MovieChat Forums > IMDBrefugee > Replies
IMDBrefugee's Replies
Sure. Especially when it is cold out. Some people I know are real tea snobs too I had a client that would go on about oolong, Rooibos, fig tea and so on. I'm not too picky.
I notice that about a lot of posters across this site. I go on many forums and this one seems like a venting station more than most.
Have you suggested they try Pandora or Spotify? How about asking them to lower it?
Congrats. It's amazing how everyone has such high post counts 0_0
No. Coming from someone who watches Esports and competitive gaming, it shouldn't be olympic level. Mainly I don't think there would be enough representation from each country. I think the representation through tournaments throughout a year is good enough. I also think it would be too much of a hassle to regulate cheating whereas it's easier for physical sports.
I'm not sure he's as committed to big movie roles. He does his own podcastings and has a show with the WWE network. He seems content with that.
Sure, I've never been to Grenada 😄
An hour at least but there are several beaches on Jersey Shore. They're all alright and draw a varied crowd. You must pay to get on them which is a drawback.
Tool - Flood
I've got ads for St. George's school of medicine, Square and Oreos
He doesn't have much 'grit'. Instances like this for example
Too many instances where avoids 'getting dirty' or 'rough'
I love Monopoly and scrabble. I called dubs on the guy riding horse piece all the time.
Just finished watching the True Crime Daily report on him:
If anyone's interested
No arguement here on this. I thing T3 is underappreciated and there are a few things I really like about it.
It's a good question. I'd much rather it the show be short really strong then go for several seasons with a lot of hit and miss or worse.
Agreed. They took some liberties with some mixed results but yes it would have to be really well written
The way Splinter is portrayed in this movie is great
I'd Rather have spicy Doritos
I'm going to give it to Oren as well. She likely regularly practiced where as Elle though very skilled also didn't seem like she'd spend time honing her skills. Though her fight vs. Bea was in a confined area I'm sure the result would still be the same.
Yes. It's years since I've actually watched this, but you're right. I think he is simply saying that because he is well known and people likely know where he lives, not to spy on him jokingly.