MovieChat Forums > IMDBrefugee > Replies
IMDBrefugee's Replies
Totally agree. Very well said. I loved this interpretation of Peter Pan and Hook. I love the Musical score and movie poster. Nice cast from Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams to Julia Roberts and Bob Hoskins. I know there are a lot of criticisms of the film but there is a reason this movie is on the "Low RT score, but is actually really good list". A Childhood favorite that still holds up.
Overall he was 'alright'. No guy is gonna be %100 with the new guy with you ex, especially if you didn't want to break it off in the first place AND they are potentially seeing your kids more than you are.
The feelings were mutual - Stu called Daniel a loser behind his back and just came off as that arrogant, not likeable kinda guy, but he wasn't 'bad'. He was alright toward Miranda, the kids and even Mrs. Doubtfire.
I never thought about this comparison and it's a good one. I like both but since you mention it I think I do prefer this slightly because Rick Moranis and I definitely had a crush on Amy O'neill. Nice comparison 👍
Oh my 😅
Totally agree!
I think that was the point. She was a good addition to the new series.
Yeah I remember young me saying "whoa that dude ... is dead" at the crescendo of an episode. If I recall though some villains despite the deaths would still come back in subsequent episodes.
What also was interesting is this was before Adult swim got big so this was regular ol' Cartoon Network.
I think they're fine for the reasons you mentioned. I think what makes them good are the relatively good faithfulness to their source material much like Scorsese and Coppola's works.
The shelling out of money, that is a long going issue for theaters. I hardly see movies in theater nor do people I know. This is pretty evident for other too as Cinemas have been taking hits for some time. Going to Netflix or otherwise is what many creators seem to be doing.
In other ways perhaps, but D Fens was off kilter because of his wife and daughter. I think everything else, especially it standing in the way of him trying to get to them lit the fuse.
Wow that's right! my mistake, thanks.
Classic scene. Tim Matheson (who looks remarkably like Rob Low) is awesome in this.
Terrible picture of her, she looks stoned.
This post is spot on in a lot of ways. Top posters opinions are worth a lot even if it isn't necessarily the most helpful or funny. Some reddits yes are a big circle jerk and if you aren't in on it, you might as well turn around and back out. You can certainly find a lot but if you're seeking a discussion, you might not get it there.
It's got it's uses. I use it more to find out things out and ask questions about something that maybe a bit outdated or niche. Seeking conversations are hit and miss as many of the reddits seem to be territorial and weary of new posters until you get some notoriety, though that can be the case for many forums.
It's like pizza bagels - in the morning, in the evening and for suppertime.
Yeah it's bad. To be fair Super Mario Bros. is pretty hard to come up with a story about when the game has you stomping other creatures and use mushrooms grow bigger etc. So for what it is, it's alright. There are lots of easter eggs related to the game and it's got some funny parts. Is it the worst movie? Nah. Worst video game movie? One of them. Bad movie yeah, but it's entertaining.
Iced tea, because it's supposed to be cold. Ice tea is like a knock off version of Ice-T.
My friend named his kid Cameron. I've never met anyone named Ferris or Sloane.
Yes, when I was in school any more than 3-5 times without a doctors note or a kid a pre existing medical condition it raised some flags. It is silly that the principal would go through such lengths to prove it is unexcused but that's what makes it funny.
As far as passing exams. He's very confident and never seems to really worry so I guess he'd figure it out.
Agreed. I'd hope similar site would pop up, like this did for IMDb