IMDBrefugee's Replies

Internet anonymity This seems to be the way to go. For better or worse. Dunno if Threads get locked around here, but I can see it happening with this one. Wow 👌 There a number of reasons, covered in the topic. I'll add that he might've been testing the weapon and also put simply, that it's a Terminator. Differents strokes for different folks. Maybe The Transformers series is more his speed with extended explosions cuts. Yeah he ain't the first or the last. His talent and legacy is the focus but his personal life was questionable yes. Reactionary to the situation or to distract him maybe. It wouldn't have mattered. Harv or anyone else probably wouldn't believe him. Funniest? Dunno. She is funny in a lot of the movies she in though. The 'Scary Movies' come to mind. Depends. If it's something simple like coffee just pay it. If it's something more Lady can chip in. I liked Jefferson more. He seemed to play the buddy role that would come in many shows after, really well. Steve was ok, but the dry humor didn't work for me as well. Liberty Liberty Liberty....Liberty! Going the route of IMDb? Yeah I'm confused about this. I get that he's obviously going to be seen in old film/doc. footage, but why have a dedicated movie page for him on a movie site AND be one of the most popular? It's odd to me. I too was surprised. It reminded somewhat of Carrie too. The most delightful pleasures cloy without variety. put on your gloves and start swinging. It's a significant year of age in some countries/cultures as mentioned. Yes I like it. Just because it's gone down hill doesn't negate the entire series. 😄 She's not ugly, she just isn't all that to me, except in The Mask. Smokin'!