lordbishop34's Replies

Best: Darth Vader Worst: Finn TLJ is a middle part of a trilogy its connection to the overall story is an issue lol I am going to move on as I am starting to think you are not being serious here. lol I know..kind of what I meant Also the seen featuring the helicopter chasing dog at the end of The Thing (2011) is the same helicopter that we see in The Thing (1982) when the dog makes it to U.S. Outpost 31. Well I didn't want to write forever, so I decided to focus my criticism on TLJ since I think that film is primarily at fault for the negative Star Wars reaction we are seeing today, even though TFA has it share of the blame and certainly can be picked apart as well. The world introduced in TFA has the same kind of this doesn't feel right that Luke's character has in TLJ. no it was a prequel, it leads into the beginning of the older film TFA is a remake, with a boring hero and rehash story. TLJ connects poorly with any of the rest of SW including TFA, brings a boring space chase, terrible humor, silly tension between a foolish Admiral and her best Pilot, an awful side quest to the casino planet, keeps Finn as a worthless character, adds the terrible Rose character. It leaves the series without a legit villain, wastes Luke's appearance, does nothing to improve the Rey character, Ren is still a weak character, and this is just a few things wrong with the movie. The films are not beginning middle and end...They are beginning and middle, unfortunately RJ left little to be excited about for the end. R1 flows pretty well into A New Hope, its not without its flaws but its unquestionably better than TLJ and I think more entertaining with mostly better characters than TFA.I have not seen Solo yet but as has been said its not Solo's overall quality that mattered, it has been looking bleak since the films directors were fired and TLJ came out the fact it bombed so badly upon release can not be completely disconnected from TLJ. There were other factors, but TLJ was definitely one of them. why? it worked for The Thing..... I have not seen this show but I have found as I age that the longer seasons are a bit of a detriment, especially if a show functions with a season long arc. I recently completed Iron Fist and Luke Cage and I believe both would have benefited with cutting a few episodes off and they were already only 13 ep seasons. We will see, Part 9 has not been released yet. Given the dramatic reaction to Solo, and I am a bit surprised they reacted this strongly to its poor performance, I imagine Part 9 also not doing as expected will have an effect on these other trilogies. Here is the problem though, R1 was a very good movie, much better than its concept should have allowed and achieved over a billion because of it. It stand as probably the best of the new Star Wars films. TLJ fell millions short of expectations and is very much hated by a large portion of the audience (regardless of being a Star Wars fan or not) before Solo was released. Solo had a very bad opening weekend, meaning WOM did not have an effect yet and technically many that have seen it say its a pretty decent movie, better than TLJ but just as unnecessary if not more so than R1. SO R1 very good, TFA OK (Rose tinted glasses have come off for more people over time, TLJ didn't help,) Solo not bad, TLJ bad. I guess Disney has noticed there is a problem finally. At least they may recognize it goes beyond a few upset “man babies” like some have tried to spin it. I wonder if Part 9 underperforms, makes less than TLJ or even worse less than R1, whether those other trilogies be put on hold as well. At this point, any kind of site update would be welcome. Or at least an indication something is in the works. Hmm a little right wing focused tunnel vision bias here.. You missed Alex Jones. As for Critic and Red Letter Media, they do what they do primarily for humor. Particularly the NC who is supposed to nit pick silly things from films, its what the character does. Well from your perspective..it kind of does..because you only see the world around you from your perspective. Agreed, and has far superior rewatchability (I am assuming we are not talking about the remake) ;) I would say Rocky 1 and 2 together is the complete uplifting story. They live hard lives, the films do not hide this. It was a guy trying to make something of himself and then finally achieving it. IT was a grittier story making his achievement at least to me even more rewarding. I guess Insidious: The Last Key (2018) would be the best for that time period 6/10. Its another prequel to the first two Insidious films that centers around Elise's character and including a look into her past and an evil she brings into the world. The film is as good as the third one and is entertaining enough. Its biggest flaw is the same as the third. Elise is a good supporting character, but makes kind of a bland lead character. It could be the actress or the character but large doses of Elise just doesn't work as well as she did as a supporting character in the first two films. The story resolves well and the ending seems to indicate it may be the last of the Insidious films. I don't think it would have made a difference. Its not the stars, its the lazy concept and film not being all that great to begin with (based on user and critic review) continuing a franchise whose last film's performance said it was time to end it. It’s lame attempt of trying to validate its underwhelming performance and blame something other than themselves. It can’t be because the movie isn’t great it has to because of the white male critics that decided this is the film they will be sexist about.. rather than all the evidence to the contrary which unfortunately some people will not go look and see how stupid this is. If you have to be a certain gender or race to enjoy your film, your film has failed. Very true, and this is unadjusted numbers you are comparing too. If you go to the comparison screen on BOM you can see how poorly it is performing compared to the others when you set it to 2018.