over and over.
You know why I don't care about this stuff? Because the entire Mary Sue concept is IRRELEVANT when you're talking about magical characters that don't have to conform to realistic limitations!!!!
Once you understand that, you'll see how foolish and sexist your entire argument is.
"So how did Rey know how to fly the falcon, use the force and wield a lightsaber and defeat a sith again?"
The man she worked for, who was also her caretaker, was the owner of the Falcon. He yells at her when she takes off with it. It's likely she already knew it inside and out.
She is shown to have suppressed memories of being at Luke's Jedi Academy when it was destroyed, or at least being highly aware of it, and subsequently being hidden away on Jakku. That implies she had training in her youth.
As for your last point, other than Kylo NOT being a Sith, Rey did not defeat him. The fight was ended. She also fought with a staff on Jakku and knew how to take care of herself.
In the Disney Canon, Luke's lightsaber training takes place in a series of events, spanning from his first lesson with Obi-wan Kenobi, to the completion of his training with Master Yoda, and on from there. His lightsaber training also took place alongside his general Force training over this time, and occurred in the context of already being very naturally talented.
From the three movies (ANH, TESB and ROTJ), as well as The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, Heir to the Jedi, Star Wars 2: Skywalker Strikes, Part II, and Star Wars Book I: Skywalker Strikes, amongst other sources, the general path seems to be:
A brief training session with Obi-wan Kenobi and a training remote onboard the Millenium Falcon, on the way to Alderaan, where he learned the basics of lightsaber form
On Devaron he found training remotes and used his previous training from Kenobi to practice and improve against the exercises the went through
Luke returned to Tatooine and found The Journals of Ben Kenobi that Kenobi had written and left for him, and he proceeded to study there from there onwards, including information about lightsaber combat
On Nar Shaddaa, he was caught by Grakkus and trained by a figure called the gamemaster in lightsaber combat
He presumably underwent lightsaber training on Dagobah with Yoda, though it is not shown on-screen in TESB
Note that all of this takes place before his duel with Vader on Bespin
Beyond this, as ancillary to lightsaber training itself, he:
Practiced privately during this time
Learned about how to construct a lightsaber based on studying Huulik's lightsaber and any information given to him by Obi-wan Kenobi, culminating in his construction of his own/new lightsaber on Tatooine right before rescuing Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt
Over this time, Luke also grew stronger in the Force, and engaged in several duels/combats, which presumably increased his skill and experience, such as:
A ghest on Rodia
Bounty hunters on Omereth
Stormtroopers on Devaro
A brief duel with Darth Vader on Cymoon I
Boba Fett on Tatooine
Stormtroopers, and Kongo the Disemboweler, a beast with lightsaber-resistant armor, in the arena in Grakkus' Palace
A second duel on Bespin with Darth Vader (where Vader wasn't trying to kill him, only defeat, subdue and turn him to the dark side)
The rescue of Han Solo on Tatooine, and all that that entailed (including holding off Boba Fett, again)
His final duel with Darth Vader, where he managed to defeat him
"Also, Luke still had no experience with the X-Wing by itself. The controls in a 700hp Ferrari are about the same as the controls in a Civic, but that doesn't mean a Civic driver is ready for a Ferrari! Also, as I said, Luke had negligible battle experience."
So you are saying the controls in a Ferrari are different than a Civic?
1. both have steering wheels
2. both have gas pedals
3. both have an accelerator pedal
4. both have a clutch pedel
5. both have 4 tires
6. both have engines
7. both have transmissions
8. both have a stick shift
The only difference is the horse power, analogy busted.
"So how did Rey know how to fly the falcon, use the force and wield a lightsaber and defeat a sith again?"
The man she worked for, who was also her caretaker, was the owner of the Falcon. He yells at her when she takes off with it. It's likely she already knew it inside and out"
Working on something and flying something is totally different. So you are saying an airplane mechanic is qualified to fly a 747 with no training? Yeah that makes sense, plus the Falcon was in moth balls as signified by the tarp covering it.
"She is shown to have suppressed memories of being at Luke's Jedi Academy when it was destroyed, or at least being highly aware of it, and subsequently being hidden away on Jakku. That implies she had training in her youth."
Having flashbacks and receiving actual training is different. Neither Luke or Anakin fought with a lightsaber in their first movie. Neither did they both win their first lightsaber battle. Kylo was trained by a sith lord and Kylo summoned the strength of another sith lord called Vader so that makes Kylo a sith. Plus the Sith always come in pairs, Master and student as mentioned in TFM.
"As for your last point, other than Kylo NOT being a Sith, Rey did not defeat him. The fight was ended. She also fought with a staff on Jakku and knew how to take care of herself."
Fighting with a staff is different than a lightsaber, one is stick and the other can lop off your hand. Plus it was never shown in TFA where Rey got her training and how she was able to use the Mary Sue power up to defeat Kylo. Also somehow she survived a fall from about 30 feet after being force pushed into a tree.
Dude you can try to squirm and double talk your way out of it all you want. The simple answer is you are a sexist saying...
shareOh and I should add that Kylo was very obviously not trying to kill or defeat Rey. He said as much right there in the scene when he offered to train her.
It pays to pay attention.
RSWF(TM) always pay attention to the facts at hand.
shareThe problem with Disney Star Wars and Lucas Star Wars is that most everything is explained better in the Lucas movies. Luke and Anakin didn't start out strong and powerful. It shows their journey from Padawan to Jedi. Rey is basically a Jedi in TFA and fails to show her journey growing as a character. She is a self sufficient bad ass that can take care of herself. This is why she is labeled as a Mary Sue.
shareRey is a different character, she is older and she has lived on her own for most of her life. Anakin and Luke were both living with family and being cared for.
When you completely discard all context, yes maybe you can create the illusion of her being a Mary Sue.
I know your point, though: Twenty-something Rey who has had to live on her own for perhaps up to two decades.... She HAS TO BE less capable than a 10 year old slave child and an 18 year old moisture farmer.
She just has to be.... Because otherwise she's going to be labeled with a dismissive term that focuses on her gender.
All you spew in this conversation is lowbrow nonsense that demonstrates how dense you are and how weak your observation skills are, despite your double-jointed capacity of patting yourself on the back.
Also, it shows how petty you are that you'll do this in the context of STAR WARS, a pretty basic fantasy series with space ships.
It's transparent and obvious to everyone else in the world. The only ones blind to it are the ones doing it, and constantly making themselves look foolish.... The problem is that they convince themselves that their foolishness is just "other people refusing to accept" their sexist rants.
When Anakin boasted that he was the only human who had the reflexes to be a pod-race pilot, even though he was a little kid and the neurons that control reflexes and coordination weren't fully developed, he was probably using the Force to keep himself alive at high speeds. Certainly there was something Force-y about him, I forget exactly why Qui-Gon tested him for midichlorians but yes, he thought a totally untrained kid had Force abilities.
So that makes pre-training Force use canon.
And I would assume that Luke's not-such-a-bad-pilot-myself abilities had something to do with his inborn control of the Force, partly because it makes sense and partly because every fictional hero shows glimpses of extraordinary ability before he comes into his own. Like Harry Potter and the boa at the zoo.
Exactly, and apparently the argument by the Mary Sue regime is that Rey in her 20's apparently has to be less capable than a 10 year old slave boy.
What is very inconvenient for the "Rey is a Mary Sue" argument is how many precedents were already set with Force capability making a character into a virtuoso of sorts.
Even the concept of applying the Mary Sue argument to a character with magical abilities is a failure in itself, though.
Yeah well Mary-Sue-ism is built into the Star Wars franchise, what is Luke but a superbly well-done Marty-Sam? One who's so perfect that he goes beyond being the embodiment of one man's fantasies, and becomes the embodiment of the fantasies of millions?
Anyone who says that Rey is a Sue and Luke is not doesn't understand what a Mary-Sue really is.
I don't think discussion is their intent anyway, I think it's just all about man-children who are afraid of capable females.
shareOut of curiosity, are you a fan of the Resident Evil movies?
shareThat's strange because the Resident Evil movies have a capable female as the hero of the franchise. Are you afraid of capable women?
shareThat might be the stupidest post I've seen yet on this site.
shareYeah, claiming someone is a misogynist simply because they don't like a certain movie with a female lead is really stupid, huh?
shareLOl awesome. I wish I would have thought of that.
It's very easy to trip these people up, although they never learn their lesson.
shareWell yeah, any argument based in claims sexism is stupid to begin with. Because it is not an argument it is a ad hominem. The blindness by ideology in this topic is both fascinating and frustrating. Because they never try to come up with anything new to defend the criticism. IT is always "but Luke too" and "you all just man-child scared of a strong female lead". That is is it, that is the entire bases of their support for a rather obvious poorly developed character.
Living in denial, you can't comprehend what's beyond your nose. Trolls are like that.
shareYou use the sex of a character as reason for defending the character alone from criticism. This means you are focused on the sex of the character and not on any traits or development outside of that. Also you are so insecure about the sex of the character being female you overcompensate by trying to write off said criticism as trolling because deep down inside you think women are inherently weaker and need your defense. You sir are the sexist in this argument.
shareLiking or disliking TFA was not the subject. I was specifying people who bash Rey as a Mary Sue. That's obvious by READING the posts.
You're not too bright, AP. LOL
Thanks for proving my point about you people never learning.
shareSo you can't even admit that you responded to a discussion about Rey as a Mary Sue, and not a discussion about the quality of The Force Awakens.
Yeah, you are very dense. It's no wonder you're probably a sexist man-child with no spine.
Rey being a Mary Sue is one of the reasons why Force Awakens is a low quality movie. It goes hand in hand. So yes, you are giving blanket statements to people who don't like the movie you like and you're looking petty as hell. I mean, all I had to do was call you out on your bullshit and you were already throwing the word sexist around. It's like you are physically incapable of disagreeing with anyone without calling them a sexist.
Criticizing a Mary Sue for being a Mary Sue has nothing to do with misogyny. Men can be Mary Sues just as well. The term came form an old Star Trek fanfic where a character named Mary Sue Picard was a poorly written "new" character who out did all other characters in everything and had no character flaw. As has been proven to you multiple times, Anakin Skywalker was labeled a Mary Sue as well.
Mila Jovovich's character in the Resident Evil movies has had some of the same criticism as Rey (OP in some of the movies, too perfect, and takes away from the rest of the fan-favorite RE characters), which was a reason why I brought those movies up in particular.
So no, you've not learned your lesson. In the meantime, I'll let my wife know I hate women.
"what is Luke but a superbly well-done Marty-Sam? One who's so perfect that he goes beyond being the embodiment of one man's fantasies, and becomes the embodiment of the fantasies of millions?"
you mean the pathetic farm boy that gets mocked and his ass kicked for the entire first 2 films is the embodiment of man's fantasies? How do you all just ignore the films to push your narrative?
Yup. He spent two movies failing in different ways and needing to be saved by Han Solo enough times that it becomes a bit of a running gag in the series. Him blowing up the Deathstar was the only real victory he had until the third movie.
shareIf you actually think about it those are his only 2 'wins' and each is immediately followed by a defeat. After blowing up the death star the next time we see luke is getting nearly killed by a snow creature. Right after his Vader win he is nearly killed easily by the emperor. The only total win he had was rescuing Han but even then he was heavily assisted by both Lando, Chewie, R2 and Leia.
Now let us compare that with Rey's wins in her first film:
1. rescues BB-8 on her own without the other guy even putting up a fight.
2. successful in defending herself from the 2 attackers trying to steal BB-8.
3. KNocks Finn out and questions him.
4. Escapes the tie fighter attack in the Millenium Falcoln nearly totally by herself, even after Finn's turret locks up, no problem she just pulls a stunt maneuver and perfectly lines the shot up for him.
5. Successful saves Finn from the squid creator attack. Notice how each one of her mess ups are followed by a win. Directly contrasting Luke who's victories are immediately followed by defeat.
6. Successfully fends off Kylo's mind probe.
7. Successfully mind tricks the stormtrooper and escapes capture on her own.
8. Out force pulls Kylo for the lightsaber.
9. completely defeats Kylo in follow up saber battle.
10. Is given the millenium falcoln and is victorious in her mission to find Luke. Again with almost no effort.
so she has literally 5 times as many victories in her first film than Luke has in the entire OT. But some think it is applicable to compare them? crazy.
Yeah, her capture by Kylo after the cantina scene is the only time when she's ever really in trouble but even then, she ends up saving herself.
By comparison, in ANH...
Luke's first fight involved him getting knocked out by a sandperson and he then had to be saved by Obi-Wan.
Luke has to be saved by Obi-Wan in the cantina.
The next time he is in action, he has to hide himself on the Deathstar upon Obi-Wan's orders.
He hatches a plan to save Leia and kills some Stormtroopers, but he did so alongside Han and Chewie.
More Stormtroopers catch up to them and it's revealed that Luke's plan was pretty shitty. Leia takes it upon herself to save everyone.
Luke is then strangled by the creature in the trash compactor. Leia and Han save him form the creature and R2-D2 and C-3PO turn off the compactor.
Han has to create a diversion so that Luke and Leia can escape. Luke accidentally shoots the controls for the bridge and they are forced to swing across a chasm.
Obi-Wan then sacrifices himself so that all the heroes can get on the Falcon and escape.
Luke blasts some TIE fighters, but again, it's alongside Han while Chewie pilots.
During the run on the Deathstar, Vader nearly kills Luke, but Han and Chewie show up to save him while also being the ones who defeat Vader in the first episode.
His only win comes when he blows up the Deathstar but only does so when Obi-Wan has him recall his training.
What the hell. might as well do ESB too.
The movie starts with a wompa taking him by surprise and capturing him.
Luke frees himself, but then succumbs to the icy cold wilderness of Hoth, so Han Solo has to rescue him.
His fight in Hoth is pretty badass, though, granted. Yet, his ship does get shot down at one point.
He then spends some time with Yoda, failing at almost every task while the other heroes get into trouble in Cloud City.
Luke then shows up for the final battle, gets his arm chopped off and nearly falls to his death. The other heroes have to save him just before the end credits.
"Exactly, and apparently the argument by the Mary Sue regime is that Rey in her 20's apparently has to be less capable than a 10 year old slave boy."
who the hell here is criticizing Rey but giving Anakin a pass? No one that i have seen.
"Even the concept of applying the Mary Sue argument to a character with magical abilities is a failure in itself, though."
Do you just not understand what a Mary Sue is? Even magical abilities run off a magic system within the story. If a character (whether male or female) breaks the magic system it hurts the story. If Rey was a male he would be just as bad a character.
"who the hell here is criticizing Rey but giving Anakin a pass?"
Oh you mean there was a movement for TWO STRAIGHT YEARS with people tearing apart Anakin and calling him a Mary Stu? OH NO WAIT, THAT NEVER ****ING HAPPENED.
Do you just not understand what a Mary Sue is? Even magical abilities run off a magic system within the story.
If the magic system is very strictly defined, that's one thing, but that's not Star Wars.
Mary Sue is ACTUALLY about how realistic a character is, in terms of human abilities. Here, let me clue you in, since you can't seem to comprehend. This is a quick example conversation:
"This Rey character is so unrealistic. She's a Mary Sue."
"Well, she has magic powers. Of course she's unrealistic."
"Oh, yeah."
However, the ENTIRE POINT of every comparison to Luke is to demonstrate that Rey doesn't even break the known limits because she's equivalent to everything Luke did. To go even further with that point, LUKE WAS EVEN MORE MIRACULOUS.
You just can't accept that because Rey is female, so you have to bash her constantly.
Also, you and the other Rey Trolls are getting fed too much by me, I don't really want to talk to any of you any more because it's just a waste of time and you guys all prove yourself to be pretty light in the skull over and over again.
Plus, you were also the guy who made that religion-baiting topic, so yes I KNOW you are a troll.
That means it's inherently a waste of time to even talk to you. There seems to be a small invasion of you guys recently, and you all clearly band together pretty tightly.
I think it's about time to start using the MC ignore list so I can avoid even the temptation of feeding you guys and going on these time-wasting trips with people who aren't actually interested in the discussions they're starting.
"Mary Sue is ACTUALLY about how realistic a character is, in terms of human abilities. Here, let me clue you in, since you can't seem to comprehend. This is a quick example conversation:"
Given the term was based on a satirical half human half Vulcan character out of a Star Trek fan fic I am going to go ahead and close this out with, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
I am confused, didn't we all complain about Anakin being OP and terrible in the PT? I know I did and most others did? Why are you bringing up a terrible character that was viciously criticized to compare to another character that is being not nearly as universally criticized?
Also I thought the films implied perfectly clearly that there was a difference between dormant passive force powers, like reflexes and intuition, and active force abilities, like force pull and mind trick. The film lays out as clear as can be one requires training to use the other is innate.
not really, he struggled a great deal attempting that, it did not instantly come to him and he had already had some minor training by a jedi and had continued on his own, time passed between ANH and Empire Strikes this really isn't a good comparison to a person with no training force manipulating people, defeating a trained dark jedi in battle, force grabbing things etc within short amount of time in a single film after discovering she was force sensitive. Whether you believe she is a mary sue or not is up to you. She seems to fit the label. But using Luke as a comparison to discredit the label doesn't work.
shareHe really didn't struggle...he became frustrated and needed to focus...focus is a huge part of the Jedi they mind power,lightsaber ability,or feats of strength. It is my belief that Rey gained a unique observation of the force when she touched Luke's saber. No matter what the opinion of that scene or its relevance one thing is very clear...that was a monumental moment in Star Wars history.
Never has the force vision been shown on screen and although ambiguous...the vision makes very plain the fact that Rey is special. I also feel there is some kindred connection between Rey and Kylo...notice every time she interacts with him...her power seems to increase. Not to mention the fact that when trying to use the force to probe her mind, Rey is able to violate his memory palace. She turns the tables on him...and it's obvious she didn't even know she was doing just magically happened...she touched Luke's saber!
I do not feel her fighting skill was imbued by her saber however...her style was unrefined but fierce.
She learned all her skills living as an orphan on jakku. She was wicked with that staff!
Would love to discuss more...but some bodies gotta pay the bills...
He did struggle, and he did have to focus. His abilities were limited because he was not trained enough. I get what you are saying here but it still doesn't shake off the label. The force vision gave her a glimpse. It didn't put forward any indication of training via osmosis. I can say it triggered some things and I do not dispute unconscious use of the force. But she used abilities that are tied more to specific training within the universe set up. Her fighting skill was insufficient to defeat even an injured dark jedi. That part of the movie came off very unbelievable and simply heightened the call for mary sue. She is a small woman untrained with the specific weapon and the powers she possesses. It is extremely unlikely she would come out on top in such a fight. But given all this, none of this makes comparing to Luke work. Luke struggled far more than she did to get to where he the end of ROTJ.
I think you made a far better argument against Mary sue label with this comment even though I don't agree than trying to use Luke comparisons which to me is instant failure.
What Rey did to pull the saber took place off screen. She already had the necessary advice "close your eyes, feel it, it will guide you".
The audience doesn't need to see her calm herself again and let the force flow through her again like she did when using the mind trick on the trooper, which she just experienced Ren trying on her.
I think even with that there is an issue, even though Anakin contained far more force strength than Obi Wan. He still struggled with him using force attacks. Obi Wan better trained than Anakin and it helped bridge the gap. Rey was untrained with a very powerful dark jedi and out fought him for the saber....I am just not buying it. That is just my thoughts, I don't hate Rey, but I think some people are so concerned about protecting Rey from criticism because the character is female that they are going out of the way to remove or degrade the label that can and has been applied in the past to male characters that are overpowered for what is going on in their film worlds.
I find most things Vin Diesel does in the FF films absurd, and last I checked. He was male.
Kylo Ren's power, focus, discipline etc are all shown to be erratic and systematically failing him in the wake of Rey's inherent power resisting him
Plus he's clearly shown coming unglued after the test of killing Solo clearly failed to deliver on its promise of greater power.
This is Ren's character. It's nothing to do with making an example of his gender. Good grief!
Just watched both scenes...Rey accomplished her force grab in approximately 30 took Luke 40...during Rey's scene it is Kylo who attempts...becomes frustrated...and then as the saber jets through the air believes it was his power that put the weapon into does is obvious as her surprised look indicates. I contend that it was in fact kylos power that initially captured the lightsaber...but Rey's imbued power or unknown special relationship with the force that allowed (and allows in other instances) her to act as a conduit of the force...absorbing powers that are present...once again like Kylo and her first interaction.
As for her powers being insufficient to defeat a dark knight...that is a fairly subjective statement. There is plenty of story that has yet to be delved into and much mystery surrounding Rey's back story as well as kylos. Best I can do is point out that Kylo is not a fully trained dark knight. Snoke states at the end of the flick that Kylo must complete his training.
We have no way of knowing how much training he had or how well it was received...his family history is pretty sketch when it comes to taking training well. That brings up another point that might lend credibility to my argument...Kylo was to quote the master...reckless! All the top training In a galaxy far far away can not negate an impetuous streak...the cave...remember your failure in the cave...face it...the dude was a loose cannon...he gave in to his hatered and got sloppy, or should I say sloppier. I honestly had a way bigger issue with a villain that is millennial angst personified,than a chick that grew up in a hostile environment and adapted.
I'm usually too lazy to copy quotes to frame my response but you have been an engaging poster so I will for my final thoughts...
She is a small woman untrained with the specific weapon and the powers she possesses.
Size matters not! Judge me by my size do you? And well you should not! for my ally is the force...and a powerful ally it is. Never truer words! Size? Meh...specific weapon? Meh! Luminous beings are we...not this crude must unlearn what you have learned!
Just could not resist😉 But seriously...even you just admitted she had powers.
Luke struggled far more than she did to get to where he the end of ROTJ.
To be fair...we have no idea what Rey will have experienced by the end of episode to compare Luke's total journey to Rey's origin tale is really out of balance. What is not is comparing Luke's younger years with Rey's and...there is no comparison other than they were abandoned at very young ages. Rey lived an existence lower than anakin...and he was a slave! Luke had a soft nerf ball life...drinking blue milk...loving aunt and uncle and a Jedi over seer...sittin on his biscuit...never having to risk it. "I wanted to go to Tashi station to get some power converters " Rey drug her ass through the sand and shit to get her power converters...and the only bath she got was the one she took on the price! Luke didn't know the meaning of the word struggle!
Oh I think she is a survivor, I don't doubt her past what we know of it. When I talk about her abilities I am primarily confining myself to her force usage for a reason. It is here where the label is primarily reinforced. I honestly don't believe in her development in the force or the battle with the dark jedi, based on the first film she is in. Now this may change with the next two films when they flesh her out better. But as of right now, if you were to ask me if she fits the mary sue/gary stu mold I would say yes she does. As I said earlier I don't hate Rey, I just believe some of the criticisms leveled against her have some legitimacy. Only character I hated from TFA was Finn though Ren's Emo Vader has me a little concerned and Phasma was probably a waste of shiny armor.
shareI have to say you do argue your side well, trying to use elements that may explain her leaps in abilities within the movie. I don't agree with them and feel your argument relies in the end heavily on how she is fleshed out in the next two films. But it is refreshing to see how you argue it at least with me. Some other posters rely primarily on trying to undercut the argument by hinting or even coming out and saying that a person is sexist in some way.
Thank you very much...and you hit the nail on the head...the next films could show me to be more full of bullshit than a pasture! I just know that right now...believe it or not...Star Wars has a problem...and no one is talking about it. Everyone is concerned with minor geek gripes...she's a Mary Sue...he talks too's ANH all over again... A lot of blah blah blah arguments that we all have. My personal geek gripe is the mishandling of the demise of the greatest hero in Star Wars lore...but that is for another discussion. The problem the franchise faces now is simply the overwhelming success of TFA...and the fact that it was intentionally written open ended WITH NO PLOT OVERLAY for the subsequent sequels??? And while I enjoyed TFA far more than I did play out like a two hour lead in to something bigger and better.
Being a very optimistic person and a person with a mind for business...I feel like there is an ocean of lemonade buried deep in the grove however . I do believe Rey's powers will be explained and most complaints towards TFA will be remedied as Disney has had ample time to gage audience reaction and integrate plausible solutions retroactively. Just seeing what I can only assume to be the journal of the Whills in both trailers gives me much solace in disneys approach to the upcoming films. I mean if the journals make an appearance it will be fan service that most fans didn't know existed...that's fucking HUGE! A real Star Wars mystery rooted in Lucas's original outline...genius!
I pretty much approach discussions on Star Wars the same way...I allow the canon to do the work and my imagination handles clean up...I'm not big on personal opinion...they get in the way. And although you have been quite engaging...many around here aren't! Many are trolls trying to get a rise out of fans. Unfortunately many use gender and race as a subtext...not to respectfully disagree...but to bully and insult...
(have to continue)
I can respectfully disagree as well as admit when I am wrong...but I cannot abide
A bully... I won't!
I started this thread...not as a fight for what a Mary/Marty Sue/Stu is...which in my opinion is a fucktarded title...not the person using just rolls off my tounge the wrong way. It was to declare WAR on nonsense. Anyone can post an inflammatory subject...very few can back it up in a proper debate environment. This thread goes along way towards proving that. and I have had spirited back and forth, where two people can exchange ideas...agree...disagree...concede ground and advance with civility...but most of my opponents have brought the Internet equivalent of I know you are but what am I, and stop hitting yourself...childish, insensitive playground I've drawn a line in the sand and have issued no quarter...and maybe made a friend in the process...STAR WARS is awsome!!!
Question: do you fight the Mary Sue label because its a female character?
Would you care as much if Rey was male and the complaints were the same?
Keep in mind a lot of people complained about Anakin, so its not about the gender for many people pointing out issues with Rey.
Really gotta hustle so I'm ginna keep it short...
If it wasn't a female would be a Marty Stu 😉
I'm fine with a male or female protagonist.
Yes...anakin has been more of a problem with the series than any other back to my opinion of course.
I honestly sat in the theater and said...this girl is turning out to be the anakin I always wanted...except older...and with a vagina.😄
Love to talk more...later!
Keep in mind a lot of people complained about Anakin
That is a good point to bring up, and it's worthwhile advice to anyone to compare Rey to Anakin and claim that they are both overpowered in similar ways.
Here's a 2004 discussion I easily found on the Anakin issue:
Of course, Anakin was also portrayed and written in a pretty irritating way, and started as a whiny kid, so there is a "general dissatisfaction" coming into play as well. I also note that a lot of the Rey-bashers dislike TFA, so that's another good "Rey vs. Anakin" comparison.
But neither argument is very good in context of the overall stylized fantasy of Star Wars. Characters with magical powers (powers that are already shown to enhance basic abilities) are intentionally unrealistic.
The real problem comes with the Mary Sue term itself. The use of Mary Sue by many Rey-bashers makes it VERY obvious that her gender is a central issue of contention.
A gender-noting term being happily employed is literal proof that her gender is a major issue.
"Would you care as much if Rey was male and the complaints were the same?"
I doubt it would be the case, but as for me, I would have the same response that magical abilities are intentionally unrealistic. However, if the character was male, there would be no use of "Marty Stu" because the gender wouldn't become an issue in the criticism of the character.
Complaints of a character being overpowered, that does happen... When the complaints are coupled with the character being female and her gender is highlighted in the complaints, the argument becomes far more exaggerated and emotional.
In the end, the core dilemma is a very natural one that sees no gender: People taking fantasy a little too seriously and a little too personally.
In the end, the core dilemma is a very natural one that sees no gender: People taking fantasy a little too seriously and a little too personally.
Well said ma'am!
Grabbing a lightsaber and defeating a fully trained sith lord without even breaking a sweat are not the same thing. It took Luke 2 whole movies to even come close to the level that it took about 10 minutes for Rey to reach. Rey is the very definition of a Mary Sue, she does everything perfectly, there is zero point to her character, she is the Legolas of the Star Wars franchise. Hopefully something really bad happens to her in Episode VIII but I doubt it, Disney is just playing it safe.
shareStopped reading after fully trained Sith Lord...Kylo was not fully trained...Snoke said so...we have no idea how much training he received...but we do know it wasn't complete. Considering you lied in your first sentence...think it's about time for the ignore list for The DishonestHippo...
shareOK honestly I only saw this movie once, I didn't really see the need to torture myself any further but it really doesn't make any difference. Rey held a lightsaber for the first time that very day, there is no way she should have ever stood a chance against a guy who had been trained to use one. Your pathetic fanboy defense of this piece of sh!t movie is getting pretty hilarious.
shareDon't forget that Kylo was offering to train her during their fight, NOT trying to defeat her. Plus he was badly injured, yadda yadda, it's a waste because you ignore all context.
Not to mention, no one complains about Finn holding his own against Kylo and even getting in a hit. No one! Finn can't even channel the Force.
Also, you have no idea if that was Rey's first time holding a lightsaber. Like every argument I hear from your "side," you guys pretend you already know her entire backstory after just one movie! It seems Rey doesn't even know her history.
Your entire argument is VERY premature, because you're just so eager to criticize Rey.
Oh I hate Finn just as much so throw that complaint in there. At least Finn was ultimately defeated and wasn't a Mary (or Marty) Sue. Um Rey didn't even know she had the force, you'd think she would at least remember being trained to use a lightsaber, that's the kind of thing one doesn't forget. As things stand now The Force Awakens is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I am giving The Last Jedi a chance but it is going to have to do something amazing and original to make up for the damage The Force Awakens has caused to the franchise.
shareBy the way in case you care you just admitted that The Force Awakens can't stand on its own.
shareFinn should not have gotten in any knocks either. It was even more ridiculous than Rey unless we find out he also has Jedi ancestry.
Even worse was the scene outside Maz's place where the stormtrooper threw away his blaster to even the fight against the lightsaber-wielding Finn. "Traitor!! Instead of shooting you, I'm going to toss aside my advantage until I am defeated!"
"Stopped reading after fully trained Sith Lord..."
Yeah, it would be easier to take these discussions seriously without the bashers CONSTANTLY exaggerating to their own benefit. I see it in almost every post. Then comes pulling away all context, simplifying things to make them sound more extreme, pretending that Rey's entire backstory is known, etc.
It's a bit stupid, too. Do they think people won't notice these disingenuous tactics???
What can I say...ditto...I love a good debate...don't even mind getting in the mud if need be...but to just lie or bring my shit all sloppy and unprepared??? Don't get me started!
shareDude you suck at debating, you haven't provided a single concrete reason why The Force Awakens is anything more than a complete embarrassment. Do yourself a favor and never join a debate team, your teammates will HATE you.
shareYou have been proven...with be a lying sack of shit...glad to see you're staying consistent!
shareI've asked you to defend your movie and you can't because you know it's horrible. It's OK though, people loved The Phantom Menace when it first came out, said it was the greatest Star Wars movie ever. You'll come around eventually.
shareIt took Luke 2 whole movies to even come close to the level that it took about 10 minutes for Rey to reach.
So are you saying Kylo is equivalent to Vader? Vader had as many or more years of experience, cumulatively as both a Jedi and as a Sith, than Kylo had years in his entire life.
All of Vader's experience as "one of the absolute best" still didn't keep him from losing to his son on the Death Star 2, his son who had NO lightsaber fight training because there were no other lightsaber users to train him!!! His son who had minimal Force training in the first place, literally just a few minutes blocking shots from a taser ball with Obi-Wan, and then perhaps at MOST a few days with Yoda.
But I know, Luke spent years on his own... Just "training" by himself, I guess. Swinging his lightsaber at trees, perhaps?
Of course it's also possible that Luke trained Rey when she was a kid and it's possible Luke is the one who hid her on Jakku, you don't know. No one knows yet.
No I didn't say that, I'm saying Kylo should be more advanced than someone who didn't even know they had the force until like 30 minutes ago. Kylo has had some training, Rey has none but she beat Kylo because it serves the PC agenda. Your argument falls apart when you realize that Rey would remember being trained by Luke.
shareNo i didn't say that...
Why should anyone believe you? You're a lie...
shareSomebody tried to tell me, seriously, that in 79, they and their uber fan friends were relieved at how Star Wars had ended where it ended, as it was in danger of encroaching on Luke inevitably (?) developing telekinetic powers, which would have made him overpowered. And the movie would have been less successful because of it.
So we're supposed to think that Star Wars was successful because they knew how to make a Star Wars or new Jedi's first movie the right way. Ad somehow the fans knew what the right way was before the movie was made and Lucas made his movie to meet exactly those correct expectations, and no more.
Looks like someone didn't watch ANH and how Obi-Wan was training Luke on board the Millennium Falcon.
shareGuess I don't consider less than two minutes of instruction on trusting instinct bad...
You saw 2 minutes or so but the voyage was longer or do you have to be spoon fed and think films are in real time? Wow just wow.
shareBut being told to use the force begins in that scene. Not before it. The dialogue makes that clear.
"This time, ..let go your conscious self, and go on instinct.." i.e. This time you will be using the force, instead of not using the force.
Luke is incredulous that this thing could work. He's opposed to even trying.
But he relents and voila! Instant success. He just took his first step. At that moment, Alderann comes up and the "training" stops.
EXCELLENT observation!!! The words..."and that is why you fail" has a whole new relevance to me... I also LOVE the fact that you worked the first steps thing In there...just like the end of Rey's vision....good stuff!
shareTone down the spicy rhetoric chief...we ain't there yet...
The scene is actually just over 4 minutes with Luke line of useful instruction...before being interrupted by Han Solo. Captain Solo interrupts so he can inform them that he just gave the slip to "those imperial slugs." As we had seen the corrilian encounter previously we can assume they were in the falcon for maybe 10-15 minutes tops.
The scene starts with Luke using his saber for the first time...and doing pretty well...deflecting
Any projectile with a bladed weapon is tricky...does that make him a Maty Stu? Unfortunately...another interruption...this time a disturbance in the force...time to get back to training right? WRONG! Dejarik is being played...back to training....Ouch! That laser blast much for Marty! Now Han is teasing Luke...time is literally burning up...did I mention we are in hyper that's fast...look he's got the helmet on...doing great kid! Oh no's...they blew up going home now...and the trip as well as training is over...
I guess most don't realize the fact that that scene...due to light speed practically in real time...the only segment not on film is the time spent preparing the falcon for hyper space travel...and the amount of time to set up a dejarik table...i was generous in giving you 15 minutes for that...and I did it all without a spoon...well at least for myself....
Yep, Luke was able to see and deflect laser blasts with literally no experience in the Force, and nothing more than someone urging him to do it with a few words.
That's got to be pretty advanced. I've never seen ANY other Jedi close their eyes and fight blind, relying on the Force alone for their sight.
Raided all world?
shareIt's not just pre-training, either.
Luke didn't know the Force Pull EXISTED! He had never seen it, never experienced it, didn't know it was possible, and there was no one around to tell him about it.
He may as well have invented the technique right then and there, only out of necessity.
The difference between that and Rey is that Rey could just copy what Kylo was doing, and also what he had done to her when he Force shoved her against the tree. She had examples right there in front of her.
Of course, one other argument made by the Rey-bashers is that Rey's development could NEVER exceed the development seen by a beloved male character, regardless of whether or not it actually happened.
But they focus on EVERYTHING she does, not just her Force powers, while ignoring all context.