The cesspool of You Tube.
Paul Joseph Watson: [insert celebrity who doesn't like Trump] is a Complete Idiot. "Imagine my shock."
Mark Dice: "Liberal lunatics" "So and so has gone full libtard."
Sandman: "Hello everyone Sandman here. This video is brought to you from a donation from some loser who has nothing better to do. Today I will talk about how women have ruined the world and how the best thing to do is avoid them at all costs. I speak in a robotic monotone to sound intellectual. If you disagree with me I will call you a blue pill mangina simp to shame you for not blindly hating all women because I say so.
Sv3rige: "Veganism is a unnatural diet promoted by the Illuminati. The best food is raw, preferably rotten meat. High cholesterol is good. Bacteria are actually healthy. Drinking water is bad. The earth is flat. And sungazing will heal your eyes as oppose to damage them."
Eric Dubay: "Dinosaurs never existed, the Earth is flat, the Holocaust never happened and neither did the moon landings. Also go vegan and stop eating your friends."
Irritated Genie: "Homosexuality is the gateway to pedophilia. It is promoted by the white Jews to effeminize black men."
Nostalgia Critic: " Helloooo I'm the Nostalgia critic. I nit pick film and tear them apart so all you bums at home don't have to feel bad for never making one."
Red Letter Media: " The Star Wars Sequels are the biggest disappointment since the Star Wars Prequels. Lets keep watching them."