This show was pretty violent

I think this show was ahead of its time in terms of violence. The villain would usually get killed in the end which was surprising for a kids show. The Okeechobee Viking episode was pretty brutal if I remember correctly.


Heck, even the good guys met some pretty gruesome ends- how about the two scientists in More Than Zero?

Letters- easier to open than pistachios. And what's inside is more delicious.


I read the series of novels which accompanied the series and they were even MORE violent, surprisingly so. One book gave gruesome details of ol' Jeremiah Surd torturing a wide-awake Dr. Quest (he was trying to slice open Benton's forehead to extract his brain and drew blood), plus the book featured a graphic scene in which Surd forced Jonny and Hadji to strip in front of him...?! I was really shocked that the publisher let that get by.



I never remembered the show being so violent until I watched the first three episodes today for the first time in years. Looking back, I think the violence (and the way they handled it) was part of the reason I may have liked the show. Each week seemed like I was watching a mini-movie. And compared to the kid-gloves that most of our teenage shows are treated with now, I can see why this developed such a huge following with adults...

If the sun is P, and gravity is H, it makes a Phhhhhh...



I remember An episode about a Posessed house. It was the scariest episode ever it game me nightmares for weeks. Formerly Parawhore


I thought the same thing...even as a kid. Some of the deaths are actually upsetting, even if they were a villain. Thankfully there were some episodes that weren't as bad. But some were just plain depressing.


Top 10 Brutal Cartoon Deaths | The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest

There was a time when Saturday morning cartoons didn't shy away from depicting death, or dead bodies. When I reminisce about my innocent childhood days and all the television I watched, one show stands out as the most gruesome - The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest. To prove my point, here's what I consider to be the top ten most horrifying death scenes from The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest. Because everyone likes a fun ranking video.

0:00 Introduction
2:17 Number 10
3:47 Number 9
5:41 Number 8
7:21 Number 7
8:46 Number 6
10:05 Number 5
12:17 Number 4
14:28 Number 3
16:25 Number 2
18:05 Number 1
20:59 Finish


Yeah I remember young me saying "whoa that dude ... is dead" at the crescendo of an episode. If I recall though some villains despite the deaths would still come back in subsequent episodes.

What also was interesting is this was before Adult swim got big so this was regular ol' Cartoon Network.
