MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your experience with Reddit?

What's your experience with Reddit?

After I left IMDb2, I was looking for new places to talk about things; hopefully mostly movies and TV. I came here and also created a Reddit account the same day. Reddit is more active than this place, but I was surprisingly disappointed in that place. I didn't like the organization, there's too many rules for each group - I had things deleted or immediately booted for not putting a spoiler tag on something and asking how each group works - and frankly, the conversations just weren't that good.


When a friend of mine first put me onto Reddit, I was hooked. It was a community of communities after all. After a while I started to see its many flaws, which ultimately turned me off from being a daily visitor. For one, the voting factor plays a major part in how conversations are swayed. Say something opposite of the majority and you're downvoted to hell. It could be a completely innocent opinion but if you're not apart of the circle jerk you might as well leave. Another major thing I can't stand is that although it has a lot of dedicated communities, most of them are really just streams of fan art and cosplay. I like engaging in thought provoking conversations instead of seeing somebody's sketch drawings. Unless it's a popular franchise, most movies have one big mega-thread where things get lost in translation with all the nested posts and such. IMO this is the go-to for actual movie/tv conversations. With all that being said, it could improve in some areas but does enough to get the job done.


"Another major thing I can't stand is that although it has a lot of dedicated communities, most of them are really just streams of fan art and cosplay. I like engaging in thought provoking conversations instead of seeing somebody's sketch drawings. "

My man, I thought it was just me, LOL! I joined a Star Wars group and there was so much artwork that I innocent asked, "Did I join the right group? I'm looking for conversations." They deleted my comment and warned me!!!

"IMO this is the go-to for actual movie/tv conversations. With all that being said, it could improve in some areas but does enough to get the job done."

My only complaint about this place is I wish there was more traffic. Like you, I LOVE talking about a movie or TV show I like. I love getting involved in engrossing conversations. IMDB was that for a long time. I remember the old days, GOd it was awesome. That place was mobbed after an episode of LOST, BSH, or some other popular show.

IMDB2 was a decent replacement for a while, but that place is fucking weird. The people in control ignore trolls - who derail real conversations - and get mad when you call them on it. It became what IMDB was in later years: A troll haven.


Yeah I wonder all the time how this place could possibly get more people to join. I will say that it's definitely not lacking for discussion overall. There's lots of new topics and replies created hourly, which is a good sign. Going down nostalgia lane with IMDB with you as well. I remember how the site would crash during popular TV show finales. Good times. I think the one thing IMDB has the this place doesn't is the content outside of just forums. They're the de facto for movie data so in turn it places them higher in search listings and garners hella traffic from that alone. Also the fact that it's been around forever so it's gonna have that leg up. I'd give this place some time. It's definitely a website in an age where forums are now niche but as you see with reddit there's a large audience for them.


I also just checked the stats for IMDB2. According to the Alexa it's ranked ~14K in the US while this site is ~110K. How is that even possible!?!? IMDB2 is just a vanilla forum while MovieChat has a board for literally everything!


This post is spot on in a lot of ways. Top posters opinions are worth a lot even if it isn't necessarily the most helpful or funny. Some reddits yes are a big circle jerk and if you aren't in on it, you might as well turn around and back out. You can certainly find a lot but if you're seeking a discussion, you might not get it there.


The smaller the community, the better. Conversations are more intimate. For instance, I frequent the Monk and Burn Notice boards there. You can get really good conversations in them but the downside is the fact that they're so small. In turn, threads aren't created that frequently, which could be a good thing...?



Lurk...occasionally,...mad men discussion...


It's got it's uses. I use it more to find out things out and ask questions about something that maybe a bit outdated or niche. Seeking conversations are hit and miss as many of the reddits seem to be territorial and weary of new posters until you get some notoriety, though that can be the case for many forums.


Definitely. Though I have a pretty decent amount of karma and still get shitted on for the slightest disagreement.


"I use it more to find out things out and ask questions about something that maybe a bit outdated or niche."

I've had the exact opposite experience. Every question that I've asked or conversation that I tried to start was either ignored or told that it didn't fit the parameters of that particular group. Normal shit too. About the show or movie I was trying to talk about.


i'm not a regular there at all, but i've found it pretty useful on occasions when i needed quick answers to certain questions.

for eg, last year i got into a bit of a twitter spat with some economic protectionists, and i used the economics subreddit to verify some of the slightly technical things i was arguing before i posted them.


I had a similar experience on there. It's like each group has a clique and if you don't parrot the general group think you will get downvoted to hell. No big deal overall of course but if you are seeking chat than it doesn't make for a friendly environment.

After IMDB closed I tried IMDBv2 but that place seems to be run by trolls for trolls. This site appealed to me because they imported the IMDB chats from the films and tv shows which is fun nostalgia but the site is also pretty basic and not that much traffic but then forums in general tend to be pretty quiet now.


I am similar, I love to talk about tv and movies, and have been missing having a place to do that. I have lurked on Reddit a bit, for various tv shows, but I haven't posted there because of all the problems that people mentioned below. Years ago, televisionwithoutpity was a great place to talk about tv (and some of the staff would do reviews of the episodes of popular tv shows), but it was shut down, supposedly because it wasn't profitable to run. I think the message boards there may be archived and still available to view but you cannot post new messages and I haven't tried to access the archived boards in years. I enjoyed televisionwithoutpity but, in hindsight, I think their commentary (and their message board activity) on tv shows tended to drive cricitism in a very nitpicky direction that wasn't really helpful. Maybe that is why the owners decided not to keep it going.

Recently I have been reading about how tv shows and movies are written, for fun (I have had some extra time during the quarantines), and it has been really interesting. That is why I set up an account here, so I could participate more in-depth discussions of the shows I like.


I agree with everything you said, but I guess you can use both. Copy and paste.
