Atarimaster's Replies

Oh yeah, you’re right! I totally forgot that in GoT world, pregnancy at 15 isn’t unusual. In my opinion, there _is_ another explanation: The Night Kind just didn’t care to speed up the process of the lake freezing over. Why should he? Obviously, he’s been in no hurry at all so far. They don’t need to eat, drink, sleep or take a leak, they’re in no hurry to reach the wall… so why not simply wait? However, I like the greensight theory much better. It’s much more plausible than the NK saying: »How cool is that? We stand here waiting because we don’t have anything else to do, but then they deliver us the ultimate weapon! What luck we didn’t attack earlier!« Moreover, it explains why the WW brought along all those chains: Because the NK knew that they’re going to need them. He might even have known it last time they were active (I think they said it was a thousand year ago or something?) so they collected the chains somewhere back then, which again explains why the had a bunch of very massive chains at all. A well-earned hit on the Ignore button coming up in 3 … 2 … 1 Yes! I still can’t believe that they added that line for nothing. So I hope Arya’s final scene will be somthing like this, somebody asks her: »What are you going to do?«, she smiles and replies: »Finding out what’s west of Westeros« and turns around to to board a ship. Well, maybe without a smile in case she’s the last living Stark and feels that there’s nothing left in Westeros that makes here want to stay. Oh, I didn’t even know that they changed the actor. But indeed, I felt that the NK just doesn’t seem as terrifying as he did before. I should have guessed that they recasted the role, but somehow I didn’t think of that. So my answer is obvious: I preferred Richard Brake. »Still not really sure how an arm-thrown ice spear was able to penetrate Viserion's armored layer so easily....« Oh well, _that’s_ easy. Of course, there was magic involved. Even IF a »normal« spear had penetrated Viserion's shells, there’s no way it had killed him instantly. Remember that Drogon took that arrow from Qyburn’s weapon and obviously, that wasn’t very much more than a scratch to him. I can’t remember whether this has been mentioned in the books or not. But in the show, there were various situations which can only be explained by a mental connection. The most notable one was when Dany attacked the slavers' fleet in Meereen (S06E09): She sits on Drogons back, passing the pyramid, looks down to the dungeon where she locked up Rhaegal and Viserion – and at that very moment, they break free. Well, I don’t know. But I do know that after a thousand years in the cold north without the Internet, a TV set including BDs of all movies and shows ever made, books or at least some decent drinks… … I’d be in the mood to obliterate all mankind, too. Well, with both of them not talking, there’d never be a single marital dispute. Not too bad. »its been cold up there for at least 5 years« It’s of interest to them how cold it is _south_ of the wall, because that’s the land they want to conquer. »and who says they can't survive when its warmer?« Nobody talked about survival. But obviously, they are strongest when the winter is really hard. »who cares about the 3 eyed raven« The White Walkers cared enough to pay him a visit and kill him. We don’t know _why_ that was important to them, but that it _was_ important to them has been proven sufficiently by the fact that they did it. It’s just like Benjobuff said above: Binge watching often makes you miss the details. And it seems to me that you really did miss some details. No offence meant, just an observation. »I think Dany sees him more as a wise uncle or something than an actual potential partner.« I agree. I mean, he _is_ old enough to be her father… Could you please copy that and post it every time when somebody asks why the White Walkers needed so some time to reach the Wall? ;-) :-D You’re right, he did not [i]want[/i] to play it. But he joined it when he became Robert’s Hand. (added later:) … and when he changed the words of Robert’s last will – Robert said: "until my son Joffrey comes of age" and Ned wrote: "until my rightful heir comes of age" – he took an active role in the game of thrones. So yes, he played it. And he lost. »The Maesters are arrogant assholes« I think you’re right. Let me rephrase: [i]The Maesters might be arrogant assholes but I don’t think they’re cruel.[/i] Sam probably pointed out that they’ve got no place to go – and we know that Sam can get quite dramatic in an argument –, so they sighed and grumbled: »Okay, as long as they don't … [what you said]« Oh, and btw… I just LOVED the scene when Gilly stumbled across an information that might have, when furtherly investigated, even revealed Jon Snow’s true ancestry, but Sam was too agitated to even hear what she said… 5. Yes, I wish Margaery had survived, too. 13. »A mystery to everyone.« – Not to me. ;-) As I’ve pointed out weeks ago, I think that Stannis just couldn’t care less about Dragonstone. The way he has been portrayed, I think that it’s abolutely within character that a castle means sh*t to him. 14. Agreed, too. 15. Could be. On the other hand, the Maesters might be arrogant but I don’t think they’re assholes (well, except for that »receptionist« maybe) so I don’t think they’d send a mother with a small child out on the streets. 16. »Distances and time are wonky« – Yes, they are. However, I still don’t believe that the fact that the WW didn’t attack for years has anything to do with distances. If the WW were in a hurry, they would’ve attacked YEARS ago. Do you remember when the first WW was seen? – In S01E01. And since he was seen by men of the Night’s Watch he can’t have been very far away from the wall. Clearly, they have been waiting for something, most likely for winter to arrive and grow harder. They haven’t attacked yet because the time wasn’t right, NOT because they needed all that time to walk from Hardhome to Eastwatch-by-the-sea. Very good points indeed, thank you! However, I’m not sure if I can fully agree with this one: »Why did the NK take out Viserion rather than Drogon first? Simple answer would be a judgement call. He had a clearer shot at Viserion's heart« First off, I don’t know much about dragon anatomy ;-) so I don’t know where their heart is, but the spear hit the area of Viserion's neck: The thing is, it seems to me that the DID have a clear shot at Drogon's neck, too (it can be seen right below the NK's left armpit here): Of course, Drogon could’ve moved his head any second, thus moving his neck out of the range. But it seemed to me (of course, it’s quite possible that I’m wrong here) that it doesn’t even matter that much WHERE the spear hits. Just like it a poisoned arrow will kill you even if it hits you in your leg, these spears kill by magic more than by the actual wound. Again, that’s speculation only. »and if he had wounded Drogon, Viserion was headed directly over his path and may have taken him out with Dragon breath.« That does make sense: He thought of the repercussions if he’d missed at this first shot. If he had missed Viserion, probably nobody would’ve even noticed that he threw the spear at all. After all, they were quite occupied at that moment, so he would’ve get a second chance. If he had missed Drogon, they would’ve seen the spear that’s passing by. So in the end, I guess I can agree that this point is plausible enough, too. :-) Samwell Tarly becomes the new Warden of the South. Podrick Payn becomes Westeros’ equivalent to Casanova. The White Walkers are beaten because Hot Pie develops a recipe for a pie that the WWs find irresistible to eat but has little shards of dragon glass baked into it. Well, I just downloaded subtitle files for episodes 1 to 6 of Season 1 and searched them for "dany" (and "dani" as well, just to be sure), and the scene of Viserys’ death was the only result. Of course, I can’t be 100% certain for the moment, because a simple typo in those files (e.g. scrambled letters like "Dayn") or the transcription of a stretched vowel ("Daaaaaaany") won’t be found. But I don’t want to read the full files now just to find this out… ;-)