MovieChat Forums > lordbishop34 > Replies
lordbishop34's Replies
I have struggled to get interested in Bollywood films/TV. I can watch films from almost anywhere, but so far I just cant get into them.
I think part of it is how much technology assists as we type. Except from a child I generally never see capitalization issues on names in handwritten items. However most people do not take the time for capitalization in text and such because a lot of available software corrects for that and we are normally typing quickly. If I type Robert in my cell phone it will automatically capitalize it and sometimes it will do it in Word and also depending on which browser you use in there as well.
Oddly enough it does not feel natural to capitalize in text message, on a full size keyboard I just use a finger to hit shift as you go, its not quite as natural on a small keyboard on a cell phone. Its not hard so much as its slows the flow.
in the US and a few other places we are getting kind of screwed because of the existence of CBS All Access.
I think encore should probably be based on crowd reaction, if the crowd is particularly excited sure why not pop out for just one more tune. But if its just a planned thing no I don't think they should do an encore. I don't usually have to worry since the wife and I hate have to squeeze out with a lot of people we generally leave before any such encore...generally around the time the band is trying out new material :)
It depends on the situation. People generally misspell my first name but mispronounce my last name. If its a situation where it might matter in the future how they say my last name, than I will probably correct it. But no if you have a name that people are not used to for some reason and they make a mistake I don't believe its unreasonable to let it slide. Its one of those things you should let go in a life where more serious things are probably going to come up that are real reasons to stress over.
Now for the person arguing about how your name is pronounced, that is rude.
If it was something where it matters, like a paper or article...I guess.
In posts online, text messages and other largely informal settings. No it makes no difference to me.
I know a lot of people enjoy the Nolan Batman films, I watched the first one, I have seen a lot of the second film and I have not watched the third. I believe the films are well made, but it never felt like Batman to me.
I think it is without question the best on screen depiction of Batman.
She is an actress I could never stand, even if everything else about the new Ghostbusters had been good, her casting alone ruined any excitement I could have had for the film. Now don't get me wrong I will watch a movie with her in it, it just I find her distinctly unfunny and if she needs to carry the film its a film that will fall flat for me.
You need to find the man with the right mustache, without the stache it won't work.
I like both. When it was just the original trilogy and Star Trek: TOS/Star Trek: TNG I probably was more of a Trek fan but I think that had mostly to do with new stories on a weekly basis compared to a finished trilogy and seemly never ending wait for the sequels for Star Wars. I also liked the books better until Zhan and his trilogy revitalized Star Wars for me.
I am not sure that is possible. He is John Wick. Its his portrayal of the character that is a key reason I enjoy the two films. Whether he should be appearing in things like Dangerous Liaisons, Dracula or Much Ado About Nothing is certainly debatable, but he is part of what makes John Wick work in these films.
I would be a little surprised if Thor made more than JL or it makes over a billion dollars, the previous two films combined just made a little over a billion. If it did make as much as JL that would be embarrassing for DC by itself.
I would think JL with the boost from WW makes about what BvS did and Thor will probably fall between what the last film made and Spider-Man: Homecoming.
You could never get rid of all evil, and there will always be victims of something especially if a person is looking to be a victim. However if you were to get rid of all evil and all conflict, I think the world would suck to live in. We as a species would stagnate and slowly die due to lack of interest in living.
That's disappointing I was looking forward to that.
hmmm I always avoid the goober jars just because of that image...I know it all comes together in the end but this has always seemed disgusting to me. Peanut butter and jelly (strawberry jelly) should only meet when the bread is pressed together...never before.
Unfortunately this is considered acceptable by many people. I don't mind social issues making it on TV, but its rarely balanced takes and at its worst it takes you out of the show you are watching with social issues shoehorned into the narrative, like with Dr Who recently. Since entertainment industry is mostly left leaning the messaging leans that way.
I mean when it comes to putting it on screen, sometimes you have to adjust what is on paper for the screen. I say spotty as opposed to completely awful because his on screen work is inconsistent. He has had some good stuff and some bad stuff. I think its a fair criticism. Being nominated for a single writing Oscar in 1974 does not make all your work flawless. And to keep it in perspective, he has won a Razzie and been nominated a total of three times for worst screenplay. He has other nominations and awards but that doesn't change anything. His onscreen output as Director/Screenplay writer is limited, so the criticism can be made.
Each Whispering Corridors film is its own story, all set in girl schools. I had to use a combination of Netflix DVD, Asian Crush streaming service, and to watch the final one I will have to rent it on the Playstation. I enjoyed the first and third the most, but I think they are all solid movies.
I do, its not been great for awhile.
Every ensemble has your A list and B list cast. These cast members along with the writing of the show is what drives the audience to tune in. This show has no A list members left. Gideon at first, Hotch and Morgan over the rest of the time were a huge part of what made Criminal Minds successful. Don't get me wrong Reid and Garcia are great, but they are great supporting character. They shined best with the characters that are no longer on the show. Like the McGee situation on NCIS without DiNozzo. Luke is a fine character but for the longest time his interaction with Garcia felt very forced. Simmons is a solid addition but he comes from a failed show. JJ and Prentiss have always been solid additional cast members but nothing else. Prentiss just doesn't work for me as section head, she doesn't help carry the show. Rossi replaced Gideon, but not as a lead he has always been supporting mentor character. I am not sure why Tara is in the cast, she is just kind of there most of the time.
Its stories have largely been so-so for awhile, the cast isn't very strong now, the scratch thing was stretched way to far, and ratings are dropping. I think if you really respect the show the writing has been on the wall for awhile now and it should just be cancelled.